Shotaro also wanted to continue investigating in the surrounding area.

Sumida suddenly rushed over: "Stop! Please let him go!"

"Huh?" Shotaro took a step back.

"If you beat him! Then Jimmy can't win!" Tears flowed from Sumida's eyes.

Then, she told the truth behind it: "My life can be said to be hopeless, monotonous and boring."

"Until one day, I met Jimmy who was singing on the street. He was the first boy to smile at me."

"From then on, because of his appearance, I felt that my life was different! So I tried my best to make him happy..."

The good old Shotaro lost his temper. Seeing Sumida's pitiful appearance, he sighed: "So you asked the radio tower clown to help him cheat and win the game?"

Sumida acquiesced, covering his nose with a handkerchief and sobbing quietly.

"Then do you know the true identity of the radio tower clown?" Shotaro continued to ask.

Sumida shook his head: "He was the one who found me, and he seemed to know my situation very well."

After hearing Sumida's answer, Shotaro sighed, and the clue was lost again.

Narumi Detective Agency.

Shotaro can only come back temporarily.

"Although we can probably guess what his ability is, we still can't retrieve the prisoner's true identity based on this alone!" Philip muttered while standing in the Earth Library, looking at the bookshelves sifting back and forth, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"As expected..." Shotaro nodded with a headache, "It would be nice if there were more keywords."

Terui Ryu was sitting on a chair, tilting his head and thinking.

Just then, his communicator rang.

"Unknown number?" Terui Ryu took it out, his eyes suddenly brightened, "It's that mysterious phone number!"

Previously, it was this unknown phone number that informed him that the clown from the radio tower would appear at the stadium, and it finally came true.

Terui Ryu immediately answered the call and pressed the speakerphone: "Hello!"

A young man's refreshing voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Detective, you haven't caught the radio tower clown yet, have you?"

"Who are you?" Terui Ryu asked seriously.

"Didn't we just meet yesterday? How are the injuries on your body?"

Upon hearing this, Shotaro was the first to react: "Fang Yi!"

Terui Ryuya suddenly realized: "It turns out you are the one who has been giving me advice!"

"Why? Why do you want to help me?"

Fang Yi smiled: "Didn't I say that memory is my competitor, so helping you can be considered beneficial to me."

"Let me give you a new tip. The paper left by the clown at the radio tower at the stadium is Japanese paper to be precise."

After saying that, Fang Yi hung up the phone.

"Waji?" After listening to Fang Yi's words, Terui Ryu took out all the evidence collected at the stadium yesterday.

There were indeed some scraps of Japanese paper.

"I didn't notice it before. There is a very unique pattern on this paper. It is indeed Japanese paper." Terui Ryu observed carefully.

With that said, he threw the Japanese paper in his hand to Shotaro above.

Shotaro stared at it for a while, and suddenly his eyes widened in confusion: "I seem to have seen this kind of paper somewhere before?"

Then after thinking for a moment, he finally remembered: "It's that guy!"

"It's not surprising that the guy can use Japanese paper. Knowing Sumida, it makes sense. Because he can always observe the people around him on the street."

"The radio tower clown is the wandering poet, Yukio Sawada!"

With that said, Shotaro informed everyone of the specific situation.

Terui Ryu nodded: "Finally I know his true identity."

Then, he thought deeply: "But how to catch him?"

"He must be on guard now!"

Shotaro paced back and forth, and suddenly an idea came to his mind: "Ryu, as a police officer, you should be able to contact Princess Wakana, right?"

"Since that guy is also a fan of Princess Wakana, then we can ask Princess Wakana to help!"


Decade Museum.

Fang Yi hung up the phone with Terui Ryu: "They should be able to solve the incident now."

If Wakana and Kirihiko hadn't been involved yesterday, Fang Yi would have never planned to interfere in this matter.

At this moment, Mina knocked on the door of Fang Yi's office.

"Fang Yi, I have been observing the goings-on in Fengdu through city surveillance. If there is any unexpected situation, I want to tell you."

"What's wrong?" Fang Yi asked doubtfully.

Mina handed over the tablet: "I just discovered that a character who does not belong here appeared in Fengdu."

Fang Yi looked at the tablet with slightly startled eyes: "Mezl..."

Suddenly, he had an ominous premonition: "It seems that I will have to personally trouble myself about this matter again."


the other side.

In a certain building.

After being put into the coin, Sawada Yukio's desire was infinitely amplified, and he stared at the photo of Wakana in his hand with a strange expression.

"Princess Wakana..."

At the same time, what was strange was that there were white eggs everywhere around him, on the floor, and on the roof.

It’s the hatching Yummy!

At this moment, Wakana's voice came from the radio nearby: "Welcome to Wakana's Healing Princess program!"

"Let me tell you some good news. Today's special episode of the Mysterious Tour of Fengdu. I will meet at the Fengdu Stadium with Mr. Clown of the Radio Tower who has become a hot topic recently and helps others realize their dreams! My heart is pounding!"

"Princess Wakana wants to meet me?"

"Wait a minute, how come I don't know?"

Sawada Yukio was very surprised at first, then he immediately reacted with wide eyes: "Someone is pretending to be me!"

His expression twisted: "No, Princess Wakana, I'm here!"


More than ten minutes later.

Near Fuuto Stadium.

Wakana arrived and greeted the fans.

Not far away, Sawada Yukio, who was hiding behind a pillar, cursed: "Where did this bastard come from! He actually went to see Princess Wakana under my name!"

"It's Princess Wakana!" The fans saw Wakana and rushed over excitedly.

Sawada Yukio showed the memory in his hand behind him.

【Liar! 】

He inserted it around his neck, turned into a lie doped body, and followed.

Following everyone all the way to the stadium.

For some reason, the lights inside were dim.

I saw that, vaguely, a "Radio Tower Clown" really appeared on the stage, and he was wearing a funny costume: "Hello, Princess Wakana. I am the Radio Tower Clown!"

The Lie Doped Body saw that look and gritted his teeth angrily: "He actually dressed like that!"

And the "performance" on the stage of the "Radio Tower Clown" continued.

He jumped and jumped on it, shouting loudly: "Princess Wakana, this is what I worked hard to create for you, please look!"

As he said, he took out a collection of poems and handed it to Wakana.

After Wakana read it, she said in a pleasant tone: "Sbarasi, thank you for your wonderful work."

The Lie Doped Body's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he walked forward a few steps: "This, this bastard!"

He couldn't bear it anymore, and walked forward: "That collection of poems is my hard work! Princess Wakana, listen to me, I... I am the real one!"

Suddenly, the lights in the whole venue turned on.

The Lie Doped Body's steps stopped in shock.

The "radio tower clown" on the stage laughed a few times and threw away the performance props in his hand: "You are finally here, you dead liar."

As he said that, he took off his headgear to stretch his muscles and threw it heavily at the body of lies.

The "radio tower clown" was Shotaro.

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