"I have a special forces system (

"Magnificent, magnificent, magnificent, what a hall."

After Xu Tianlong saw this scene, Xu Tianlong couldn't help taking a breath. Xu Tianlong glanced at the scene somewhat shocked, full of incredible and shock.

With such a magnificent hall, they all feel dizzy when they see it. Although there are many magnificent buildings in modern architecture, it is really insignificant compared with such a building.

The gap is too big.

"Isn't this the place where the treasure is hidden?" At this time, Li Erniu couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know." Yu Sheng said slowly: "But this place should be full of dangers, everyone, be careful."

When everyone heard the words, they all had a serious look. They had also heard some information about the tomb robbers, but the tomb robbers were not as exaggerated as in the movie. They looked like ghosts and gods. In fact, they were just some mechanism settings. Those institution settings are nothing more than the inheritance left by the predecessors, which is very scary.

If you are not careful, you will be killed by these agencies.

Secondly, it is the so-called faction in modern times. This faction does exist, but they are not like Taoists, but have a pair of skillful hands or some other abilities, for example, ingenuity, such as a great understanding of institutions. , Another example is good at setting acupoints.

To put it bluntly, it's just that everything you see on TV has been sci-fi, full of mystery.

When they came to this place, they were naturally full of fear, because no one knew whether this place was full of agencies. If there were a lot of agencies in it, it would be difficult for them to walk through this place if they were special forces. After all, These institutions are set up, there are no dead ends, it is easy to kill people who break into here.

"Let's go over there and take a look."

After Yu Sheng gave an order, they walked towards the hall in front. The door of this hall was tightly closed. Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and others all looked at this door from top to bottom. At a glance, such a magnificent door, everyone who looked at was also amazed.

If it were to build such a magnificent house on their side, it would be really awesome.

There are too many local tyrants to afford such a house.

Yu Sheng pushed open the door as if it was not inserted. Everyone looked forward with solemn expressions. Although they were bold,...they felt a little creepy in their hearts, because no one knew this. Do ghosts and gods really say that in the world?

When you come to this kind of place, if someone suddenly pops out, then it's a **** trouble.

Therefore, everyone is very afraid of some things here.

After pushing the door open, there are only some clay pots in this hall. Although I don’t know what this thing is for, it is already covered with dust and cobwebs. No one knows that these things already exist. For how long everyone saw the scene before them, they were a little surprised.

"These are all antiques, right?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but ask.

"It should be." He Chenguang couldn't help but said,

"My brain, how much money would you sell if you sell it?" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and looked at the scene in front of him with a bit of shock. There was also a strange light in his eyes. Obviously, I am a little excited about these antiques. If you can take them out, how many wives you have to marry.


At this moment, Li Erniu looked forward in confusion. Li Erniu saw that there seemed to be a pillar and a bowl on the pillar. The strange thing was that the bowl seemed to float. With the same, such a scene, Li Erniu was a little surprised.

"what is that?"

Following Li Erniu's point, everyone looked at the pillar in unison, and when everyone saw the bowl on the pillar, everyone was a little surprised.


As for Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang and others, their pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Damn it..."

"Why is this bowl floating there?"

After seeing this scene, everyone was shocked by this scene. Indeed, this bowl just floats here, without any rope hanging, which is a little bit magical, this **** thing shouldn’t be true Do ghosts and gods say that? However, this thing looks too creepy.

"Could it be that there are ghosts and gods?" Li Erniu's scalp was numb and couldn't help but said: "When I was a child, I often heard the old people in the village say that in this world, you don't believe in ghosts and gods, but Don’t disrespect ghosts and gods, and..."

Then Li Erniu began to explain some things in the village. After He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing and others heard Li Erniu's narration ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, everyone's faces became pale and extremely ugly.

"Er Niu, don't talk about it anymore."

Song Kaifei couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He glanced at Li Erniu, which made Song Kaifei feel a little frightened, because this sounded so weird, it made people feel creepy. feel.

"Second cow, don't say it." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said: "We are in an unknown place now, what ghosts are you talking about, if this thing really pops out, the first one will eat you first."

Li Erniu heard the words and closed his mouth tightly.

"Okay, don't be afraid."

At this moment, Yu Sheng’s voice resounded, and Yu Sheng slowly glanced at everyone, then smiled, and said: "These things are not what you imagined. There is no ghost or **** here. The so-called Ghosts and gods are just you frightening yourself."

"If what I expected is good, this place should also be full of some organizing arrangements."

"Secondly, this bowl, in fact, you seem to be dragging something invisibly, but in fact, this is just using some principles of physics."

"Presumably you should all be aware of it, and have all seen it. In this world, there is something called a magnet. Same-sex stalemate and opposite-sex attract. This thing uses the principle of same-sex stalemate. That’s why it led to this small The bowl is standing here, which makes it look like an invisible big hand is dragging this small bowl here, but in fact, this is just using the principle of magnetism."

As the words of the rest of his life fell, this made all the people present suddenly realize. For a moment, everyone nodded slightly, and they all understood the truth of same-sex rejection.

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