I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1083: Progress visible to the naked eye

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Others don't know him, so they think that what he is best at is guns. His marksmanship is very sharp. Even in the dark, he can see each other and kill the enemy.

What's more, he will have many other things, but these have not been shown in front of the rest of his life, but... to say that he is best at it.

It's definitely a fight.

His fighting skills were all produced through life and death struggles. When he was training that year, he stayed on the battlefield for five years, for five years, and he lived in reminders every day. Beware of the enemy, and behead the enemy...

For him the past five years, it was like a nightmare, gradually... he smashed out a name on the battlefield.


Cannibal fish, this is also a name for him, an affirmation.

After many people saw him, they were terrified, and even fled away. After five years of fighting, he once again fought these beasts in the forest. The fights over the years have left him scarred, but... He survived.

Therefore, the piranha of today was cast.

It's just that he never dreamed that he had trained for half a lifetime, and with such a strong combat power, in Yusheng, he was pitted several times by Yusheng, which made the piranha a little angry.

It doesn't matter if you pit it once, it has been pitted several times in a row, which makes the piranha feel that its personality has been harmed.


Suddenly, the two of them punched each other, and then Yu Sheng took a few steps back. At this time, the piranha kicked Yu Sheng's leg with another whip, and Yu Sheng staggered a few steps, Yu Sheng staring solemnly. Piranha.

"Unexpectedly, it was not this guy's opponent in the fight."

For the rest of his life, he also had an indescribable surprise. He felt this way for the first time. Although his fighting skills were not top-notch, they were definitely not weak. Especially with his unfavorable strength, it was the enemy's battle. It always takes the upper hand when it comes to time, but what I never expected is...

The guy in front of him is so tyrannical, and the opponent's combat experience is extremely rich, which is not comparable to him.

"It's really a tricky guy." Yu Sheng stared at the piranha with a heavy expression. He knew that the piranha was a master in the past, but he did not expect that the piranha's combat power was so strong. This It was indeed far beyond his expectations.

"No, you have to improve your combat effectiveness. If you don't improve your combat effectiveness, you will lose to this guy sooner or later." Yu Sheng thought of this, his brow furrowed and he became a little gloomy.

"Boy, go to hell."

Seeing Yu Sheng's appearance, the piranha laughed sarcastically, and in an instant, the piranha blasted towards Yu Sheng with a punch, and the terrifying power exploded. This punch seemed to want Yu Sheng's life.

Yu Sheng noticed this scene, and his eyes flashed brightly. He hurriedly avoided the punch. When the piranha saw that Yu Sheng had avoided the punch, a smile appeared between the corners of the piranha's mouth. This smile happened to be seen by Yu Sheng. In the eyes.

The moment Yu Sheng saw this smile, Yu Sheng's brain moved.

"Why is he laughing? I avoided his punch, why is he laughing?"

Immediately after...

For the rest of my life, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

But at this moment...

That bad premonition became stronger and stronger. Then, Yu Sheng suddenly saw that the piranha kicked Yu Sheng with one foot, and more than that, the piranha's trick was extremely sharp, if it was eaten If the mermaid is kicked, then, immediately, the piranha will have the next move, which is a set of combos.

As long as the first move works, the second move will follow. If these three moves hit him, even if he is very physically fit, he will be hit hard.

Thinking of the rest of his life here, his face changed drastically.

"not good……"

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast, trying to find a solution, but... his brain wandered around for a long time, but was horrified to find that there was no solution at all.

He always feels that the opponent's move seems to be incomprehensible, there is no way to escape, he can only rely on his own body to shake it...


Yu Sheng's heart sank. At this time, the piranha seemed to have seen Yu Sheng's end of the world, and a cold smile appeared between the corners of its mouth.

"go to hell……"

In the eyes of the piranha, the rest of his life at this moment is already a dead man. His three fatal tricks are also his tricks. I don’t know how many special soldiers died under this trick. This set of tricks, It was also what he realized between life and death, which made the enemy impossible to guard against.

At this moment, he did not hesitate to use this trick, and he could die under this trick for the rest of his life, which is considered proud enough...


At this time, the rest of his life was in the brain, calling out the system.

"Call me out of the mall." Yu Sheng said loudly.

"Does the system have a way to quickly improve my fighting skills."

For the rest of his life, without even thinking, he asked quickly.

"Didi, the host can purchase fighting skills."

"The system immediately purchases fighting skills."

"Didi, one copy of fighting skills is worth 100. How many copies of the host will buy?"

"What the hell……"

When the voice of the system resounded in Yu Sheng's mind, Yu Sheng's eyes glared, and he almost died of anger by the system. Yu Sheng immediately asked: "How many copies do you have? How many copies do you have?"

For the rest of my life, I was a little confused by a sudden sentence from the system. How many books do you have... Is this cheating?

He still vomited once and heard that fighting skills are sold according to the number. Wasn't there a basic, intermediate and advanced fighting skills before?

Why has it changed now?

What kind of bird system is this special~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The system faintly said: "At present, the host is an intermediate fighting technique, and the distance is advanced. You still need to buy ten intermediate fighting skills. If you want to be more advanced, you need to buy it. More, more advanced fighting skills."

After Yu Sheng heard the news, for a while, this made Yu Sheng also stared.

The rest of his life was a little dumbfounded.

Does it cost a thousand points of military merit to upgrade to advanced combat skills? Is this cheating?

But... thinking of his current situation, Yu Sheng's face became a little gloomy.

"System, buy ten intermediate combat skills, and immediately merge them."

"Didi, the host is buying ten intermediate fighting skills."

"Didi, the host has successfully purchased it, and the intermediate fighting skills are merging."

"Didi, the host's fighting technique was successfully promoted and became an advanced fighting technique."

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