, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

Thinking of the rest of my life here, I didn’t even think about it. I just pointed the guns at No. 6 and No. 7, because both of them looked towards He Chenguang and the others. With this angle, they just happened to see them. The individual's heads are overlapped together, which is a good opportunity for him.


At this moment, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a swish of the bullet, it flew over there quickly. The bullet flew extremely fast. Of course, the bullet broke off as soon as it came out of the chamber. Therefore, when shooting people, It will not cause harm to people. Of course, if it is within a range of five or ten meters, the bullet is likely to cause damage to the enemy.

Because of such a short distance, the bullet still has a certain lethality.

As for No. 6 and No. 7, at this moment, the two of them suddenly had a heartbeat, and that kind of violent beating caused the complexion of both of them to change drastically.

Because they are all aware of a strong threat.

"not good……"

By the time they reacted, a bullet had hit the head of No. 6, however, yellow smoke rose from the top of the two people's heads immediately.

With the sound of gunshots resounding, for a time, this caused the expressions of No.1 and others to change greatly: "No, someone is shooting."

"what happened?"

Number One hurriedly looked towards the source of the gunfire, but he did not notice the existence of the rest of his life. At this time, the voices of Number Six and Number Seven came over.

"One, we were sniped."

As soon as these words were spoken, No.1 and the others, all their expressions changed drastically: "What?"

Everyone obviously didn't expect that they would be sniped under such circumstances. How could this be possible? Could there be enemies behind them?

"The enemy is in the direction of six o'clock." Number Four suddenly spoke.

"What the **** is going on?"

In such a scene, Ling No.1's expression also changed drastically. You must know that they are all special forces kings. Their combat effectiveness is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, but they never expected that they did not find anyone behind them. The enemy is even more terrifying. Is it possible that the enemy has surpassed the king of soldiers?

If they were replaced by someone else behind them, they would definitely be able to detect it, even when the enemy used a gun to point them at them, they would be able to detect it. You know, they are the king of soldiers, and the insight of the king of soldiers is very powerful. They can even move for good fortune and avoid evil.

"We were hit by a bullet."

At this time, the face of No. 6 was a little unnatural and said: "I and No. 7 have been eliminated."

"Battered two with one flick?"

After hearing this on the 1st, his face sank, and he was able to hit two with one bullet. This kind of ability is amazing, but... these are all empty bullets. How did he do it? Fight two? How can this be?

Although everyone has an induction system, this thing can only be sensed when it is hit. This situation makes him very puzzled.

When Yu Sheng saw that the two opponents were killed by his own shot, Yu Sheng secretly thought: "Fortunately, this sensing system is very humane. Otherwise, if this shot is fired, I will It's going to be unlucky."

Yu Sheng was also betting at the beginning, because he didn't know whether the sensing system could recognize it. If it was replaced with a real bullet, this bullet could penetrate the 6th and 7th, killing two people. But this is an empty bomb. If it is replaced with an empty bomb, that's not necessarily the case.

Fortunately, the two of them are very close. According to the judgment of the induction system, this led to both of them being judged to be eliminated. Although the bullet did not fall on the number seven, but... after all, this is a bullet, which can be penetrated. Their heads.

"It seems that in order to study this induction system, the international has paid a lot of price." Yu Sheng thought secretly.

As Yu Sheng said, in order to develop this sensing system, they did spend a lot of money, and even judged by the surrounding bullets who can hit, etc...

However, the game is always a game. It is too far behind the real battle. I have never experienced that kind of life-and-death fight. No one can know how terrible the battle is.

"It's Huaxia's special forces." At this time, No. 2 suddenly spoke.

As these words were spoken, the expressions of the rest of the people changed drastically, and they immediately said, "What's the matter? When did the special forces of China run behind us." No.5 hurriedly asked.

"I don't know." Number Two took a deep breath, and said in a shocked voice: "The place is really amazing, silent, and even went around behind us. This group of guys, is it impossible for the fifth type of special forces? ?"

"No." Number One said solemnly: "The opponent is a member of the red blood cell team, a group of recruits. I didn't expect that there are still masters in the opponent's team. I underestimated them."


Number One never expected that Yu Sheng could detour behind them and attack them. There were seven people in their party, seven people... This is a force that cannot be ignored, but it was killed by the rest of his life. Two, this led to a sharp drop in their combat effectiveness, which was a major blow to them.

"Oh shit."

No. 3 whispered secretly: "The other party is so cunning that he can bypass us, and even more so, we didn't even notice it at 11 o'clock. It's really hateful."

"Number One, what do we do next? There is a team in front of us, and this kid behind. We are surrounded."

As this sentence was uttered, even No.1's face was a little difficult to look at, and a group snorted coldly, and said: "No.3, No.5, you two go around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kill this guy. If you dare to be behind us, then you must be prepared to find death. You two will surround them from the side, and a few of us will give you cover."


With the order of No.1, No.3 and No.5 both spared Yu Sheng one after another. After Yu Sheng noticed this scene, Yu Sheng's face also showed a little sneer.

"If you want to surround me, it depends on whether you have that ability."

Thinking of the rest of his life here, the corner of his mouth was picked up, revealing a slightly playful smile.


But at this moment, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others have been paying attention to the enemy's every move. When they saw someone encircling the other side for the rest of their lives, this made all of them and their group look condensed.


With an order...

Everyone pulled the trigger without hesitation!

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