I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1071: Treasure

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"But, since this arm is spliced, why, the other arm is not spliced? What is the situation?"

For the rest of my life, the brain is running fast, looking for ideas for this matter. Indeed, if it is said that it is one, then why is the right arm spliced? What's the meaning of that?

What exactly does this mean?

Yu Sheng's right hand increased his strength again. This time, Yu Sheng's strength was very strong. As Yu Sheng used his force, he suddenly noticed that the right arm of the statue moved. This made Yu Sheng's expression a little surprised.

"Moved... sure enough..."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng squeezed again, and then his arm was twisted, which made Yu Sheng also slightly excited. The arm was twisted. Obviously, there was a problem with this arm.

As Yusheng twisted, the twisting was soon to the end. At this time, the entire hall was shaking rumblingly. The sudden situation shocked He Chenguang and the others.

"It's an earthquake, it's an earthquake..." Li Erniu said in a panic: "Let's run."

"Running or running, obviously the rest of my life touched some mechanism." He Chenguang said speechlessly.

"It's not an earthquake?"

Li Erniu took a deep breath, calmed his mood, and said with lingering fear: "I thought there was an earthquake."

Xu Tianlong opened the mouth and said: "Small Zhen doesn't need to run. Da Zhen can't run if he wants to. Er Niu, relax, let alone where we are in this kind of place, you can run anywhere."

Li Erniu was also a little embarrassed when he heard this.


When everyone said this, a sudden sound attracted everyone, and they all saw the statue in front of them suddenly moved away.

This sudden situation surprised them all. Then, they saw a hole behind the statue. This sudden hole also changed the expressions of all the people present.

"This is the entrance to the cave?"

"Is there a big rice dumpling in this cave?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but said.

"I now deeply doubt whether we are here to explore the tomb ruins or to participate in the international special forces competition." Little Bee couldn't help but said.

When everyone heard this, Wei Wei was a little helpless. They did come to participate in the International Special Forces Competition, but who could have expected that they would be forced to come to such a place. There was nothing they could do. If they didn’t come in, they might be killed by the enemy. They were killed, and after they came in, they were forced to come here by the enemy, even though they didn't expect to come here.

Right now, they have only one way to go, even if they don't go, they have to go.

"Let's go in and take a look." Yu Sheng thought about it, and then said: "There is only such a way. If you don't go, you have to go. The people outside are watching. When their people come, we won't be able to go. "

"Well, I agree with Yu Sheng's opinion." He Chenguang nodded and said, "Now there are chasing soldiers behind us, not to mention that only a few of us have guns, and the rest don't. This rushing out will definitely not work. Yes, because there is only one way, and that is one way to get dark."

When everyone heard He Chenguang’s analysis, they all nodded slightly. They all knew that there was no way. Although they were all soldiers king, but... in this situation, they had nothing to do. After all, soldiers king Not a panacea.

Yu Sheng took the lead to walk towards the entrance of the cave. When everyone saw this, they followed suit. As Yu Sheng deepened, soon... everyone came to one place...

After everyone came to this place, the pupils of everyone suddenly shrank.

"It's a gold coin..."

"Fuck, there really is a treasure, there are so many gold coins here?"

"I'm rich..." Song Kaifei stared at everything here with bright eyes.

Yu Sheng stared at everything here with a solemn expression. This surprised Yu Sheng. He didn't expect to find a treasure here. These brilliant gold coins are definitely genuine gold coins. There are so many gold coins. How much money does it have, so many gold coins, do you have dozens of tons at all?

How much is the price of modern gold? It seems to be four or five hundred yuan. If this logic is followed, how much is the value of these dozens of tons of gold coins...

For the rest of my life, my heart was a little slammed. These gold coins are too **** bright and blind, and more than that. In addition to gold coins, there are some other jewelry and the like, there are blue ones. , Red, green gems, these gems look very beautiful.

With so many financial reports, Thor and the others held their breath, staring at everything in front of them with shock.

"Developed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ developed." Song Kaifei said excitedly: "With so many gold coins, I must buy a fighter jet, flying in the sky every day, and I have a fighter jet. It feels good to think about it. "

After Yu Sheng heard Song Kaifei's words, Wei Wei was a little speechless. Your uncle bought a fighter jet. Someone has to sell it to you. It doesn't matter if you sell it to you, do you really dare to fly in the sky? It's not bad if you don't beat you down, but I'm still here.

"For the rest of my life, there is so much gold here, how to deal with it?" He Chenguang was not stunned by the gold in front of him. People are greedy and good, but this gold is not what He Chenguang wants, as long as the money is enough. What's more, their family itself is not poor.

Yu Sheng shook his head and said, "So much gold, it is estimated to be dozens of tons, such a heavy weight, even if you use a large truck to pull it, you have to pull it a few times, and this is a desert, and it will be buried again soon. In the desert, wanting to move them all out is almost a dream."

"These are not important."

Yu Sheng said again: "The most important thing for us now is to find a way to leave here. After all, this is not a good place."


He Chenguang and the others nodded their heads, and Raytheon nodded solemnly. Gold is valuable, but what can it do if it is valuable? No life is important. The most important thing now is to find a way to leave here.


Yu Sheng glanced at the gold, he hesitated, and then walked to this small gold mountain, Yu Sheng walked over there step by step, and he stretched out his hand to peel the gold. Then, a golden box was exposed to Yu Sheng's sight.

As Yu Sheng saw this box, Yu Sheng was also slightly taken aback.

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