The Milan approached, already floating in front of a crowd of gold.

A beautiful woman covered in burning blue-white flames flew out of the spaceship.

The heroic temperament and beautiful face are Carllo.

Without seeing anything, Godanwe floated to Carol’s side, patted her on the shoulder, and said, “Well, this is Carroll’s big sister.” ”

“What big sister, call sister!”

Even in the straight, in the face of age, Carol still cares, rolled her eyes, elbow down, made a “bell” sound, and the terrible air waves exploded.

But Godanwe was completely fine, and he didn’t even move his eyebrows.

Instead, the Milano was tragically thrown some distance.

Under this gang of monsters, the Star Lord Quill and the Rocket Tree on the spaceship couldn’t help but be intimidated.

Even the rockets that like to spray people do not dare to be arrogant, and the poisonous snakes do not dare to spray this group of big men.

Don’t you see the ice lumps that still float in the vacuum nearby?

Dare to spray and dare to die.

“Wow, you’re really strong, that kind of power is terrible!!” Carol glanced at the handsome teenagers in front of her and let out a cry of admiration.

“Thanks, your power is also very strange.”

Others responded politely.

After chatting for a while, Carol and the gold also began to get acquainted, after all, the former’s self-cooked and straightforward nature is indeed likable.

After a few moments of chatting, Carol pointed to the Power Gem in Charlotte’s hand and wondered, “By the way, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, I feel that this gem has a strange connection with me.” ”

That’s what she cares about.

Hearing Carol’s doubts, the other golds looked at each other and smiled.

“Don’t eavesdrop, if you want to hear it, come on.”

Godanwei just wanted to answer, when he suddenly glanced at the Milan that was inadvertently approaching, skimmed his lips, and opened his mouth.

The Rockets and Quill who were found laughed and laughed.

Put on the protective suit and leave the spaceship and float in front of the group of so-called monsters.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, the two had always felt that this group of terrible death-like monsters did not seem to have any malice toward themselves.

Instead, it comes with a strange … Interest!!

That’s right, interest.

I don’t know why.

But there was always no malice, and the two dared to get closer, and Quill waved his hand to say hello: “Hey, I’m Star-Lord, where do you look from?” I’m from the ground./ball. ”

However, he was greeted by a look and silence.

 ̄□ ̄||


Gul, who had eaten a disgrace, quickly shut up.

Rocket rolled his eyes, this idiot, in front of these terrible monsters still dare to do this, really not afraid of death.

“We are not monsters, we are really warriors who have practiced cultivation.”

Zoru spoke.


Rocket looked at the handsome teenager with a beautiful red mole in his eyebrow.

Can he see my heart?

“There is no doubt that when the strength reaches the sixth sense of the bronze level Saint Seiya basically has the ability to read minds, but please distract, in general, we will not easily read other people’s hearts.” Zoro went on to explain.

But Rocket and Quill were more and more shocked.

Kidding, Saint Seiya? Sixth sense? Can you still read minds?

The two of them were literally huskies.

“Well, you’re curious why we treat you differently than everyone else.” Zoro’s gentle opening.

The hooded duo nodded wildly as the chickens pecked at the rice.

“For you are with those who are full of ugly desires in your hearts. People who look at it are different. ”

“We came from the ground./ball, in the same place as Quil, Carol, a few years ago, we were orphans from all over the world, lost loved ones, lost family, seven years ago, the man known as Karen kindly took us in.”

“It was also that year that a group of orphans were absorbed into the Sacred Realm, and after undergoing cruel training and cultivation, we awakened to the small universe and became Saint Seiya.”

“Thirteen of them became the best of the best, endowed with the holy and noble golden robe by His Highness, and became noble golden saints.”

“We believe in Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, but in our hearts the real god is the man named Karen.”

“Our value is to protect, to guard peace, to guard all life.”

“The same is true of His Highness Karen, who will fight the evil Hell Lord Demon King for three days, just to protect the planet!”

“We feel the stars, we feel love, and in our eyes, we can easily see the qualities of a person, good, evil, cruelty.”

Explained by Zoro’s gentle voice, Rocket and Quill Carroll suddenly learn the identity of these so-called monsters.

What shocked the three of them the most was that in just a few short years, these ordinary human beings who were originally orphans had such terrible powers.

Even the entire galaxy can be easily frozen between hands and feet.

How terrible it is.

What shocked the three the most was the man who changed the fate of these teenagers, the man known as Karen.

Absorb orphans who have lost their loved ones, continue to cultivate, establish a sacred realm to protect the planet, and go through a fierce battle with the demon king of the hell lord alone.

Just by saying a word, the three of them could feel the man’s majestic will.

A man like a god.

This also made the three completely curious about the mysterious Karen.

“So you see our kindness?” Rocket and Quill suddenly turned odd.

But don’t they know how many people they have killed, can they also be called kindness?

How could they not believe it?

“You do have such qualities, but you are lucky not to die!”

Rocket and Quill looked exaggerated: “Walter? That is to say, you did not show special mercy to us at that time? ”

See Zorum’s silent look.

One man and one raccoon looked at each other.

“Well, no kidding, Ms. Carol, your power comes from a space gem that was infused into your body in that accident.” Zoru Road.

Then he pointed to the gem in Charlotte’s hand and continued, “There are six Infinity Gems, and the Space Gem is one of them, and this one, called the Power Gem, also has great power, and the person who masters it can easily destroy a planet.” ”

The three of them nodded their heads in understanding.

“Well, your questions are answered, Charlotte!”

Charlotte nodded, and the power gem in the vast little universe burst out of his hand was instantly enveloped by a fierce cold gas.

The gem seemed to anticipate something, and wanted to burst into a powerful force but was easily suppressed.

Finally, the gem in his hand is quietly frozen in a box formed by ice.

(Thank you very much for the tip of “zg” and “KDA are my wife”, love you guys, today’s goal is ten more.) )

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