"This light...this power..." Mina's eyes trembled, and she stretched out her hand to feel the light beam.

She was already very surprised when she saw Fang Yi using supernatural powers.

Because she is a super warrior herself, she can understand that the power used by Fang Yi is completely different from hers.

She obtained her powers through artificial means such as genetic modification.

As for Fang Yi, Mina didn't know how to describe it. The power he used was very special. It seemed to come from an unfathomable existence that she couldn't pry into!

Fang Yi slapped both sides of the belt with both hands, and the halo rotating on the core of the belt ring instantly expanded, covering his whole body.

The dazzling light made Mina close her eyes unconsciously.

When he opened it again, Fang Yi had turned into a black and gold knight, exactly in the earth form of Kamen Rider Yajita!

The skin has the hardness of diamonds, and the chest is a sage stone pillar used to transmit energy. The lines on the body indicate the invincible "skills" it contains!

The endless power of the earth is pouring into Fang Yi's body, and the overlapping horns on his head are full of mysterious wildness.

When rescuing Dao Keji, Fang Yi vaguely felt that he had caught the light in his body. When the pulse device was activated just now, an instinct was completely awakened, and he was finally able to use the infinite and super-evolved power of Yajituo!

"Is this what happened?"

The villagers in the village were at a loss as they watched the darkness fall.

"The doctor said that the flames of judgment will fall from the sky one day and clean up the useless and defective products."

"We worked hard to get the doctor's approval, but in the end we were just treated as defective products?"

"Are you going to abandon us and kill us all? It's too cruel!"

When everyone was in despair, in the endless darkness, a faint light suddenly rose from the ground. The light became brighter and brighter, like a bright meteor streaking in front of them.

"What is this?" Mina took a deep breath and looked at Yajituo's figure.

Because she could sense with her own strength that Fang Yi was not wearing some armor, but that he himself had transformed into a life form that surpassed human cognition!

In terms of life level, it is definitely not comparable to the adulterants and others she has seen before.

Fang Yi slowly squatted down, and a golden overlapping hexagonal pattern suddenly appeared under his feet. The pattern felt extremely strange and contained endless power.

I saw that the mysterious golden pattern slowly rotated, turning into a dazzling stream of light along the earth and merging on Fang Yi's feet.

Then, he jumped up suddenly and hit the terrifying energy ball of the pulse device with a flying kick.

The right foot flashed with a destructive light, faintly revealing the overlapping angle, and kicked it at super high speed!

I saw a ray of light piercing the dark energy, and the shadows dispersed.

The energy ball burst, a bang was heard, and a huge wave of air and heat surged out and overflowed.

Everyone looked at the sky, and then widened their eyes in fear.

I saw a semicircular explosion area with a radius covering the entire center of the village.

Smoke and dust cover the entire sky! The layers of shock waves generated by the explosion formed a hurricane!

The explosion damage area continued to spread, and the entire pulse device was swallowed up and turned into fragments.

Finally, the explosion gradually subsided, and thick black smoke rose into the sky.

Mina looked at the hopeful sunlight that had returned over the village.

She has been trapped in the darkness all this time, already numb and without direction.

Fang Yi's intrusion was like a sun.

His knightly kick just now not only tore open the so-called fire of judgment, but also allowed her to see light again in her heart and rescued her from the darkness: "Maybe, this man can defeat Dr. Prospect..."

In the base, Dr. Prospect was admiring the spectacle of hellfire cleaning the village.

Suddenly his eyes widened: "What's going on?"

At the same time, a palace guard rushed to him: "Doctor, the system shows that the prison where Never was held in the village was destroyed and they escaped."

Dr. Prospect frowned, took out eye drops and put a few drops into his eyes: "Impossible, that is a military-grade prison door. How did they break through?"

"What happened?" His expression became more gloomy, "Forget it, I'll catch them myself!"

As he spoke, he took out a red Gaia memory with the letter "E" on it.

at the same time.

Daidai Katsumi and the members of Never followed the direction indicated by Fang Yi and kept walking north.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw Kirihiko Sonosaki in a suit with a black suitcase in his hand.

"Gentlemen of Never, you are finally here." Kirihiko opened the suitcase, and inside were several bottles of cell enzyme injection medicine.

"You are the subordinate that the guy who rescued us from prison said he was." Habara looked Kirihiko up and down, "Can you really be trusted? What if it's poison..."

She tentatively looked at Daidai Katsuki, but Daidai Katsumi had already picked up one and injected it directly into her shoulder.

"Phew!" He stretched his body happily, "This is the real thing!"

"What a madman..." Hahara complained, and then he and others were injected with cell enzymes!

The body is healed and all members of the Never team are resurrected!

"Your boss, that interesting guy is called Fang Yi, right?" Da Dao Katsumi looked at Wu Yan coldly, "I didn't expect that besides the museum and Prospect, there is such a person."

"This is the first time in my life that I feel like I'm being manipulated by someone. It's really annoying."

"Tell Fang Yi for me, I will remember his name, and I will definitely meet him again in the future!"

After that, he laughed a few times and said to Yu Yuan Lai and others: "Let's go, let's make a big fuss!"


A few minutes later.

In the base.

Suddenly, there were explosions.

Da Dao Katsumi and others rushed all the way inside.

"It's so spectacular, much larger than our laboratory." Domoto Tsuyoshi sighed.

The few people didn't dare to delay, and Da Dao Katsumi led everyone, as if they had been here before, and went directly to a storage room.

I saw that the eternal memory and the lost drive were placed on the table in this room!

Fang Yi helped Jia Toushun check the drive, so he naturally knew that Jia Toushun had ordered people to place it here.

When he used his supernatural power to talk to Da Dao Ke Ji before, he pointed out the specific route to him and told him that only the things in that room could help him defeat the enemy! If he wanted revenge, he had to reach that room no matter what!

"The thing that guy said could help me turned out to be the memory..." Da Dao Ke Ji picked up the drive and eternity.

He had never thought that he would use the power of memory one day: "I hope that guy didn't lie to me."

Just then, a cold voice suddenly came from behind: "It seems that there are bugs breaking in."

Da Dao Ke Ji and his friends were startled and turned around to look.

It turned out to be Jia Toshun.

"No, it's someone from Consortium X." Yu Yuan Lai was shocked.

Jia Toshun still had a coffin-like face: "It's really troublesome. It seems that I have to clean up the pests."

Da Dao Ke Ji suddenly smiled, walked forward and took off his coat directly; "You came just in time, let's enjoy the fun of hell together."

As he said, he put on his belt and raised the Eternal Memory.

"Stop it, this memory is not for ordinary people..." Jia Toushun hadn't finished speaking yet.

[Eternal! ]

The Eternal memory was successfully activated! Dazzling blue light shone everywhere!

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