
The next moment, the bullet came out of the muzzle, and the speed was so fast that Song Kaifei didn't even react. The shot was fired for the rest of his life. This made Song Kaifei look bewildered, but immediately, Song Kaifei understood. Come here, because he knows that if he shoots for the rest of his life, there must be an enemy.


The crisp sound reverberated, and the two bullets crashed together. This sudden situation shocked the enemy in the dark, because he never dreamed that he could snipe off his bullet for the rest of his life.


But at this moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger again, and the bullet pierced through the man fiercely.

If anyone is here, they will scream out, because the shooting speed for the rest of his life is too fast. Before and after this, there is not even a second, and almost no one in the world can shoot within a second.

However, if you look closely, you will find that at this time Yu Sheng landed on Song Kaifei’s **** with one hand, and Yu Sheng was holding the gun with the other hand. Because of Yu Sheng’s reasons, this caused Song Kaifei to pull the trigger, and the bullet was only buzzing. Shot out.


In the next moment, the bullet fell on the enemy’s head. For a while, yellow smoke appeared on the enemy’s head. When this person saw this scene, he was also sluggish on the spot. He did not expect that the opponent’s The reaction is so fast, that's fine, I was still inexplicably sniped by others, and even if he didn't even have any reaction ability, he was sniped. How could this be possible?

Although he is not the king of soldiers, he belongs to the ranks of top special forces. If he didn't make it, he was killed by the enemy. For a while, he was a little dumbfounded.

The sudden shooting shocked Lei Zhan, He Chenguang and others. At this time, He Chenguang shouted: "There are enemies, all be careful, there are enemies."

At this time, the group of people were holding guns and watching the surroundings. The eyes were filled with deep horror and heaviness, and Yu Sheng's eyes were extremely sharp. He was paying attention to the surroundings and did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, He Chenguang and the others are all downhill. In this place, it is easy to be sniped by the enemy, because this position is too obvious. For now, he does not know how many enemies there are in total, so even if it is For the rest of his life, they were extremely jealous.

Yu Sheng stared at the surroundings solemnly, revealing unprecedented solemnity.

"Go, let's go up quickly."

Seeing this scene, He Chenguang hurriedly shouted, and then ran towards Shapo. The group of them swiftly walked up, while Yu Sheng was holding a gun, guarding the surroundings, for fear that someone might surprise him at this time. generally.

But...what surprised Yu Sheng and them was that at this time, there was no surprise, as if there was only such a person. This scene made Yu Sheng and the others slightly surprised.

"It seems that there is no one else." Song Kaifei couldn't help saying at this moment.

"It should be gone, but you must be careful. Once the enemy shoots, they are all live targets. Wait until they come here." Yu Sheng said.


Song Kaifei nodded slightly without talking nonsense.

In a short while, He Chenguang and others came to him one after another. Yu Sheng, just breathed a sigh of relief, while He Chenguang and Li Erniu and others were in a panic. He Chenguang hurriedly said: "Yu Sheng, what is it? What's the matter? How can there be enemies?"

"Where do I know." Yu Sheng rolled his eyes and said, "But there seems to be only one enemy. We might be able to walk over and see what is going on with this guy."

"Fortunately, if there is a team, a few of us are scrapped." He Chenguang thought with lingering fear.

Indeed, if there is a team at this moment, He Chenguang and the others will have to finish playing. No matter how fast their speed is, they cannot escape the speed of bullets. Moreover, they are downhill, and if the opponent snives at him, the field of vision is extremely great. It's wide, they don't even have a place to hide, after all, this is a **** desert...

There is not even a stone.

Thor looked at Yu Sheng with a complicated expression at this time. He took a deep breath before slowly saying, "Thanks a lot this time."

After Yu Sheng heard this sentence, he was taken aback for a while, glanced at Lei Shen casually, and nodded slightly. He naturally knew what Lei Shen meant, and the other party was obviously thanking him for saving them.

When Thor saw this indifferent appearance, Thor was also a little angry, but Thor didn't say much, and it was obviously not suitable to say more at this moment.

Yu Sheng said in a deep voice: "This place is very dangerous. Even if it is too late, there are still enemies hidden here. What kind of enemy did Thor you commando encounter? Why are you four left?"

Thor did not speak, but his face was not very good. At this time, the old fox hurriedly stood up and explained: "In fact, we also encountered some opponents. These opponents are very strong. Especially this time, we met the opponent with four. A team of the king of soldiers, we worked hard, and after the rest of us sacrificed ourselves, we fled here, but unexpectedly, we just ran into it when we fled here. Quicksand here."

"The bottom of this **** is full of quicksand. This road will not work at all. If it weren't for you to come here, we would all be buried alive if we encounter high tide."

Think about these ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The old foxes have had lingering fears so far. They are good special forces and have undergone various special trainings, but... in the face of such natural forces, they are also helpless, and humans are simply impossible to follow. Confronted by nature.

After Yu Sheng heard this, he nodded slightly.

Sure enough, the Raiden Commando team still encountered some troubles, but unexpectedly, the other side encountered a team with four kings. Such a team is already very powerful. The four kings joined forces. , The power of the explosion is no less than that of a large missile.

Ordinary people can't escape at all, and Thor can still escape in the hands of these people, it can be seen that Thor also has some real ability.

You know, when they met the elite guards, they almost didn't make it through. If it weren't for the black storm, everyone in the room would have finished playing.

Really speaking, thanks to the Black Storm, although I don't know what Thor and the others encountered and how they escaped, but...they are already very powerful when they can escape.

(End of this chapter)

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