I Have A Special Cultivation Talent

Chapter 198 Connected by Luck

Chapter 198

Cultivation has no years, and the cold and heat do not know the years.

Time passed like this for a full eight months.

Chen Jingzhai has no way of knowing what happened in the East China Sea.

The situation in the stormy sea area is special, and the sect's communication methods are not effective.

All members are retreating in the pagoda, even if they don't practice, they can hone themselves in the pagoda.

In eight months, Chen Jingzhai comprehended all the jade slips.

And refining two Lingbao embryos.

One is a tripod, which is only one step away from Lingbao.

After refining, Chen Jingzhai deliberately put it into the Yuan Dynasty.

A stream of innate qi penetrated into the spiritual womb of the spirit treasure vessel tripod.

Let Qi Ding's spirituality manifest, and generate Qi Ding Boy.

As soon as Qi Ding boy appeared, it proved that Qi Ding was promoted to Lingbao.

Chen Jingzhai named it Xing Lianding, and the boy called Xinglian, because it was a girl who was created.

There was also a Lingbao embryo, which Chen Jingzhai wanted to leave to Senior Sister Su Qinghuang.

It's a pity that this Lingbao companion is not suitable for outsiders, it is a pure star treasure.

To be precise, this is the natal spirit treasure prepared for the cultivators who cultivate the Heavenly Scripture of the Controlling Star God.

It's called the Star God Hunting Banner.

Once this spiritual treasure is refined, it can use the power of this banner to pull the stars and gather the star gods.

This star god is not as good as the star god conceived by the golden core, but still has a strong power.

More importantly, the star god hunting banner can be used as a carrier for external avatars.

And the incarnation outside the body is the ability that the star gods will naturally possess after they are completely condensed.

The Star God Hunting Banner is one of the most iconic magic weapons of the Star God Sect.

Basically, 70% of the disciples will use it as a talisman after condensing the golden core.

The three-faced star god hunting banner can set up the star god formation, so if the disciples of the star god sect are in groups, even the disciples of other top sects in the sky star region will definitely not dare to provoke them.

Chen Jingzhai did not refine the Star God Hunting Banner,

Because it doesn't fit.

Since he wanted to go his own way, this spirit treasure must be refined again.

So after putting it aside, Chen Jingzhai counted the magic weapon in his hand.

I specially selected two third-rank superior magic weapons for Senior Sister Su Qinghuang.

Then for Meng Zhenren, Zhang Zhenren chose a third-grade intermediate magic weapon.

For Jiang Lin and Chu Jinsong, each choose two third-rank lower-level magic weapons.

Knowing that Chen Jingzhai has obtained the inheritance of Huashen Zhenzun,

And got Yu Zhenjun's net worth, so everyone didn't refuse,

After refining, practice each other.

In eight months, Chen Jingzhai digested many jade slips,

Increase knowledge and lay a solid foundation in practice skills,

Finally, I have some understanding of the situation in other domains.

In fact, he has not been in retreat for the past eight months,

Instead, he retreated for half a month, and spent the rest of the month with Su Qinghuang.

Wander around the pagoda and talk about it.

He was not stingy at all in imparting Su Qinghuang's experience in creating methods,

And in-depth analysis of the Qi training chapter, foundation building chapter, and golden pill chapter of the Red Luan Scripture,

Leave a framework for the follow-up Nascent Soul Chapter and Huashen Chapter.

For Chen Jingzhai at this time, it was not difficult to do these things.

With the guidance of the fairy scriptures and the experience of creating dharma,

The only difficult thing is how to create a technique that perfectly suits Su Qinghuang.

When the two were together, they were still on the twenty-fifth floor,

This is the portable cave space, as well as the space inside the tower, the interior is very large,

Su Qinghuang can take off her veil wantonly.

Getting along in private is naturally unavoidable,

Su Qinghuang let go of Chen Jingzhai's whole body, and there was no restricted area anymore.

Chen Jingzhai also presented her strong body in front of her.

It's just that I didn't take the last step easily,

Because it is related to future practice,

Both Chen Jingzhai and Su Qinghuang need to be responsible for the future of their practice.

But even so, Chen Jingzhai was immersed in the beauty,

Su Qinghuang's attraction to him, from the simple body and blood,

Up to now, it has entered the bone marrow and soul.

"It's time to leave, Zongmen thinks that Master Zhang has been dealt with." Su Qinghuang leaned on him and murmured softly, letting Chen Jingzhai's hand walk under the veil without any resistance.

"I really don't want to leave like this, the happy days are too short." Chen Jingzhai sighed.

This period of time was the happiest and carefree time since he awakened his previous memories. He let go of all the pressure and enjoyed the time with Su Qinghuang very much.

"We still have a long future," Su Qinghuang's body flashed, the magic robe covered her beautiful figure like white jade, and there was a veil on her face, "I will go find you."

"Hmm!" Chen Jingzhai also had a magic robe on her body, but she hugged her tightly.

After exiting the customs this time, we are going to prepare to go to the Linhai Ancient Road next.

Fortunately, with his help, Su Qinghuang already had the framework of the Nascent Soul chapter,

What follows is a long retreat,

Then create the Nascent Soul chapter and you will be able to break through, and your lifespan will naturally be no problem at that time.

"Let's go!" Su Qinghuang stood up, "Go and see your maids. It's been so long, and they should have grown up. In the future, they can watch you even when I'm not around."

Chen Jingzhai smiled, took her hand, and went to other floors.

Perhaps because of the imminent parting, Su Qinghuang didn't care about the beautiful maid beside Chen Jingzhai.

Instead, he secretly told Hongyu, Hongchan, Hongxiu, Hongfu and others.

I hope they can take good care of Chen Jingzhai while I am away.

As a result, Su Qinghuang even asked Chen Jingzhai to throw them into the pagoda to fight.

Going down layer by layer, the maidservants are fighting different opponents.

Among them, the women of the Liu family have made a lot of progress, and they have all reached the seventh level of Qi training.

The four maidservants have all reached the ninth level of Qi training, and the next step is to build a foundation.

The reason why they have improved so fast is that apart from constant fighting and tempering, the large number of first-grade pills and spirit beads provided by Chen Jingzhai is the key to their rapid improvement.

Coupled with the pointers from the pagoda boy, and Jiang Lin and Chu Jinsong's on-demand broadcasts from time to time, with sufficient resources and continuous battles, they will naturally improve.

Su Qinghuang focused on cultivating four beautiful maidservants. After all, they are also disciples of the Luo Sheng Sword Sect. Once the foundation is successfully established, they can directly enter the outer sect and become deacons of the outer sect in the future.

Of course, they definitely wouldn't choose this way, and staying with Chen Jingzhai was the best result. It's only been a while, and they can already build a foundation, which was unimaginable before.

After a few hours.

The building boat that had been re-refined by Chen Jingzhai and had reached the third rank appeared in the East China Sea.

On the upstairs boat, everyone sat together and accepted the summons from the sect.

"Unexpectedly, a Huashen Zhenzun fell in the East China Sea."

"It's Gu Hongzi's uncle who made the move."

Meng Zhenren sighed softly.

After coming out of the stormy sea area, he obtained a summons with the help of the sect.

Learned what had happened in the past eight months.

Gu Hongzi descended from the golden jade sword vein and killed Zhang Zhenzun with one sword.

But it had a big impact on everyone.

After all, it has been many years since I saw the battle of Huashen Zhenzun.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Jingzhai asked.

"What could be the matter?" Zhenren Zhang said with a smile, "It's not our fault because of emotion and reason. A mere casual cultivator in the East China Sea, even the True God of Transformation, shouldn't take action against my sect's disciples."

"That's right." Meng Zhenren smiled and said, "This time Uncle Guhong's attack also has the intention of shocking, maybe we haven't been active in the East China Sea for many years, and someone dares to attack us."

"Where is Xuanyin Pavilion?" Jiang Lin asked from the side.

"The Incarnation Zhenzun of Xuanyin Pavilion and the Incarnation Zhenzun of Mingyuan Daozong went to the Luosheng Sword Sect to make an apology in person." Meng Zhenren said, "Paid the price of the fourth-rank spiritual plant to expose this matter."

"What about Yu Zhenjun?" Chu Jinsong called out, "Is it over like this?"

"Xuanyin Pavilion sent five magic treasures and one piece of fourth-grade spiritual material." Meng Zhenren said with a smile, "In the end, Jingzhai didn't suffer any damage, and the one who died was the True Monarch of Xuanyin Pavilion."

"That's right," Zhang Zhenren said with a smile, "If Jing Zhai dies, there may be no need for Xuanyin Pavilion to exist. Jing Zhai is a true disciple who is connected with the luck of the sect."

"Connected by luck?" Jiang Lin and Chu Jinsong were puzzled.

"Otherwise, why do you think Uncle Guhong made a move?" Meng Zhenren said with emotion, "Why is the status of a true disciple so high? Why is Jingzhai your little uncle?"

Ranked in the true biography, at that moment he was tied to the sect, and everyone was prosperous, and everyone was damaged. If Chen Jingzhai really fell, it might not be a matter of the Xuanyin Pavilion's destruction.

The name of Chaos Cloud Sword Immortal has never been false.

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