I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1069: The black storm stopped

these people? ? ? "

Many people looked at themselves one after another, and some people looked at these people who were hit. Their brains were full of doubts. Some of them didn't understand. What is their captain? What's the meaning? Let yourself wait for someone to see these people. What is so good about these people?

Besides, these people have been killed in principle. What is the use of seeing these people? Could these people still let them escape from danger?

Therefore, they were a little puzzled about what their captain said, and they didn't understand what their captain meant.

"What's so good about these people?" Everyone looked speechless. It's about time. Captain, your old man is still selling off. Now, we are all still under their guns. If this continues, it won't take long. We all have to be killed, isn't this a mess?

Although everyone was dissatisfied in their hearts, none of these people dared to speak out. After all, the man in front of him was the captain of himself and others.

This level is still very strict.


The captain of the guard took a look at his teammates, and for a while, he felt like a pig teammate. These teammates of his own were really pig heads, who knew nothing.

The captain of the guard took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "It is reasonable to say that these people who were hit before have been killed because of our reasons, let them stand behind us. This way the other party can't kill us, but..."

"Have you noticed that even if these people are behind us, there are still big flaws in our body. If the other party is behind us, then the other party should easily pass through these people's gaps to get rid of it? We are right, but... they hit the people behind us. What does this show?"

The captain of the guards made all the people present puzzled. The expressions of those present were solemn, and they all glanced at their captain and pondered a little.

At this moment, someone suddenly lit up, and immediately said, "Could it be that..."

"They can't see us?"

"If you can't see us, how did you hit us?" Someone couldn't help but said: "If you can't see us, it's impossible to shoot our people, right?"

Indeed, this scene is too weird. If the enemy can't see them, how did it hit them? And as they move, the other party can still hit them, which is a bit nonsense. Therefore, this makes everyone puzzled. It feels that this sentence is unlikely.

The other party can definitely see them.

"Ha ha."

At this time, the man smiled and slowly said: "If they can see us, they can pass through this gap and shoot us to death, but the other party fired several shots, but they didn't hit us through the gap. Don’t you feel strange?"


As soon as this sentence was uttered, for a time, all the people present had a feeling that they suddenly realized something, and for a time, it made everyone's eyes bright.

"Yes, since the other party can see us, why can't they hit us through the gap? If they can see us, then they should be able to hit us through here."

"Could they not see very clearly, a little vague?" someone asked.

"Not too possible."

Another person shook his head and said, "If it is not very clear and vague, they can see the yellow smoke clearly. Therefore, they can use this to kill us."

"Then how did they hit us?" Another person couldn't help but asked.

I don't know why, they always have a feeling of watching science fiction, feeling that the enemy has super powers, but super powers are generally limited to movies and even TV shows.

As for this reality, it doesn't exist at all.

However... they would never dream of having a pervert like this for the rest of their lives in this reality.

"Although I don't know how they hit us, but... the other party must be able to detect us, but the other party can't detect who we are, so they can't accurately hit us, so this is continuous. Hit these people who blocked our guns."

The captain of the guards made the words of the captain of the guards suddenly realize that all the people present at the scene understood it. Through the analysis of the captain of the guards, they felt that the analysis seemed very reasonable. Time, this made everyone's complexion a little dignified, but it was more of a sigh of relief.

The rest of their lives can hit them under these conditions. Such shooting ability is very, very terrifying. At least everyone in their presence is not an opponent for the rest of their lives.

But...fortunately, the other party is not terrible to this degree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But they also have some scalp numbness, because they feel vaguely, this is not actual combat, if it is in the process of actual combat , For the rest of his life, they can definitely wipe out all of them.

This is even more terrifying...

"Let's go quickly."

At this time, everyone has gradually come to the back slope, but when they reach the back slope, they dare not move down. If they continue to go down, maybe they will be buried alive. , When the black storm passes, whether they can come out is a question.

So it's best to be in this place right now.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's brows frowned. He fired seven or eight shots in a row. There was no prompting sound from the system. For a while, Yu Sheng's brows were also frowned.

"What's the matter? I clearly hit the opponent, why did the opponent have nothing to do? What happened?"

"Could it be that they used something to block my bullet?"

Yu Sheng pondered for a moment. If something blocked the bullet, it was not impossible. However, it would violate the rules. Although I don’t know how the other party did it, Yu Sheng felt that the other party had violated the rules 80% of the time. It's... I just don't know the extent of the violation.

For the rest of his life, he knew that the opponent was not only those who were killed by himself, but there were a lot of people on the other side. For now, there were at least two people around. Make a rough count of the number of opponents.

"It's a pity."

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(End of this chapter)

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