I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1089: The final battle (four)

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"We can also contact the team on the Lao Russian side." He Chenguang said again: "We have always maintained friendship between us. If we can connect with the team on the Lao Russian side, we are not afraid of Lao Mina. The team on the side."

"That's good, but the other party may not be united with us." Lei Zhan said: "They are all proud and never afraid to fight. The possibility of uniting with us is not very great. ."

"Then what if you unite with the people from the Vatican?" Little Bee said.

"Impossible." Yu Sheng slowly said: "The people over there were killed by us, so they are unlikely to unite with us. Even if they are united with us, we must always pay attention to them, and can't oppose us. Water, if it is against us, it will be even more troublesome."

"Did you kill the two teams?" When the old fox heard these words, his eyes widened, and he asked incredulously.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng said: "The first is a reserve force, and its combat effectiveness is not strong. There is only one soldier king, and the second is an elite force. There were some troubles at the time, but fortunately they were all killed. ."

Yu Sheng's words caused the old fox and others to take a breath. Everyone did not expect that Yu Sheng was so fierce and killed so many people directly. This is a bit powerful.

But thinking about He Chenguang and the others are already kings of soldiers, they are relieved, but what they don't know is that when they were fighting against them before, they weren't kings of soldiers.

"What about the Sand Crocodile Special Forces?"

"It is more difficult for others to unite together. After all, we don't have much cooperation with them, so so far we can only find the fifth type of special forces united together, so that our hope of survival is greater." Yu Sheng road.

After listening to everyone, all their complexions sank. At this moment, they are all in big trouble. If it is a single team, they are confident to kill it, but if so many teams from the other side are united, Even they have indescribable fears.

Because these people are too strong.

Twenty or so people, I am afraid it is a team of 300 people, all of which can be destroyed. It is conceivable how terrible it is for these 20 or more people to gather together. These people are gathered together, and there is no less than one. It's a nuclear bomb...

"If this is the case, then we can only look for the fifth type of special forces, but where are we going to look for?" Song Kaifei couldn't help asking.

"Indeed, it is a very troublesome thing." Yu Sheng paused and said: "However, our people should have come to this place. This mountain is very large, but it is very easy to find, after all. We know that our people are in this place, as long as we are careful, we can always find them."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone nodded solemnly and said: "Then we will go find them next?"

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said: "Next, find them talking first, and then unite together, thinking of other ways."

"Okay, I agree, just do it." He Chenguang said immediately.


But at this moment, suddenly a gunshot resounded in the forest. With this gunshot resounding, Yu Sheng and the others changed their expressions greatly!

"It's not good, there is an enemy attack, and it is hidden."

After Yu Sheng gave an order, all the people present became concealed. At this time, Yu Sheng immediately said: "How about? Is there anyone in trouble?"

"I was eliminated."

At this moment, Hell’s voice resounded loudly. He had a dark face. It was as ugly as it was. He didn’t expect that he would be eliminated under this condition. This made him. Somewhat angry.


Yu Sheng always cursed secretly. What made Yu Sheng a little dignified was that the moment the enemy shot, he didn't even catch the enemy's existence. Obviously... the opponent was a master again.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a master here again, which is really troublesome. Moreover, the opponent’s team is very likely to be a fully-armed team of soldiers. Such a team is very scary, and none of our ten members will be able to. They are opponents. After all, there are too few soldiers on their side. Too many enemy soldiers will oppress them. Therefore, Yu Sheng and the others are very jealous.

"The rest are careful." Yu Sheng said solemnly: "The opponent is a master, a top master, and it is very likely that it is a team that is all kings of soldiers."

Yu Sheng reminded them that this caused all the faces of the people present to change drastically. They did not expect that they would encounter such a team here. This would also be a fierce battle for them.

"The rest of my life, what shall we do next?" He Chenguang said solemnly.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his complexion became a little dignified, and he said solemnly: "It is obviously impossible to run. We must be strong. If we run away, we will soon be caught up by them, and then it will be the real trouble."

"If you encounter other teams on the way to escape, it will be a disaster for us."

Yu Sheng's words made everyone look horrified, because Yu Sheng's words were good. If they encounter other teams while escaping, they might be wiped out.

"Now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we have no choice but to fight." Yu Sheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, fight."

He Chenguang and the others all had their faces darkened, and said in a deep voice, "If this is the case, we will kill them."

The words of He Chenguang and others made Yu Sheng nod secretly. Obviously, He Chenguang and the others have started to grow one by one, and they all know that this time, they can only fight, all of them are the team of the king of soldiers. , They can't run even if they want, they can only fight to the death.

"He Chenguang, go over there, spread out, and look for two sniping points. As for Thor, you go over there. You will be a group of three, sniping the enemy in the dark. Be careful." Yu Sheng immediately assigned the battle. Task,.


Thor did not talk nonsense at this time. He spoke very little along the way because of the contradiction between him and Yu Sheng, but now in such a situation, Thor can still distinguish between the priorities, so Thor did not. Nonsense, go quickly to the right, while He Chenguang and the two are going to the left, and Xu Tianlong and Song Kaifei are going in another direction.

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