"The name is...Fang Yi, right?"

"You should already know the general situation from the assistant." Maki Kiyoshi pointed to the mummy on the experimental table on the first floor.

"A week ago, a tomb from the Warring States Period was discovered in the wild."

"According to my investigation, the corpse in the tomb is that of Oda Nobunaga, one of the three heroes of the Warring States Period!"

Fang Yi nodded: "I heard that you planned to resurrect Oda Nobunaga, but it didn't go well, right?"

Maki Kiyoshi sighed: "The core of the alchemy research conducted in our institute is 'desire'."

"Oda Nobunaga's ambition is famous throughout the world. It is a rare experimental material that must not be missed."

"But his body tissues have completely decayed, and it is difficult to restore them to activity. This is exactly the problem I encountered."

Fang Yi pondered for a while: "I think I should have a way."

"What?" After hearing Fang Yi's words, Maki Kiyoshi stared at him, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Well, if you trust me, why not let me give it a try." Fang Yi said with a smile.

Among the alchemy he learned from the Kabbalah Stone Tablet, there is indeed a chapter about refining the human body.

But according to the above content, after the human body dies, the soul is destroyed, and resurrection from the dead is impossible.

The corpse is repaired through alchemy to create a new body. Even if it succeeds, the person who is resurrected in the end is just an artificial person who inherits the memory of the deceased, not the person himself!

It is a pity that Fang Yi has not yet mastered the alchemy of the Gochard system, otherwise he might be able to find a way to make up for this shortcoming.

But it is enough to solve the current problem.

"Of course." Maki Kiyoshi said with a serious expression, "If Mr. Fang Yi really has such knowledge, I would be very happy to get to know him."

He turned to the other assistants and said, "Next, Professor Fang Yi will replace me as the project leader of the laboratory. You all must follow his arrangements."

"Thank you, doctor, but it's not necessary." Fang Yi put on a sterilized white coat and put on sterile gloves, "If you want me to help, the whole process must be kept secret. I will complete it alone!"

"Just like you don't want the alchemy technology of the institute to be leaked, I don't want my technical methods to be learned by others. As a fellow R\u0026D researcher, you should be able to understand, doctor!"

"This..." Maki Kiyoshi's face was expressionless, and his facial paralysis was no less than that of Kato Shun, but he finally agreed, "Okay, then I will leave the full power to Mr. Fang Yi. I will wait and see."

After speaking, he left with the experimenters, and all the monitoring equipment in the laboratory was turned off.

Walking outside the laboratory, Maki Kiyoshi's eyes were solemn: "I have carefully studied all the alchemical theories that Kogami Mitsuo inherited from his ancestors. They are incomplete. There are only a few words about the refining of the human body. I originally wanted to rely on modern technology. Supplements were made to restore this technology, but it has always failed.”

"If this Fang Yi can really do it, it means that he has created a technology with the same effect as alchemy eight hundred years ago in some unique way..."

“The concept is incredible just to think about it.”

"If that's the case, then I must find a way to get the knowledge he has."

When Qingren Maki was immersed in thinking, the doll on his shoulder suddenly fell to the ground.

"Ah!!" Seeing this scene, his whole facial features were distorted, and he fell to the ground and fainted.


In the laboratory.

Fang Yi looked at various experiments performed by Maki Kiyoh on Oda Nobunaga's body.

I was surprised to find that this Maki Kiyoshi was really not simple.

Although he only knew part of the alchemical knowledge about human body refining, he found the right path after many experiments.

It was just a hair away from success.

Fang Yi made some adjustments to various parameters of the instrument, and then waited for the results.

Take advantage of this gap.

Fang Yi sat in front of the computer, secretly invaded the laboratory's internal system, and found top-secret information about the refining of core coins.

This was the real reason why he was looking for reasons to let Maki Kiyoshi leave.

It didn't take much time.

"It's done." Fang Yi closed the computer and had already written down the knowledge.

Sure enough, this part of the content is not recorded on the Kabbalah Inverted Tree Stele.

Fang Yi guessed that the king eight hundred years ago had selfish motives and did not allow anyone to record this most critical part, and only passed it on to his descendants.

But he never thought that a special being like Fang Yi would appear eight hundred years later and learn the complete alchemy!

At this moment, an abnormal noise suddenly appeared on the test bench next to it.

Fang Yi looked up and saw that the dark mummy had turned into a normal male body and looked like a living person.

After he debugged it, the instruments began to work, and Oda Nobunaga was resurrected!

The abnormal sound emitted by the test bed was the early warning set by Maki Kiyoshi, indicating that a life reaction was detected in the corpse.

Dr. Kiyoto Maki, who was outside the laboratory, apparently also heard the alarm. He woke up directly from his coma, put the doll back on his shoulders, and quickly rushed into the laboratory.

When he came to the edge of the test bed, he saw that the original mummy had turned into a sleeping young man, obviously breathing.

Kiyoto Maki took off his glasses tremblingly and looked at Fang Yi seriously: "You...did you really create technology that could rival the alchemy of that era?"

"There is a genius like you in Consortium X. It really deserves its reputation!"

Fang Yi was silent and did not respond.

Just then, his mobile phone received a message, and Fang Yi looked down to check.

It was Mina who sent the message. She told Fang Yi that Kirihiko had woken up and told him not to worry.

Also, there have been several mysterious freezing incidents in Fuuto in the past few days, and it is very likely that the impure body is committing the crime.

Moreover, according to the change in the location of the freezing incident, this impure body criminal is approaching the city where Fang Yi is now for some reason!


Somewhere on the street.

A panicked shout suddenly broke out in the crowd.


"Run, there is a monster!"

I saw a white monster like the snow monster in the urban legend wreaking havoc on the street.

It kept spewing out terrifying cold air from its mouth, and the cars on the street were instantly frozen by its cold air, and then turned into huge irregular ice sculptures!

At the same time, the icy road was like a ski resort for this monster. It slid freely on the road and shouted happily: "Ah... It's my first time to go outside the Wind City. This city is not bad."

"Let me enjoy it!"

Just then.

Two young men ran over quickly.

One of the young men put on a belt: "Anku, give me coins, I want to stop this Yummy!"

The other young man was very strange. One of his arms was like the claws of birds and beasts, but it had scales and feathers.

His expression was very confused: "Wait a minute, it's a bit strange. Eiji, this... is not Yummy..."

"Huh? What does this mean?" Eiji was very anxious, "No matter what it is, we must stop it from hurting everyone first!"

Anku looked disdainful: "Huh, if it's not Yummy, you can't earn a penny, I'm not interested."

"I didn't let you become OOO to meddle in other people's business."

"If you want to save these people... unless there is a second OOO!"

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