That…. What is it? Without fire, Quil took the opportunity to drive the ship through the defensive line, but when he saw the mighty golden pillar of light, he couldn’t help but wipe his eyes.

“Twelve Golden Saints guarding the Galactic Order!”

“Golden Saint Seiya??”

Before Rocket and Quill could ask questions, the heavy and vast pressure of the mountain bombarded everyone’s heart.

Rocket and Quill turned pale.

Only the Treeman and Carol are very relaxed, and there seems to be no difference.

It’s not just Rockets and Quill, it’s the same for everyone else.

When everyone was confused, they saw that in the golden light pillars, it seemed that they could see one noble and holy palace after another, and the beautiful and dazzling stars surrounded the sacred palace.

Is that..

Seeing the palace, Ronan and Zefan and Aoke had a word in their minds at the same time.

Forbidden land.

Twelve Temples.

Ronan, in particular, twitched at the corners of his eyes and bitterness in the corners of his mouth: “Sure enough, they still came.” ”

When he was forced to retreat by the teenager, all kinds of rumors made him sure that there should be twelve or more of those strong and terrible guys.

Now, sure enough, it still happened.

“What’s that?”

“I want to see the palace?”

“Sizzle… That wouldn’t be the forbidden place that has gone viral lately, the Twelve Temples!! ”

“It is said that each of these twelve temples has a terrible strong guard, all of whom have the power to easily destroy the galaxy, how could they suddenly appear?”

“At this point in time, they don’t plan to fight for the Cosmic Spirit Orb!”

Everyone was talking in shock.

However, at this moment, the vast golden ripples swept in all directions, and the dazzling golden light even made everyone have to close their eyes.

At this time, an irreversible voice came from everyone’s ears: “Roll me all.” ”

The deafening sound seemed to come from the judgment of the gods, shocking the souls of all people, and as if from the suppression of the life level, people could not help but instinctively fear, and the intelligent beings on countless planets even fell to their knees and bowed to God.

Everyone suddenly stared wide-eyed at the source of the sound.

At this look, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Only to see the sky over the planet Gomorra, I don’t know when ten figures appeared.

Although it is far away, I don’t know why I can see clearly.

Each one wears gorgeous and honorable gold armor, wears a white jade cape, and exudes a strong and mighty terrible temperament, and everyone seems to be able to see terrible imagery.

Some are hot as the sun, some are the coldest planets in the galaxy, and some are like the most eerie and netherworld in the world.

Some are like unfathomable black holes.

But there is no doubt that when you see these people, it is as if you see the supreme God and cannot look at them directly.

Even hands-on desire. Hope cannot be raised.

“It’s him… Seeing a familiar figure among the men, Ronan stared wide-eyed, clenched his teeth, and felt a chill in his heart.

Such terrible monsters, and sure enough, there are many more.

Those monsters, arrive at what kind of people.

“Hiss~~ This is the people of the Twelve Temples?”

“So strong, so terrible, that kind of momentum, as if seeing a god, can not be violated.”

The others were secretly horrified.

“Twelve Golden Saints… Sure enough, each of them is very strong, it is simply unfathomable. Carol on the Milan smiled.

For the first time in so many years, she had seen so many strong people.

She felt terrible danger in each of those people, and even the teenager with her eyes closed in it made her heart palpitate.

Under this terrible monstrous momentum, the entire galaxy fell silent.

“These guys don’t understand people?” Standing above the Morag star, Benson, dressed in the golden robe of Taurus, held his arms in his arms and looked puzzled.

The beautiful young Pisces boy Ogsliger gently smelled a rose and smiled gracefully: “Maybe these natives don’t understand human language at all.” ”


The arrogant Charlotte was silent, gently stretching out her hand, accompanied by a strange sound, only to see the waves above the barren planet of Morag below.

Countless terrible and ugly creatures fled in fear of screaming madness.

And in a strange cave, I saw a metal ball constantly trembling, and the next second, it broke through the layers of rocks and shot straight into the sky.

Breathing in, I saw that the metal ball was already in Charlotte’s hand.

This scene was seen by everyone in the eyes, and the eyes widened sharply.

“Is that the thing?” Something with the most terrifying power in the universe that a guy like Thanos aspires to have! Ronan said darkly.

What this thing arrived at would drive everyone crazy, not only to bring war to the two great empires, but even to the people in the twelve temples of the mysterious Forbidden Land.

In the countless pairs of doubts and expectant eyes, Charlotte wiped a sneer from the corner of her mouth, and the supreme power of her right hand exploded.


Only to see a terrible circular wave of air sweeping in all directions.

The powerful air waves wiped out countless meteorites along the way, and the closer ships and warships were thrown away without mercy.

This is an understatement, and it has already made everyone shock the horror of the power of these mysterious guys again.

The burst of such a terrible power that Charlotte and the others did not waver.

The ice-blue broken hair fluttered with the wind, and by this time the metal shell of the Cosmic Spirit Orb in Charlotte’s hand had been crushed.

In his hand, a shining purple gem appeared.

When the jewel appeared, Ronan and the others stared dead-eyed.

Even just through the screen, they could feel the potentially terrifying power of the gem, furious and vast, like a beast about to erupt at any moment.

The void around the gem was even shaking.

A wisp of purple air rises and is full of destruction, destruction.

However, it was this violent and terrible gem, which was well-behaved and terrible in the hands of the cold and arrogant teenager with ice blue broken hair.

The jewel tried to break free, but it was as if it had been grabbed by an iron tong.


Honk! Honk!

At the same time, everyone on the spaceship frantically sounded the alarm, and the energy index on the data panel continued to climb wildly, as if it was endless, and the heart was terrified.

“Is this the true face of the Cosmic Spirit Sphere?” Such a huge amount of energy, if it can be mastered, then. Ronan’s eyes stared dead at the jewel in the teenager’s hand projected in front of him, full of wildness/heart and thirst. Hope.

But when I saw those teenagers, it was as if I had been poured a basin of cold water, and my heart was extinguished.

(Ask for the collection of monthly pass flowers, please subscribe, brothers, today try ten more… )

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