
I saw the holographic projection in front of the queen’s eyes, purple skin, a huge vertical jawline, a huge body, usually wearing a blue-gold dress with gold shoulder armor and gold boots, and wearing a blue-gold helmet with gems on her forehead.

That domineering and gloomy gaze.

Isn’t it Thanos Thanos?

That cold gaze made Queen Qaida Star start to hair in her heart, the Nova Legion is indeed a good force, but it also depends on who to compare.

Even the Kree Empire is not comparable, let alone the universe overlord Thanos.

Especially now, the periphery of Qaida is surrounded by a large number of Thanos troops, which …

“Queen Qaida, hand over the Power Gem and the three ants.”

Without too much nonsense, Thanos’s muffled voice was transmitted throughout the conference room hall.


The queen had no nonsense and agreed decisively, for Thanos’s sinister character had become famous in the universe, and as queen she absolutely could not let Qaida Star be destroyed in her hands.

It wasn’t long before a spaceship from Thanos landed in the capital of Qaida.

The capital was already in chaos because of the arrival of the Thanos army.

Fortunately, the soldiers of the Nova Legion maintained order and did not cause much commotion.

Under a pair of nervous eyes, the spacecraft landed on a huge square.

In the otherwise empty square, the Queen waited with a group of centurions, accompanied by thousands of Nova soldiers and of course the escorted Quill Rocket and Groot trio.

“I feel like we’re done this time.”

Quill was pale and felt cold.

“Thanos has arrived, just hope the guys aren’t kidding.”

The rocket roared in a low voice.

“If they’re kidding, we’re really dead.” Looking at the spaceship that had landed not far away, Quill smiled bitterly.



With the spaceship door open.

Huge body, clad in metal armor and helmet, holding a double-headed knife, the domineering appearance is the main lord Thanos.

Beside them were his Dark Order and a group of Thanos warriors.

It is worth mentioning that the ebony throat that had experienced a blow became more cold at this time, exuding a depressing atmosphere all the time.

The whole square became extremely silent at this time.

With the heavy footsteps of the Cosmic Overlord, everyone’s hearts began to beat wildly.

Even the centurions of the Rising Star Legion, who had experienced hundreds of battles, were extremely nervous, their fists clenched, their foreheads sweating, and their breathing was much heavier.

This is the overlord who rules countless lives in the universe, Thanos!

Looking at the ice box with the gem sealed in the hands of a Nova soldier, Thanos’s pupils shrank slightly, his brow tightened, and a ripple appeared in his eyes.

“Hand it over~~”

Ebony throat tone is cold and arrogant.

It made Queen Qaida look extremely ugly.

However, everyone did not pay attention to the expression of Thanos standing in place.

Without knowing why, Thanos suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness.

This uneasiness has not been felt for many years.

This uneasiness made Thanos make a decision, and he walked a few steps to the Nova soldier who walked towards him, and in the doubtful eyes of everyone, reached out and grabbed the ice box!

“This can’t be for you!”


At some point, a slender right hand with a golden fist appeared and grabbed Thanos’s hand, who was surprised and did not hesitate to burst out with the strongest force.

In an instant, the collision of the two powerful forces burst out a terrible wave of air and spread in all directions with Thanos as the center



“Damn, what is this??”

Everyone in the vicinity was thrown off without the slightest ability to resist under this terrifying wave, and Quill and the rocket let out a strange cry.

Ebony Throat and a group of Thanos soldiers were also smashed on the shell of the spaceship.

Smoke and dust spread across the sky.

Everyone got up from the ground in a daze and quickly looked up into the smoke, at this time two figures loomed in the dust mist, one body was huge and strong like a giant beast, and it had always been slender and standard.


As the air waves shook, the dust and smoke dissipated, and everyone who saw the scene inside shrank their pupils.

I don’t know when there was a teenager in noble and gorgeous gold armor standing in front of Thanos, one hand and his right hand on the ice box seemed to be wrestling.

The ground under the two men’s feet cracked into dense cracks due to the explosion of force just now.

The most shocking thing was that it was not only because of the courage of the teenager to dare to rob in front of Thanos, but also because of the noble and powerful breath that emanated from his body.

Thanos’s grim gaze looked at the teenager, but the teenager did not have the slightest fear, but instead had a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

The picture seems to be frozen, which is extremely visual impact for everyone.

How dare someone challenge Thanos?

“The Twelve Temples??”

“Is it you?”

Two exclamations rang out in the ears of the crowd, it turned out to be Queen Qaida and Ebony Throat, who stood up next to the ship, the former was shocked and the latter was humiliated with terrible resentment and murderous intent.


In the sky, the dark clouds continued to spread and converge, and the black pressure suppressed a terrible muffled roar in the thick clouds, and a series of thunder lightning silver snakes danced wildly and exploded wildly.

Below Thanos, feeling the terrible power transmitted by the ice box that was not inferior to him at all, stared at the young man’s face with a cold and terrible, low voice: “The one who said that he wanted to judge me was your person?” ”

The battle continued, and the two earth-shattering contests of power caused the nearby air to seem to be somewhat distorted.

The clear pupils of the stout teenager reflected Thanos’s expressionless face and grinned, “Yes, I, Taurus Golden Saint Benson has come to judge you!” ”


As soon as the words fell, a shocking lightning bolt pierced the sky, and the deafening explosion exploded in everyone’s ears.


The wind whistled out of thin air, the atmosphere of the whole vast square became more and more depressing, and the condensed momentum made everyone feel as if their hearts were tightly squeezed by a hand, and breathing became extremely difficult.

(Thank you very much for the support of the big guys of “Pointer to the North”, thank you very much, thank you very much.) )

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