The explosive news and even the countries have already moved, and it is clear to the countries of what God means to arrive, and even the forces on all sides, both overtly and covertly, are already planning to start fighting.

Once the gods are captured, they are passed on.

He can have the same power as Karen.

No one can resist this temptation.

Including the top brass of those countries.

The United States, the East, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra and other pioneers of various countries have set out to swallow the inheritance of a suspected god.

Once the news is confirmed, then a large number of troops will be supported for a period of time.

Forces from all sides are also blocking crazy people around the world, but unfortunately, under the flock of countless people, under such a general trend, it is impossible to stop it.

The Pyrenees.

Under the scorching sun, tens of thousands of people have completely surrounded the place, armed vehicles, tanks, planes and so on.

Look at those signs, the United States, the Eagle Country, the East and so on.

The two sides are still in the midst of a standoff, and only the nearest U.S. side is one step ahead.

The towering mountains are like a huge emerald floating in a blue dream, and the green mountains overlap and overlap, like the undulating waves of the sea, surging and majestic.

In the middle of this beautiful mountain range, there is a quaint temple.

The temple is not very large, only more than 5,000 meters, the architectural style has a European style, but the temple has collapsed and broken, broken stone pillars, collapsed eaves, only the few stone pillars are carved with some patterns that seem to describe the owner.

It tells the story of mystery and history.

However, right in front of this temple, there was a group of people busy with this thing.

“Sir, there seems to be a strange magnetic field in this temple, and we can’t get in.”

“Coulson, you have to find a way to hurry, the countries outside the mountains are already here, and we are in a standoff with General Jano, and we are running out of time.” A tall agent/agent walked over.

It was none other than the famous ace agent Black Widow Natasha.

Coulson shook his head and smiled bitterly, “This temple doesn’t know what’s wrong with it, no one is allowed to enter at all.” ”

“Didn’t you find out why?”

“No, the laboratory is specifically for the previous research with Saint Seiya Demons, etc., and it is of no use at all.” Coulson waved something that looked like a stick in his hand and shrugged his shoulders.

“Is it really the inheritance of some god?”

Natasha raised an eyebrow, feminine with a thoughtful face.

“No matter what kind of god it is, but at least I know that it must not be simple, and it seems that it is some kind of test again.”

“So what now?”

“No way, it looks like we can’t figure it out, tell General Jano to let the others in, and if the confrontation continues, it may cause a dispute.”


At this time, General Jieno, who was confronting Guo Jia on the outskirts of the mountain range, was ordered to open the defensive line.

The nations were stunned, but they were also ecstatic.

Hurriedly summoned the soldiers into the mountains.

It’s just that when they entered the mountains, they found that it didn’t seem to be of any use at all, no wonder the damn Bichi of the United States let them in so easily.

After a series of operations, the same conclusion was drawn from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nyima couldn’t get in.

Even with a stinger missile, it could not be blown through, and the countless invisible energy shields around the temple were shrouded in an invisible energy shield, weak but extremely strong.

At this moment, everyone probably realized something.

It must not be simple inside, maybe it is really the inheritance of a god.

It just needs some kind of test.

People without certain qualifications or qualifications cannot enter the temple.

At the end of the day, all the people brought by the countries tried and failed, and no one could enter.

For a time, countries stared wide-eyed.

“The outskirts of the mountains are already crowded with tourists from all over the world, and the number of tourists is increasing, and in this way, we can’t stop it under pressure.”

“Otherwise, we can open it directly.”

“When the time comes, once someone enters the temple to obtain the inheritance, then each will rely on the means, how?”

At this time, Coulson came over and suggested to the people of various countries.

For Coulson’s suggestion, the rest of the people thought about it carefully, reported to the head, consulted the consultation, and finally nodded in agreement after an hour later.

In their eyes, no one could enter the temple anyway.

When the time comes for those who are eligible to enter the temple, the people of which country will receive the inheritance.

With the mountains is not limited.

Tourists from all over the world frenzied into the mountains, while the other countries left only one team to maintain order and wary of each other.

“Is this the temple, and why can’t you get in?”

“It seems to mean that only qualified people can go in.”

“Is this a test from God?”

“It’s very interesting.”

“Che, I can’t get in, it’s a joke, you know I’m a man with an IQ of up to five hundred.”

“Forget it, you can still pay five hundred, five thousand.”

“Shet, I can’t get in. . .”

When they came to the temple in the mountains, everyone found themselves unable to enter at all, and after inquiring with the soldiers of the countries who had been maintaining order, the news that only a certain qualified person could enter the temple spread to everyone’s ears.

Many people can only come and go in disappointment.

And this information was also transmitted on the Internet, which triggered even greater discussion and madness.

Although so many people are not eligible to enter the temple.

But what if you can?

Even if there is only a one-in-a-million chance of being hit, if you are the lucky one.

So countless people flocked to it.

Even formed a wave of punching cards, if you have not come to the mountains to punch in front of the temple is simply a loss, there is not even a topic to talk about.

Three days passed.

In these three days, tens of millions of people came to the temple, but they could only punch a card and leave disappointedly, but no one was able to enter the temple.

This has also made many people suspicious.

Can anyone really enter the temple?

How does this feel like no one is allowed to set foot in the temple?

However, one man shattered this suspicion.

On this day, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old blonde girl dressed in a white short-lined cowboy library came to the mountains with a bulldog.

(Thank you very much for the tip of the big guy of “Come to See” and “Strange Cat Monster”, thank you very much, thank you very much, the eighth more to go you.) )

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