Chapter 188

Twenty-fourth floor.

The space is not too big, but the concentration of vitality is the strongest.

Chen Jingzhai came directly in front of the futon, and immediately fell into meditation after sitting down.

The body turned into a black hole, constantly devouring vitality.

After only half an hour, he opened his eyes and shook his head secretly.

Although the vitality at this level is not bad, it still cannot satisfy his cultivation.

Afterwards, he was attracted by the Qi Ding in front of him.

This is a dragon tripod with three dragons swimming on three legs.

But what Chen Jingzhai valued was not appearance, but restraint.

"Restricted by the real dragon?" Chen Jingzhai couldn't help asking.

"There are four types of real dragon restrictions: Hualong, Yulong, Flood Dragon, and True Dragon," said the spirit of the cave. "Each of them has its own characteristics, and they can also be used in combination with each other. There are infinite uses."

"What you see is the Flood Dragon Cauldron, which is indeed restricted by the Flood Dragon, but it's not complete. It's just a spirit-level artifact, and cannot withstand the real Flood Dragon Restriction."

"So that's the case." Chen Jingzhai said softly.

The way of prohibition array is broad and profound, different restrictions have different effects.

The Xiao Zhutian Yun Restriction can be said to be the most exquisite restriction below the true immortal.

It is all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

It's a pity that it's not Immortal Forbidden after all, so naturally there will be shortcomings.

Real dragon restrictions are different, the inheritance is orderly, and the hierarchy is distinct.

Hualong, Yulong, Jiaolong, and True Dragon are approaching the immortal forbidden step by step.

Compared with Xiao Zhutian Yunjin, the real dragon ban only has a gap in weather and upper limit.

"Congratulations on reaching the twenty-fourth floor."

"This is the last level, as long as you can refine a second-grade high-level spiritual weapon within twelve hours."

"You will be able to gain my approval, and I will take you to the place of inheritance."

The voice of the spirit of the cave came.

"I refined a second-grade spirit weapon on the twentieth floor."

"This level,

In fact, there is no need, right? "

Chen Jingzhai asked.

"You do have the talent for refining, but the assessment is the assessment."

"If it can't be completed at this level, I can't take you to accept the inheritance."

"Master's will, I can't go against it."

The spirit of the cave responded.

"I see!"

Chen Jingzhai understood, and stretched out her hand to take the jade slips from the dragon cauldron.

The content of the jade slip is naturally the method of refining and prohibiting the second-grade superior spirit weapon.

To Chen Jingzhai's surprise, there were some dragon restrictions recorded in it.

Although it is not complete, it is completely possible to refine the Flood Dragon Cauldron.

He quickly wrote down, and then selected the materials, and at the same time, a poisonous flame from the earth's lungs popped out.

After the poisonous flame fell into the dragon cauldron, the three dragons seemed to come alive.

They wandered on the tripod, and the restriction was completely released.

In an hour, Chen Jingzhai refined a second-grade superior spirit weapon spear.

Because he had the experience of envoying poisonous flames before, he was extremely comfortable this time.

What's even better is that the second-rank top-level flood dragon cauldron's ability to withstand poisonous flames has been greatly enhanced.

In this way, the time is shortened, and the standard is easily passed.


"You are the only monk who broke through the twenty-four-story pagoda."

"According to the agreement, you will get the inheritance and this spirit treasure."

"Please enter the restriction!"

The voice of the spirit of the cave fell.

Chen Jingzhai looked up, and sure enough, there were more restrictions on the front wall.

Without hesitation, he directly dropped the spear and stepped forward to penetrate the restriction.

A similar feeling came back. After Chen Jingzhai landed, she looked at the stone tablet in front of her thoughtfully, and said, "This is also the space of the pagoda? How many floors are there?"

"Refining it, you will know!" The spirit of the cave appeared beside the stone tablet and said.

"Okay!" Chen Jingzhai didn't refuse, and went directly to the stone tablet.

The stele of the town government looks inconspicuous at all, like an ordinary stone standing upright.

But when Chen Jingzhai input the spirit energy, his spiritual sense was sucked into the space with a buzz.

"You are here!" a faint voice sounded.

"Senior is waiting for me?" Chen Jingzhai asked looking at the dark surroundings.

"I'm waiting for a qualified successor," said the voice, "I didn't expect to be born for the first time, so let me wait. According to the time calculation, it should not have passed five hundred years."

"Indeed not." Chen Jingzhai nodded and asked curiously, "Senior is Zhenzun Ning?"

"It's just a lingering divine thought that was awakened by you." The voice said, "It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you leave the East China Sea and truly enter the Nine Realms, my arrangement will not be in vain."

"Then..." Chen Jingzhai wanted to continue asking, but then a sense of oppression came over him.

Then, a huge amount of information entered Chen Jingzhai's mind.

The Supreme Heavenly Venerable immediately came out of the world at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and directly sat in Zifu.

He sits upright in the heavenly court, with the sun and the moon hanging high, and many slave gods open their eyes one after another.

A large amount of information was quickly digested, and then passed into Chen Jingzhai's heart.

This gave Chen Jingzhai a quick understanding.

As soon as he moved his mind, the pitch-black space instantly brightened with light.

At the same time, dense runes floated in the air and then fell to the ground.

Chen Jingzhai could sense the entire Zhenzun cave instantly, including inside and outside the pagoda.

On the square outside the pagoda,

Hua Anxiang stood with Jiang Lin and Chu Jinsong.

Opposite them are the disciples of Xuansha Mansion, Ruyi Immortal Sect, and Lingyun Immortal Sect.

It looked like they were confronting each other, and the atmosphere was very bad, with a sense of tension.

This is also understandable, after all, only Chen Jingzhai did not come out.

There are only two outcomes, either success or failure.

It's just that I didn't expect that the disciples of the sect would also confront each other because of the inheritance of the cave.

There is even a vague sense of siege.

It seems that the so-called peace of the sect is really on the surface.

Even in a good relationship, in the face of interests, you should turn your face and you have to turn your face.

Chen Jingzhai watched all this with cold eyes, but the spiritual energy in his body quickly poured into the stele of the town house.

About half an hour later, the cave stele was initially refined.

Chen Jingzhai also took control of the entire cave, so he could brand the pagoda by the way.

"Boy Pagoda, I have seen the master!"

The spirit of the cave turned into a fat boy no more than four feet long to salute Chen Jingzhai.

"There is no need to be too polite," Chen Jingzhai said indifferently, "Restrain the pressure of the pagoda, I will put you away, and make a floor, and I will put away all the leftovers in the cave."

"Yes!" The pagoda boy responded.

on the square.

While drinking, Jiang Lin sent a voice transmission to Chu Jinsong, "I made a mistake. It seems that this group of people will not stop until they achieve their goals. Let's delay the time for the little uncle."

"Okay!" Chu Jinsong reminded, "Pay attention to Hua Anxiang, I'm afraid it's not a good thing."

"I've been on guard for a long time," Jiang Lin sneered, "He thinks he's disguised well. In front of Lingbao and Huashen inheritance, who can not be tempted? People like this are the most disgusting."

"No matter what, he is advancing and retreating with us now, and we won't do anything unless he takes the initiative," Chu Jinsong said, "It's a pity, this time without Elder Zhenjun following, the group of people in front of us are nothing, we I'm afraid that people outside will be tempted by Lingbao."

"Trust my little uncle!" Jiang Lin said.

After he and Chu Jinsong came out, they exchanged information with others and waited all the time.

As a result, one after another was eliminated.

The little Tai Sui who was bound to win was the last one to come out.

It is said that facing the battle strength of the third rank, in the end the spirit weapon exploded and did not pass the level.

I thought I was the last to come out, but I didn't expect that there were still people who didn't come out.

After learning that it was Chen Jingzhai, the atmosphere in the square was not right.

Now that Chen Jingzhai hadn't come out after waiting for two or three hours, they couldn't sit still.

Before the disciples of the East China Sea sect could make a move, the disciples of the land sect frankly surrounded them.

Jiang Lin couldn't help yelling, he really didn't have the slightest bit of shame.

Hua Anxiang even came out to be a peacemaker, didn't he know that his plan was clear to everyone present, on the surface everyone was inseparable, and everyone shouted, but in fact they still had the same idea.

First detain the disciples of the Luo Sheng Sword Sect to coerce Chen Jingzhai to hand over the inheritance.

That is the inheritance of Huashen True Venerable, and placing it in the sect can also strengthen the sect and benefit the disciples, not to mention for the many disciples who have not formed alchemy, this is a great opportunity.

No matter what, they don't want to let go.

"Jiang..." Hua Anxiang broke the calm and was about to speak.

But at this time, the 24th Subduing Demon Tower began to shake, and everyone in the square felt the violent vibration. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at the pagoda in disbelief.

It was a success? !

Jiang Lin and Chu Jinsong looked over with joy on their faces.

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