At this moment, the fields in Zhaojiacun became noisy and lively.

Village Chief Zhao said to Li Chenyu gratefully: "Purchaser Li, thank you so much! Over the years, the prices you offer are the most fair and reasonable.

We farmers work hard all year round to earn work points, but We can barely survive and not starve to death, but we can't make much money. "

Then, Village Chief Zhao sighed again and said, "The village was even more difficult two years ago, and everyone almost starved to death! Fortunately, now The situation has improved a little, and we have finally saved up these things.

And we all hope to sell these things and get more money, so that our family can live a little easier and give our son Marry a wife and start a family. "

Li Chenyu listened to the words of Village Chief Zhao and understood that this Village Chief Zhao really cared about the people in the village, unlike the cadres in other villages.

In those places, If you don't give those village cadres some sweet treats or benefits, your procurement tasks may be difficult to complete smoothly.

It was for this reason that Li Chenyu was willing to come to Zhaojia Village first. Moreover, he himself was not short of money, so there was really no need to earn money from the villagers in this way.

He quickly responded: "Village Chief Zhao, you are too serious. Just like what you said just now, the villagers' lives are indeed not easy, I completely understand. Please rest assured, as long as everyone's products are good, I will definitely give the highest price.

Besides, since our country implemented the unified sales and purchase policy, Even if the villagers were hungry, they were determined to give food to the country.

It is because of everyone's selfless dedication that the workers in the factory can fill their stomachs and then contribute wholeheartedly to the construction of the country! So, I am also very I want to see the villagers get real benefits. ”

Hearing this Village Chief Zhao's originally dark face turned dark red due to excitement. He patted his chest vigorously and said in a loud voice: "Purchaser Li, you can rest assured. ! As long as I am here, I will definitely help you keep a close watch and ensure that no inferior or inferior goods appear.

If any bastard dares to do this, I will break his lackeys and expel him from Zhaojia Village. !"

Since there are buyers coming to the village occasionally, but the prices they offer are not as high as Li Chenyu's. This is because Li Chenyu is kind-hearted, and he must not let others ruin this good thing.

Otherwise, wouldn't their Zhaojia Village be Want to be pointed at and poked in the back? He can't afford to lose face!

Village Chief Zhao and Li Chenyu had just arrived at the brigade headquarters, and the accountant of Zhaojia Village and several other village cadres also came to the brigade headquarters.

Li Chenyu smiled and greeted the accountant and several other cadres, then took out a pack of Daqianmen from his bag and handed a cigarette to each of them.

Several village cadres saw that the cigarettes handed over were actually Daqianmen cigarettes, and everyone Everyone was so happy. This was a cigarette that only cadres could smoke. They didn't expect that this buyer Li was so generous.

Everyone said that they would definitely help him later, and then did the same thing as Village Chief Zhao, and all of them put their ears to the After.

Not long after, the villagers, some carrying big baskets, some carrying sacks, all with large and small bags, rushed to the brigade.

At this moment, the entire brigade was filled with The place was packed with people, and the originally quiet place suddenly became noisy and chaotic.

Don’t blame the villagers for being so active. After all, people in this era have a hard life.

More importantly, private transactions are no longer allowed. Now that I have met Li Chenyu, the buyer who offers the highest price, I should take this opportunity to sell everything.

Village Chief Zhao looked serious. He solemnly instructed several other village cadres around him, repeatedly emphasizing that they must strictly control the situation later. Don't let some people do something wrong, which will affect the reputation of the village.

After more than two hours of busy work, the team The empty land at the end of the village was piled with agricultural and sideline products, and the villagers happily paid their bills on the spot and left.

Village chief Zhao looked pleased as he saw his fellow villagers earn money one after another. With a smile on his face, he said to Li Chenyu with emotion:

"Purchaser Li, thank you so much! Thanks to you for giving such a high purchase price, you really helped our villagers a lot.


Li Chenyu waved his hand and responded: "Village Chief, please don't say these words. In fact, I should thank you! If you didn't cooperate with my work so vigorously and actively!

How could I receive so many agricultural products in Zhaojia Village? It was you and the villagers who helped me to complete this procurement task so smoothly!"

Li Chenyu looked at the piles of agricultural products in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel troubled. His bicycle couldn't take away so many things!

He looked sleepy, turned his head to look at Village Chief Zhao a little embarrassed, and said softly: "Village Chief Zhao, you see these things are too much, my bicycle really can't carry them all.

Can you help me find a place for me to temporarily store these agricultural products? Of course, I will pay the corresponding rent. Also, I promise to transport everything away tomorrow and will never cause you any trouble. "

After hearing this, Village Chief Zhao laughed heartily and waved his hand and said: "Purchaser Li, what are you talking about! These are just small matters, why should I charge you rent?

There is a vacant warehouse in our village, I will ask someone to tidy it up. "Before he finished speaking, Village Chief Zhao quickly took action and called several men from the village to go to the warehouse together.

After a while, the more than ten sacks full of agricultural products were successfully moved into the warehouse. The villagers were skilled and stacked the sacks neatly together.

Li Chenyu hurriedly thanked Village Chief Zhao and other villagers. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag and distributed them to the villagers who had just helped to move.

Everyone held a precious "Da Qianmen" in their hands, and they couldn't help laughing. They helped to move a few bags of things and got a Da Qianmen. This was not a loss.

He rode a bicycle with a few lively chickens tied to the back seat of the bicycle and a basket of fresh eggs in the front basket of the bicycle. He rushed all the way and finally returned to the factory before the rolling mill got off work.

He didn't take time to rest, and went straight to the warehouse, completed the handover procedures of the agricultural products with the administrator, and got the receipt slip. Then, he rushed to the accounting office and received the money for purchasing agricultural products.

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