I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1013: Terrified

"This time, let's see if you are still alive." The man snorted and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The moment Yu Sheng noticed the slight movement of this person's hand, Yu Sheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and then, he noticed that the bullet popped out of the hole and shot out in an instant.

The bullet revolved quickly, and the speed of its rotation made the rest of my life look solemn. At the same time, the rest of my life also pulled the trigger at this moment.

The same bullet was shot out as fast as lightning.

In just a moment, the two bullets met again in the air, and then the bullet fell under the cliff. For the rest of his life, he could clearly see the scene of the bullet falling down the cliff, but...that was not the case with that person. .

Because it is impossible for that person to capture the trajectory of the bullet at such a long distance. Only when he hits the target can he pass the times to see if he has hit the target.

After all, not everyone has the rest of his life, and not everyone has such abnormal eyes for the rest of his life.

After a few seconds, when this person looked at Yu Sheng again, this person was also shocked, looking at Yu Sheng in front of him as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were full of shock and incredible.


This person almost lost his voice.

"How is it possible? I obviously aimed at this guy and shot. Logically speaking, this guy will inevitably be hit by my bullet and be eliminated, but...why is he still standing there without damage? Is this guy cheating?"

Thinking of this, the more this person feels that this is possible, it must be the rest of his life that destroyed his sensing system, his bullet must have hit the opponent, after all, this is an empty bullet, even if it hits the opponent, the opponent will not You will die, but you will have yellow smoke on your body.


There was no smoke for the rest of his life, so 80% of it was because the sensing system was destroyed. Thinking of this, this person couldn't help but cursed inwardly: "The cunning Chinese man broke the sensing system. This is naked cheating. Wait for this. After the incident, I will definitely report it to the people above and give you sanctions. Cheating Chinese people like you are not worthy of participating in this international special forces competition."

If Yu Sheng knew what this person was thinking, he would probably slap this kid to death.

What kind of cheating? You are blind, I just sniped your bullet directly, and none of your bullets hit me. How could the induction system on my body be activated? You have something wrong with it.

However, this person didn’t know that Yu Sheng had sniped his bullets, and he didn’t even think about sniping his bullets for the rest of his life. In his opinion, it was almost impossible for Yu Sheng to snipe his bullets. If you change the way of fighting, under the other conditions, maybe this is possible, but the opponent is on this narrow path, and there is no barrier around it. If one is not careful, it may fall. Wrecked to pieces.

Therefore, he didn't even think about it at all, so he misunderstood them for the rest of his life. Thousand Books

Yu Sheng pulled the bolt again, but Yu Sheng has already speeded up. At this time, he has left Chen Shanming and others about ten meters. Yu Sheng has an idea in his mind, that is to reach the other side as soon as possible and kill the opponent. In this situation It is not easy for him to kill the opponent. If he arrives on the other side, then he has full confidence to kill the opponent, and then Chen Shanming and the others will be safe.

If you take care of Chen Shanming and the others while walking, it will undoubtedly slow down.

In the same way, it would be better to speed up the process. Even so, he can help Chen Shanming and the others.

"There is only one of them." Chen Shanming said immediately at this time.

"Yes, the other party has fired a total of two shots so far. From the time interval, there is only one person on the other party." When He Chenguang noticed this scene, his eyes lit up and said immediately.

"If there is only one person on the other side, then we have a chance to leave here." Wang Yanbing also shined.

They all know that if the other party has a group of people, then a group of people shoots, they are almost bound to die, it is impossible to escape here, because they are not as perverted as they are for the rest of their lives, and they can snipe each other’s bullets. He Chenguang tried it before. ,but……

This sniping of the opponent's bullet is really too difficult, too difficult. He tried a hundred times, and he succeeded in **** three or five times. These three or five times are probably still foolish.

It can be seen how difficult this sniper bullet is.

However, He Chenguang was also practicing, because he also knew that if he could snipe the opponent's bullets, how strong it would improve his combat power.

"Not bad." Chen Shanming said condensedly: "For the rest of his life, he can snipe off the opponent's bullets, so that we are basically in no danger, but there is a premise."

"That is, for the rest of your life, you can't make any mistakes. Even if it's a mistake, one of us will definitely be killed. So...the rest of your life must never make any mistakes."

When talking about this, Chen Shanming's expression is also a bit solemn. After all, all this will be on Yu Sheng. If Yu Sheng makes a little mistake, they will definitely be shot, because this position is indeed not very good.

"Group leader, let's go quickly and keep up with the rest of our lives, but we must be careful about our feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don’t fall anymore. With cover for the rest of our lives, we will definitely not have much for a while. There is no doubt about Yu Sheng’s marksmanship, but the most important thing now is to leave this ghost place as soon as possible."

Xu Tianlong immediately opened his mouth and said: "We are in a very bad situation now, and there is only one enemy. If the enemy has other people, it will be troublesome. Once the other people arrive, even if the marksmanship for the rest of his life is more powerful, It is impossible to stop the shooting of so many people, and we will still be eliminated by that time."

Xu Tianlong’s words also made all the people present slightly change their expressions. Everyone nodded solemnly. They all knew that Xu Tianlong’s words were not wrong. They must leave this ghost place as soon as possible. Fortunately, here The distance is not far there, only about 500 meters away, as long as they get to the ground, they will be safe.

Thinking of this, Chen Shanming said: "Speed ​​up the march, let's go."

Following Chen Shanming’s order, everyone nodded Zheng Jianming, and their speed also accelerated a lot. However, when they walked, they also became more careful, especially paying more attention to their feet, which is very dangerous. , One step and slip, then it's really over, it's not a joke.

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