
The horror of the shock made the entire residents of New York aware of it, and everyone’s hearts jumped, and the screams and panic made New York completely chaotic.

I saw that the original Manhattan Forest Square did not know when a huge sinkhole appeared.

Countless undead and demons in the sinkhole emitting a thick black ominous aura kept pouring out like a tidal wave, and Yue Yue, greedily roaring in all directions.

“Hahaha, a lot of souls ~~”

“It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful, it’s a lot of blood food.”

“My dear food, here I come.”

In just a few minutes, New York was in complete chaos, and countless people were swallowed up and torn apart by these terrible and vicious undead and demons.

The whole city has almost become hell.

The apocalyptic scene is on full display in New York.



“Even buy karma… Help, a lot of devils, it’s terrible. ”

“Whoops, a lot of people have died, who can come to our rescue?”

“It’s over, it’s all over, we’re all going to die here…”

Screaming, madness, chaos, and roaring together in New York to compose a dark tune.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Bullets and cannons resounded across the sky, but for these evil undead and demons, human weapons, it seems to have no effect at all!!

Despair pervaded almost all over New York.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the New York Seaview Villa, plasma beam cannons erupt from all corners of the villa, constantly destroying the undead.

At the same time, a red figure accompanied by the muffled sound of the injector rushed straight into the sky towards the New York City area.

“Jarvis, how’s it going!!”

“Sir, I don’t mind you going to the city, according to calculations, there are probably tens of millions of undead and demons gathering, and it is increasing by one thousand and fifty per second, and although Mark 2 is equipped with the latest development of light weapons for strange things, but the number is too much, and the data analysis is too small, the probability of your survival is not high.”

“Jarvis, my stinky dad used to say enough, everything has to wait to be done.”

“Well, sir, has been positioned to Miss Pepper, and she is blocked on Thirteenth Street in Queen’s Quarter.”

“How did she end up?”

“According to the itinerary, Miss Pepper was in chaos on the way home, and in addition, Miss Pepper’s situation was very bad.”

“All the energy is concentrated in the thrusters, and the acceleration is at full speed.”

“Okay sir.”


The terrifying sonic boom and the air wave repelled, the red armor raced beyond the speed of sound towards the New York City area, and even the floating undead in the sky were wiped out.

Queen’s Road 13th Block.

Countless vehicles filled the streets, blood and corpses spread all over the streets, and the terrible undead frantically searched for delicious souls and flesh.

Maybe I found that those terrible guys had a slight fear of the church.

Countless people crowded in the church, and Pepper was one of them.

Listening to the screams and terrible roars outside the church, people even began to cry out in pain, how could they not have imagined that the situation was good, but did not expect that disaster would actually come to New York.

Many of them witnessed their friends, loved ones being torn apart and devoured alive by those horribly cruel fellows.

It’s a massacre.

Especially for Pepper, this is simply a strong shock, thanks to her being a strong woman, otherwise, she would probably collapse.

She could only pray, pray that the disaster would disappear as soon as possible, and also pray that Tony’s narcissistic boss would be all right.


“A lot of food, you can pack a meal.”

As they pondered, only violent vibrations and roars were heard, and the ceiling of the church was violently lifted by a matchless force, and everyone looked up with fear and sluggishness.

With a terrible roar, a vicious demon tens of meters tall looked down at the group of weak humans in the church with its terrible huge pupils, and the blood basin was still flowing with saliva in its mouth.

“It’s over…

“Whoops, who’s going to save us?”


“Daddy, I’m so scared.”

Stared at by those terrible huge eyes full of greed and evil, everyone seemed to be caught in the middle of winter, unable to move in fear, and could only watch the huge demonic claws grab at themselves, crying weakly.

Even Pepper was in despair.

Did he really die here?


Not far away, in the red armor, Tony Stark’s teeth cracked and he roared, “Pepper… NO。。。 ”

However, he was already too late.

When everyone was in despair and thought that death was certain, a brilliant green light burst out of the sky, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar.

“Damn it, give me the !!!”


With a terrible roar, the huge demon seemed to be bombarded by a powerful force, flying backwards into the distance like a cannonball, and some of the undead along the way were killed alive.

At the same time, an emerald green light fell from the sky and slammed into the front of everyone, setting off smoke and dust in the sky.


With a fierce wind, everyone looked with their arms raised and looked open, and saw a teenager in ancient emerald green armor standing in front of everyone.

Only to see the teenager turn his head and look over, with a smile on his face and said to the sluggish Pepper: “Hey, Pepper!! ”


Pepper looked at the teenager in a daze, a look of disbelief on his face.

(Thanks to the support of the big guys, the time difference was really not transferred back, I threw up !!!! )

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