Carol drew a smile on the corner of his mouth, single-handedly destroying the Cree Empire Fleet, this strength should not be weak.


Thinking of this, Carol did not hesitate to take a sip of the wine in her glass.

The wine money slapped on the table and turned away.

“It seems like something interesting is going to happen.” The bar owner looked at the woman’s departing back and smiled.

He knew this woman quite well, and as long as it was about the Kree Empire and even Ronan, she would definitely mix it up.

Even if you can’t personally kill it, I hope that guy won’t be so unlucky.

The southwest frontier of the Milky Way.

The vast darkness, the precipitation of endless history, the stars in the sky, the emergence of a strange temple.

Like the edges and corners of history, the temple buildings stand in the void.

Quaint, sacred, noble.

But there is a hint of abyss in it.

Tens of thousands of square meters of place, very strong ancient Greek style style.

Every rock, flowers and trees, lakes and waterfalls combine very compact and perfect.

Like a miniature version of an ancient city, in the middle of the town stands a tall palace, angular, and the top layer is depicted with mysterious and ancient patterns.

This is the Cancer Palace in the Zodiac of the Milky Way.

In the golden and splendid Cancer Palace, Godan Weipan, dressed in a golden holy robe, sat on the ground, as if he was feeling the stars.

Outside the palace, hundreds of Saint Fighters who had awakened to the small universe were working hard and sweating, some were practicing enlightenment, and some were fighting each other.

In this atmosphere, I don’t know how long it lasted.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of Godan Wei opened his eyes violently, and the terrible ripples of light were transmitted, and behind him seemed to emerge a scene of hell and hell, and countless undead struggled and wailed and waved their hands.

“Almost a breakthrough, the middle of the seventh sense, hey hey, once I break through, I must be the fastest in the gang to break through, Your Highness will definitely praise me very fiercely.”

Godanwe was overjoyed at this point.

Among the twelve golden gold at the beginning, he was not yet in the middle and lower levels, and he had been fiercely taught by His Highness, so he had been practicing very hard, even if he was the most jumpy, he was willing to sit in the Cancer Palace of the Milky Way for half a year to practice hard.

Except, of course, the annihilation of a fleet that did not know whether it was alive or dead some time ago.

Now in giving him a period of time, he can definitely break through.

Then it will be necessary to go to a wave of fierce vacations.

“What about the three guys at Leon?” Godanwe sat on the smooth ground and scratched his chin: “It seems to have been gone for half a year, right?” When the palace was built, no one sat down, only those bronze and silver. ”

“It’s going to be fun to go out, well, I’ll have to go out when they get back.”

Ge Danwei, who was ascetic according to his temperament, still couldn’t help but want to see the vast universe, and even the joy of a quick breakthrough was extinguished, but he was somewhat envious of Li Ang and the three of them.

Envy of the moment.

Suddenly, Godanwei looked up violently, immediately stood up, seemed to feel something, and wiped a cold smile from the corner of his mouth: “It seems that there is fun to find.” ”

After three seconds, all the Saint Fighters stopped their cultivation and at the same time looked up, their cold eyes looking into the dark void in the distance.

“Someone invaded?”

“I really don’t know if I’m dead or alive, I was destroyed last time, do I dare to come?”

“Oh, it seems like a lot of them.”

“Hey hey, there’s not enough for us to kill.”

A group of young girls felt the number of enemies coming, not only were they not afraid, but they were excited.

Although they are precocious because they are orphans, after all, they are still only fourteen or fifteen years old, and their hearts are naturally lively.

It’s too late to have fun and find a group of people happy.

“Ah, my dear brothers and sisters, it looks like you’re ready for a feast.”

The familiar sound made everyone turn to look at the Cancer Palace.

Godanwei stepped on the stone pier in front of the temple with one foot, and one hand was inserted in his waist and laughed.

There is no trace of the elegant and noble image of the Golden Saint Seiya, but more like a joke?

At least, some of the other Saint Seiya had already begun to cover their foreheads and couldn’t bear to look at them directly.

Funny Cancer Palace Godanwei.

“Cough, whatever, all ready, with Karen’s will, to destroy any enemy who comes to the offense, to judge evil.” As if hearing the inner complaints of his younger brothers and sisters, Ge Danwei coughed twice and waved his right hand to utter the words of the second child.

However, the young Saint Seiya was very much eaten by this set.

“Destroy the enemy and judge the evil!!!”

The noisy sound waves echoed in all directions.

Billions of kilometers away, a huge fleet of dense waves soars through the universe at high speed.

The angular fleet is full of cold brilliance, and in the center is a huge mothership that far exceeds other warships.

In the Milky Way there is a famous dark asterisk.

It was the car of Ronan, the accuser of the Kree Empire.

In the dark asterisk’s huge cab, the accuser Ronan wears black armor, holds a giant hammer, and has a mysterious pattern carved on his face, which looks brutal and majestic.

Look at the passing shooting stars.

His face was extremely gloomy.

“Lord Ronan, the target point will arrive soon, and the estimated time is ten minutes.”

At this moment a blue Kree deputy, also wearing black armor, spoke.

“Wait, hundreds of unknown objects are approaching at high speed… The energy response is huge! ”

Ronan glanced darkly at the stupid deputy, and wordlessly pointed to the shining dots of light outside: “Isn’t that those?” ”


(Thank you very much for the tip of the “Chaos Demon King” big guy, and thank you very much for the flowers and monthly passes of the big guys, immediately on the shelves and more up… )

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