Antonia Island.

Passing through the beautiful streets, looking out the window at the ancient European style buildings, and smiling residents and tourists, full of happiness.

In an elegant manor house.

Coulson is talking with Black Bat King and Medusa with a beautiful woman dressed in a fine maid outfit.

At this moment, the Black Bat King and Medusa both scanned the surroundings, their brows furrowed.

“It’s not simple here, I feel a terrible breath, very depressing.” Medusa’s voice came from the Black Bat King.

“Do you all feel terrible?”

“Yes, there are a lot of very terrible strong people here, my sub-biological wave has no effect on Ben here, and this woman is not simple.”

“So, what these two people said should not be false, then…

Medusa’s face was a little ugly, and from her husband’s solemn tone, she knew that this trip might not be easy.

“Looking for the young master?” The young master has left the earth, and we don’t know where the young master is. ”

The beautiful maid is Louise, who has been accompanying Karen, and the original green and young girl has become much more mature.

Coulson also smiled helplessly.

“Hey, listen, we don’t have time, we have to find the crystal ~~~”

Medusa was already impatient, her husband’s ambitious brother had taken control of the royal family, and what might follow was a great war, and if the Inhumans fought the Earth, there would be countless deaths and injuries.

Although this week may not be strong, the legend of the Sacred Realm at that mysterious moment has made her pay great attention.

You must find the Crystal and return to the Inhumans.

Anxiously, Medusa didn’t even care about her tone.


A mighty and terrifying momentum suddenly erupted from nowhere, and the mighty pressure was like a divine demon, overwhelmingly suppressing the bodies of the Black Bat King and Medusa.

The terrifying momentum made the faces of the two suddenly change dramatically.

What a horrible killing intent!!

Both of them secretly said in their hearts at the same time.

Ling’s killing intent made the two seem to be plunged into an endless winter, and even the two suppressed could not move, only the Black Bat King could barely move.


Louise patted her smooth forehead and cried out helplessly.


The next second, the majestic hellish pressure receded like a tide, and the breath had dissipated.

Louise said apologetically to the two Black Bat Kings who were relieved, “I’m really sorry, that child is like this.”


Coulson was silent, as smart as he was, so as not to squeak, the guys were no ordinary calf guards, and according to his information, the children respected the old butler John very much except for the one.

Then there was Louise, the maid who had been with her for many years.

He knew, however, that there was a force that did not know whether it was a brain-soaked force that tried to kidnap Louise, who was out of the house, and was wiped out the next day.

The key is that even the body cannot be found.

Louise looked apologetic.

The Black Bat King and Medusa looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Medusa did not mention that the Black Bat King knew that his strength was very strong, and once he erupted in full force, it was equivalent to detonating a nuclear weapon, and could trigger natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

But the momentum that had just erupted out of thin air had already made him feel the intense breath of death.

He understood that if the other party really wanted to kill him, then there was no doubt that he would really die.

No wonder Coulson repeatedly stressed before coming that he should not be arrogant here.

Even if the mysterious sanctuary disappears, it does not mean that someone can do whatever they want here.

No wonder this not-so-large island has become a transcendent place on this planet.

But now…

Drip! Drip!

As the Black Bat King was silent, Coulson’s communicator rang out, and when it was connected, Fury’s deep voice came: “Take these two people back to S.H.I.E.L.D. at once, Coulson, we have something to do.” ”

In the end, the search was unsuccessful, and in desperation, the Black Bat King and Medusa followed Coulson away.

Look at the back of the three people leaving.

“Coulson seems to be in a bit of a hurry.”

Louise wondered, but then began to get busy with her work.

On the edge of a forest cliff on the island, Orphie looked up slightly, looked at the blue sky, and whispered, “Moon? ”


Space stations monitored a terrible scene.

An overwhelming array of battleships and spaceships are coming.

Obviously the threat is menacing, and all countries are already on the highest alert, and all weapons systems, tanks, spaceships, etc. are ready.

Obviously prepared for the worst.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier, a group of people in the conference room are discussing something.


Looking at the familiar dense spaceship on the entire projection, the Black Bat King angrily clenched his fist and smashed the metal table in front of him out of a pit.

He didn’t expect his brother to be so bold.

And how could the Gene Council approve of such behavior…

Fury said coldly, “Mr. Blake, and Ms. Medusa, you should know what this means compared to you.” ”

“Wow, it looks like some of them were beaten this time.”

Tony shrugged.

“Tony, we shouldn’t think about war, but about how we should quell this dispute, and if we start a war, it will be the innocent civilians who will suffer.” Bruce Banner, who joined the Avengers, spoke.

Tony said, “Obviously, this time we don’t want peace and peace, look at that posture, like we can be persuaded?” ”

“Mr. Black, do you have a solution?”

Fury rolled his eyes, ignored the living treasure, and turned to ask.

The Black Bat King was silent for a moment, shook his head, and glanced at his wife, who said clearly, “My brother has always been ambitious, but most of the Inhumans are peace-loving.” ”

“If you kill your brother, will this war stop?”

Tony interjected.


At this moment, a terrifying pressure suddenly burst from the Black Bat King’s body, and a pair of eyes looked at Tony with terrible anger.

“That’s my brother, and no one can kill him.”

Medusa continued to translate, but then rolled her eyes, she hated the brother quite a bit, and if she could kill him, she was the first to agree.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the big guy of “Red Dawn”, thank you very much, thank you very much)

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