I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1024: Shake the gun

This shot can be said to be casual for the rest of his life, because even Yusheng could not be sure where the other side's bullet would hit him.

However, based on his own guesses, he felt that this shot was probably directed at his brain, because this place can be said to be one of the most deadly vital points in the human body.

Secondly, it is to beat the heart.

It's just that, generally speaking, many people prefer headshots, because headshots are almost certain to die, but if you hit the heart, you still have a chance of surviving.

The moment Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, Yu Sheng suddenly realized that while in the air, the bullet had produced such a deviation of about 0.1 millimeter due to the whirling and slight vibration.

Generally speaking, every gun has a deviation, but it depends on whether you can control this deviation, coupled with Harry's irregular movement, which led to this bullet, a deviation.

In daily life, the deviation of 0.1 millimeter is almost negligible, but...in this case, it is different.

Under this circumstance, the deviation of 0.1 millimeter is a huge difference.

When the bullet came in front of Yu Sheng, the bullet deviated a little and shot towards Yu Sheng’s eyebrows. Because the distance was too far, coupled with the influence of the external environment such as air resistance, this led to the bullet error. At least about five millimeters.

Such a deviation can be said to be very large, which is why the sniper requires no deviation at all when shooting.


Just as this bullet was shooting at the center of Yu Sheng's eyebrows, the next bullet also came in front of Yu Sheng.


Then, Harry’s bullet was instantly blown out by this bullet, and for the rest of this moment, his body moved and jumped up. After his feet landed, a carp rolled and came to the side. Next to a huge boulder, at this moment, he is only about 200 meters away from Harry.

For the rest of his life at this moment, sweating profusely, and even more horrified.

"So strong..."

Yu Sheng's expression turned a little gloomy. This was the first time he had encountered such a strong opponent. In the past, he had never encountered such a terrifying opponent. This man's marksmanship was so terrifying, how could it become this? Look like?

His arc shooting is based on the collision between the bullet and the rock, and the strength of the rock is used to complete the deflection trajectory, but...

The opponent’s bullet, as if he had changed its trajectory, was clearly in the middle of his eyebrows. However, because of the influence of these techniques, the bullet shot to the left of his eyebrows. This slight The impact is also very fatal.

In the past, Yu Sheng could judge the enemy's shooting trajectory, so he could react in advance. It was very difficult for the enemy to hit him...

However, he couldn't resist this Harry's marksmanship.

And the shot he just broke out was between life and death. This shot was fired entirely based on his feelings. It was able to hit the opponent's bullet and also had some luck.

This made Yu Sheng's face extremely ugly.

"Really a terrible opponent."

For the rest of his life, he took a breath. This is the opponent he has encountered since he entered the special forces competition. No one, this sas reserve army, has such a terrifying combat effectiveness, so what about the rest? How terrifying will those people be? What's more, how can he kill Harry next? This guy has such a terrifying marksmanship. There are so many marksmanship against this guy.

If one is not careful, it may be killed by Harry. If you want to kill the opponent, you must find the law of the opponent's shooting, but... this kind of shooting pattern, it is not so easy to find, after all, the opponent is also A soldier king, naturally will not find him a shooting pattern.

For a while, the rest of his life was anxious.

"The rest of your life, be careful, that's a gun shake."

At this moment, Chen Shanming roared. All the people present heard clearly. At this time, Chen Shanming also had an unspeakable dignity. When Yu Sheng heard the name, he was stunned. On the spot, deep in the eyes, there were some doubts and incomprehensions.

Because he didn't understand at all, what does it mean to shake a gun...?

"Shake the gun? What is it? Is it a gunfight?"

Yu Sheng looked dumbfounded, he had heard of something like a gun shaking for the first time, and had never seen it before.

"Shake the gun?"

After Li Erniu heard this marksmanship, it made Li Erniu look dumbfounded, and Li Erniu couldn't help but said, "Group... Patriarch, what does it mean to shake a gun? Does the gun tremble?"

Li Erniu looked at Chen Shanming in confusion.

Chen Shanming and Miao Lang looked solemn.

Miao Lang explained in a condensed voice: "Gun-shaking is a spear technique~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This kind of spear technique is very cool and powerful, because when the bullet is shot, they can make the bullet Make a slight vibration, this small vibration is very, very small, but...the bullet will have some small trajectories because of this."

"Everyone knows that bullets hit a straight line, but the use of this gun-shaking technique, coupled with the impact of the surrounding environment on the bullets, will affect the deviation of the bullets, which will confuse the enemy and kill the enemy."

When Li Erniu heard this, people looked confused, and did not understand what Miao Lang meant by this sentence, Li Erniu couldn't help saying: "Squad leader, this bullet seems to have been used to hit straight lines, right? ? Because of the air resistance and wind speed, it will have a certain impact on the ballistic line, but..."

"What you said seems to be the same as shooting normally, right?"

Li Erniu's words made Chen Shanming shook his head and said: "There is a big difference. The bullet is affected by the wind speed. Almost everyone can judge it. Even according to the place where the gunpoint is aimed at, everyone can even judge the other party. What is the shooting location, but..."

"This kind of gun shaking is different."

"Because you can't calculate where he is going to shoot you, although this deviation is small, but...the slightest error is a thousand miles away, especially for the kind of real master, it is even more troublesome."

"The kind of real masters have long formed their own instinct and reaction to shoot. They know where they want to shoot and where the bullet will eventually fall. Everyone is a master and can naturally judge it, but, Shaking the gun is impossible to judge."

"Because you don't know when the bullet is shaking, and you can't tell where the bullet will eventually be shot."

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