I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1064: 1 interest rate change

Along with a huge roar, the sky and the earth shook. After Yu Sheng noticed the huge roar, his expression changed slightly, and then Yu Sheng quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

After Yu Sheng saw this huge body, Yu Sheng was shocked.

"Fuck it, **** it...Is this really going through the myth?" Yu Sheng thought he had crossed again, but soon Yu Sheng realized that he was just in a kind of sentiment.

Yu Sheng looked at this huge monster in front of him, the human face, the snake body, the red color stretched for thousands of miles, the huge body, covering the sky and the sun, and the people who watched were frightened.

However, looking at the look in front of me, this big guy seems to be going to sleep...

For a while, Yu Sheng was also a little dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, Yu Sheng noticed that this big guy exhaled, and suddenly, the world, the white snow, the surrounding trees and the like, were all frozen. Obviously, this world was frozen. , Turned into a winter day, this kind of situation surprised Yu Sheng.

"What's the matter? How could it become like this?"

Yu Sheng looked at the scene in front of him with a bit of shock, which made Yu Sheng also somewhat unimaginable. This scene, at first, seemed to be watching a sci-fi blockbuster. If this scene can be filmed by a camera, it will definitely shock the world. It's a pity... this is just my own perception, it is impossible to shoot.

The rest of my life watched carefully, and didn’t know how long it took. Suddenly, the big guy took another breath. For a while, the surrounding area turned into a green patch. This green patch seemed so vibrant. Some of the flowers are competing to bloom.

Almost in an instant, the scene of the original winter wind turned into a scene full of vitality. Such a scene also changed Yu Sheng's face...


For the rest of his life, he took a breath. Such a weird picture can only be noticed under such circumstances. This is really shocking.

The four seasons are distinct for a while in winter and another in summer. How can this be done?


For the rest of his life, he noticed something was wrong, because he suddenly noticed that when this big guy sighed, the world would become cold and extremely cold. When the guy took a breath, this world of heaven and earth would turn into four distinct seasons again, extremely beautiful.

In other words, between this big guy's breath and breath, he is affecting this world, but how is this possible? It’s a bit of nonsense that between breathing and breathing, it is affecting this world, which is a little bit nonsense. What kind of ghost is there in this world, can it affect this world between breathing and breathing?

Yu Sheng was also a little dumbfounded. Yu Sheng looked at the scene in front of him and began to ponder for a while. What he realized was the blood of the candle dragon. Suddenly Yu Sheng thought of something.

He has read Shan Hai Jing.

This is recorded in the Shan Hai Jing.

"Beyond the Northwest Sea, to the north of Chishui, there is Zhangwei Mountain. There is a god, with a human face and a snake body and a red body, with straight eyes. Its gaze is obscurity, and its vision is clear. No food, no sleep, no rest, wind and rain are Ye. It is the nine yin of candles, is the candle dragon...the **** of Zhongshan, the name is candle yin, which is regarded as day, watching as night, blowing for winter, calling for summer, no drinking, no eating, endless, breath as wind, It is thousands of miles long. In the east of Wuqi. It is a thing, with a human face, a snake body, and a red color. It lives under the Zhongshan Mountain."

In other words, this candle dragon blows for winter and exhales for summer. The four seasons alternate between breathing and breathing. This is obviously a magical power of the candle dragon.

"Fuck, do you mean that what I want to realize is to breathe in and out, is it for the four seasons?"

When Yu Sheng thought about it, even Yu Sheng couldn't help taking a breath. This scene was really shocking. For Yu Sheng, I didn't know what to say.

Between breathing and breathing, it is for the four seasons. This is so special that it is operated like a fairy... But, can you really be a **** god? Is this a bit nonsense?

If I become a god...

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng became silent!

If oneself becomes a god, then oneself is not walking sideways on the earth.

But soon for the rest of his life, these ideas were abandoned. These ideas are indeed a bit nonsense, gods, according to the urine nature of the system, it is impossible.

After that, Yu Sheng came to realize everything in it seriously. Yu Sheng fell into contemplation, and he stared directly at the candle dragon in front of him.

Between breathing and breathing, there is so much structure, but the candle dragon breathing in and out is just like three months on the earth, and three months on the earth are a season.

Slowly, time passed by a little bit.

at the same time!

In this outside world!

The wind and sand outside are getting bigger and bigger, the wind is screaming, and the sky is swept by the wind. The sand is astonishing, it looks like it is shooting a blockbuster.

"Hurry up." Chen Shanming shouted.

"Yes." He Chenguang and the others grabbed each other tightly, and the rest of their lives was also tightly grabbed, but for the rest of their lives, they fell into a kind of epiphany, so...for the outside world, there is nothing more. Know.

"What's going on for the rest of my life? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

At this time, He Chenguang suddenly realized that something was wrong with Yu Sheng. According to reason, under this situation, Yu Sheng shouldn't be silent at all.

How do you look at the situation in front of you, for the rest of your life, there is no movement at all?

As soon as He Chenguang said this, Chen Shanming, Wang Yanbing and others looked at Yu Sheng one after another. They realized that Yu Sheng really seemed to have no movement at all. Such a scene also caused Chen Shanming to eat a lot. shock.

"For the rest of your life, how are you doing?"

Chen Shanming asked hurriedly.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng did not answer Chen Shanming. At this moment, Chen Shanming shouted again: "Yu Sheng, how are you?"

At this moment, Rao Chen Shanming was a little impatient. Under this situation, if something happened for the rest of his life, it would be really troublesome.

However, his voice still didn't have any effect. For a while, Chen Shanming and the others also changed their expressions drastically.

"The rest of my life, the rest of my life."

He Chenguang shook Yu Sheng in a hurry, but at this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"I see……"

In an instant, some enlightenment appeared in Yu Sheng's mind. These enlightenments gave Yu Sheng a feeling of sudden understanding...

"That's it, that's how it is."

(End of this chapter)

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