I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1060: Golden City

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At this moment, a rumbling sound shook the sky and the earth, and the earth shook more and more...

That feeling was like the end of the world. For a time, this made the people between the world and the earth sway, and their heartbeats suddenly accelerated. This kind of swaying feeling made Yu Sheng's faces a little unnatural.

This feeling makes them a little dizzy.

"It's coming out."

The rest of his life immediately spoke.

"What is coming out?"

As soon as Yu Sheng said this sentence, Song Kaifei looked at Yu Sheng puzzledly, and then... the earth shook, and countless sands fell one after another, which made many people stare at the scene in front of them. I was a little curious, but where did the **** go when the sand fell?

This is too science fiction, right?

Subsequently, a city gradually appeared in front of everyone, but the upper part of the city was still covered by some wind and sand, but after seeing the city, all the people present were shocked.

Because this city is not very small!

"This...this is..."

When Xu Tianlong saw this scene before him, he couldn't help taking a breath. Xu Tianlong was shocked. For a while, he was shocked by this scene.

"This is special, a miracle..." Song Kaifei was also taken aback and shocked: "This is the first time I have seen such a miracle, this...if this is done for archaeology...it must have history. Value."

As soon as Song Kaifei said this, it left the rest of his life speechless, that's it? Still engaged in archaeology? Is there any archaeologist who will come to this kind of place, and even if it comes to this kind of place, the environment of this place is not suitable for archaeology, not to mention the sand and dust here, who knows when to directly You buried it.

What's more, Yu Sheng didn’t think that this ancient golden city had existed for so much time. Otherwise, it would have been discovered long ago. Therefore, there must be a time limit. When the time comes, this ancient city will be buried again. Therefore, It is almost impossible to do archaeology here.

What's more, there are many sandstorms in this desert. No one knows when these sandstorms will come. They are full of dangers. Therefore, archaeology here is indeed very difficult.

"Unexpectedly, there is an ancient city buried here, which is really incredible." He Chenguang took a breath, and said with some vibration.

"My mind, I didn't expect that one day Wang Yanbing could still see such a magical ancient city. It's really incredible." Wang Yanbing was also a little surprised.

"For the rest of my life, what should we do?" Li Erniu couldn't help asking: "Do you want to call someone?"

"Who is it called?" Yunnan

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said, "It is estimated that when we call people, it is almost over here."

"Go, let's go down."

The words of the rest of his life caused He Chenguang and others to change their expressions slightly, and immediately said: "For the rest of my life, we have to go down? No one knows how long this process has existed. There may be countless dangers in it, so we rushed. Go in, I'm afraid..."

After listening to the rest of my life, he faintly said: "Even if we don't go in, some people may not keep us. Now that we have discovered this place, then... those people should not let us off easily, don't forget Now, besides our group, there is another group of people here."

"And... if my guess is correct, this group of guys should also be coming towards this ancient city. I think there must be something in it. We have seen these and it is difficult to walk. After all, the desert vision is too much. open."

"As long as they stand on a high point and attack us, we will all have to die by that time. At least, within a range of two kilometers, they are within their sniper range. In a limited time, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out of the range of two kilometers."

Yu Sheng's complexion was solemn.

Yu Sheng’s words made He Chenguang and the others nodded solemnly. They were also quite jealous. As Yu Sheng said, if this group of people must kill them, it is indeed a very serious matter. The troublesome thing, and the fact that they don't have guns, won't last long, and they will soon be discovered by the enemy.

Of course, if you don't chase them, this is a good thing, but who can be sure if the enemy is really not chasing them? If you don’t pursue it, it’s okay, if you pursue it, it’s a big trouble.

"Yu Sheng was right." The old fox also nodded slightly and said: "Now we are in a dilemma. Entering this ancient city, we have more or less room to deal with. If we don't enter this ancient city, then we There will be huge risks."

"I also agree with what Yu Sheng said." The king paused, and slowly said: "Exposing your body to them is a big taboo. As long as the enemy wants to kill us, it will almost certainly die. Use the enemy's choice. Choose our life. I don’t agree with it. It’s safer to put your life in your own hands."

Hearing what Hades said the same, everyone present also nodded slightly, because what Hades said was very reasonable, putting his own life above the choices of others, this is not what they want, let alone this group of guys. Not a good person, if this group of guys didn't choose to kill them for the sake of the ancient city, they would have no place to cry.

Therefore, the best way is to choose to enter the ancient city. Although it is still very dangerous to enter the ancient city, there are many obstacles in this ancient city, and these obstacles are not suitable for sniping. The space they can manipulate, by virtue of their skill, may not be able to kill the enemy.

"Okay, let's go down."

Seeing everyone agree for the rest of his life, he nodded and said.

As the rest of my life spoke ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, all the people present quickly walked down. At this time, the middle-aged man and others in the distance also saw this huge golden ancient city. After they saw this city, they all revealed a little excitement and excitement.

"Great, this is the ancient golden city." A person said excitedly: "We are going to make a fortune."

"After searching for so long, I finally found the ancient city of gold. Has the news been passed on?" the middle-aged man said sharply.

"Pass it out, and the boss will come in at most five hours." A person said.

"Very good." The middle-aged man nodded, with indescribable excitement.

"Captain, the group of guys are going down." At this moment, a person had sharp eyes and immediately looked to the distance, and happened to see them for the rest of his life. This changed his expression and immediately spoke.

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