, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

"Wait for me, I'll pass right away."

The piranha quickly ran in this direction.

At this moment, Yu Sheng is getting closer and closer to the deep-sea fish, and the distance to the deep-sea fish is only about 50 meters, because for Yu Sheng, getting closer is more conducive to his fight.

You know, he uses a rifle. One thing about the rifle is that you don’t need to shoot a bolt. Moreover, the rifle can also shoot. In close combat, the rifle is definitely very strong. Many people are fighting in close combat. Sniper rifles are rarely seen, except when there are no guns.

Yu Sheng had narrowed the distance between him and the opponent by fifty meters. Yu Sheng knew that the enemy was there, hid, and did not dare to appear. If he did, he might be hit by himself.


Yu Sheng suddenly noticed it, and then he lowered his head for an instant, and when he lowered his head, a bullet passed by his side.

This swooshing sound made me feel a little scalp numb for the rest of my life, and Yu Sheng's complexion became extremely sharp: "It's this feeling again... sure enough, there are three people on the other side."

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng's cold face was filled with a heavy touch.

He knew that this time, the person who fired the gun was a master. He didn't know why, but he still felt that this person had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere, which made Yu Sheng very puzzled.

"Is it the Yinsi?" Yu Sheng thought secretly.

So far, he has not figured out who his enemy is, why is he here, and what is the purpose? Speaking of opponents, he probably only has so many opponents, and one of the lightest and largest opponents is Yinsi.

The horror of Yinsi is undoubtedly, he has seen tautou horse face, and also knows the fighting power of these people. The higher the level, the more terrifying the fighting power.

Although Yu Sheng is not afraid of Yinsi, he is somewhat afraid of it.

"If it's the Yin Division, it won't be easy."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's complexion became a little heavier. The Yinsi people are like little ghosts, and the ghosts are not scattered. If the Yinsi people are here, then this matter is not easy to handle.

For the rest of his life, he looked around carefully.

At this time, the piranha had come to the side of the deep-sea fish and others. At this time, the piranha looked at the shallow-water fish, but found that the shallow-water fish was already lying on the ground. It looked like it was dead.

Seeing this scene, the piranha's face also became a little gloomy, extremely unsightly, he didn't expect things to turn out to be like this, which made the piranha have indescribable anger.

At first, they were overcast by the rest of their lives. At this moment, they died another person, and even the deep-sea fish were injured. They have suffered heavy losses.


At this moment, the piranha seemed to be aware of something and murmured: "That guy at that time can snipe my bullet..."

"Could it be that the other party is that guy."

Thinking of this, the piranha's eyes flickered, and for a while, the killing intent on his body became more and more condensed, and he wanted to give the rest of his life to the corpse.

With the anger of the piranha and the deep-sea fish, Yu Sheng also noticed the existence of the two people. At this moment, the earth induction shooting technique played its full role.

Yu Sheng looked into the distance calmly, he knew that the enemy was looking at him in that direction, and he didn't dare to appear for a while.


At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly thought of something, which made Yu Sheng look happy, Yu Sheng hurriedly touched his pocket, Yu Sheng found a grenade, but...the more **** one, this grenade , Not a real grenade, but a coach mine, which means that this thing will not kill people at all.

Because they are playing a game, this real grenade is naturally not usable. If you use a real grenade, you might blow up the players to death. This is not in line with the original intention of the game.

So what everyone uses is the coach mine. Only the flash mine and others are the real grenade, because that thing only disables the enemy's combat capability, not directly killing the enemy. This time the international special forces competition. It can also be said that the game is restored to the greatest extent.

Yu Sheng glanced at the front, and a faint smile appeared between the corners of his mouth.

"If that's the case, try it."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng simply threw it over there.

For the rest of his life, his waist and horse were united, his strength was concentrated on this right hand, and he just threw the grenade in his hand.

For the rest of his life, this throw is very far, but he is controlled within a range. If he is allowed to give full play, he can even throw to a distance of 100 meters. Such a super long distance is already very scary, of course. If you want to throw this far, the grenade must also be specially processed, because some grenades may have exploded in mid-air if they haven't reached that far. Therefore, if you want to throw this far, you must also have a special grenade.

As Yusheng threw the grenade out, he held guns in both hands and quickly looked at the piranhas.

The piranha also noticed something, which made the piranha's brows frowned, but at this moment, a grenade was thrown beside them, and the sudden situation caused the piranha's pupils to shrink suddenly.


"Get down..."

In an instant, the expressions of the piranha and the deep-sea fish changed drastically, and the two hurriedly jumped out, preparing to lie on the ground. If they were here, they would have to wait for death...

But at this moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation, and fired seven or eight shots at the deep-sea fish.

"Da da da……"

A rush of sound resounded, and the sound of this clatter made the piranha's expression greatly changed. Then, there was a scream from the deep sea fish.


The screams of screams were passed into the ears of the piranha~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which made the piranha's face changed greatly: "Deep-sea fish..."

He saw the deep-sea fish already lying on the ground, and died of anger.


It was at this moment that the piranha saw that the grenade exploded, but...the explosion in the imagination did not happen, but a muffled snorted, a light flashed on the grenade, and then , The grenade is emitting white smoke...

This sudden situation made the Piranha's face all green.

"is fake……"

The piranha was furious!


The piranha became angry and embarrassed. He did not expect that he would be tricked by the opponent. A fake grenade caused them to lose their footing and jumped out. However, after jumping out, they gave the opponent a chance, causing the deep-sea fish to be caught. Hit, die on the spot...

This is a blatant shame to him.

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