I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1099: Type 5 Special Commando

, The fastest update I have the latest chapter of a special forces system!

As soon as Zhao Yunfeng said these words, the expressions of the people present fell. They all knew that this was an unsolvable problem. Unless the three forces were separated, they would have nothing to do.

Moreover, their people can get to this point, which is already quite good. At the beginning they only had confidence in the fifth group of people, thinking that they had reached the end and there was no big problem, but now...their situation for the rest of their lives , It was beyond their expectations, and they didn't expect that the rest of their lives would be able to get to this point. For them, it was no different than an unexpected surprise.

But right now, the three enemy teams are united together. The total number of them has surpassed 20 people, and all of them are at the level of the king of soldiers. Even if they are united here, they are only a king of soldiers with about ten people, which is inferior to the opponent. With double the strength, in many cases, a single soldier is enough to decide the victory, let alone a gap of ten.

Everyone was silent for a while. All the people present knew that this was an extremely difficult question, unless they broke each one, but is the probability of each one broken?

Everyone is thinking about this problem, but this problem is too difficult.

"It seems that they can only rely on themselves." Fan Tianlei took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Zhao Yunfeng also nodded slightly when he heard the words. Right now they can't help. After all, if you do too much during the game, it might cause some public opinion. In this case...the matter will be difficult to handle.

"Notify the rest of his life about the position of the fifth type of people, and by the way notify the fifth type of people, let them unite." Fan Tianlei paused and said.

"Not bad." Zhao Yunfeng said: "One more person will have more strength."

As the order was issued, everyone became busy.

Let's talk about the fifth type of commando at this time!

The fifth type of commando and others are on this big mountain. They are on guard. The leader is a middle-aged man. The man’s face is painted with oil paint and he is wearing camouflage uniforms. In this body, there is a very special temperament.

This person is the captain of the fifth type of assault team, Bai Yang!

Bai Yang's eyes revealed a little heaviness at this moment.

"Captain, how do we deal with this matter now." One of the team members said with a solemn expression: "Unexpectedly, the three teams of Sakura Special Forces, SEAL Special Forces, and 707 Special Forces were united. They are top-notch masters with extraordinary combat power. The total number of three teams has surpassed twenty people. They are now joining forces. I am afraid that no one team is their opponent."

"Yeah, this group of guys are simply too cunning. Twenty soldiers, this attacking a 500-man squad, if you play guerrilla warfare, they can all be wiped out."

Everyone knows how terrible the king of soldiers is. A king of soldiers can destroy a squad of more than a dozen people, let alone 20 kings of soldiers. Of course, if a large army directly presses on them, these 20 kings of soldiers will not. There is no doubt that he will die.

"Now that the three teams are joining forces, we are under a lot of pressure, but according to the news from there, we still have red blood cells and the Raiden Commando. It is said that there are five people on the red blood cell, and there is also a Thor in the Raiden Commando."

"That kid named Thor, I know, the combat effectiveness is still good, and it can be regarded as the realm of the king of soldiers, as for the red blood cells..."

At this point, they frowned. Obviously, they are not optimistic about red blood cells. Red blood cells are a group of newcomers who come here to participate in the international special forces competition. To put it bluntly, they are gilded and knowledgeable. They don't think they have much combat effectiveness for the rest of their lives.


When they learned that Yu Sheng they had also come here, it really surprised them a little. They didn't expect that a rookie team could come this far, which is indeed a bit surprising.

According to what they thought, a rookie team could get out of the snow-capped mountains and it was already quite powerful, but this team got here, it has to be said that the luck is still quite good.

What surprised them most was Yu Sheng's points. Their points were still very high. I don't know where Yu Sheng's points came from.

For a time, this made them all ponder.

"Now the above command has made the red blood cells and thunder and lightning merge with us. Let's wait patiently." Bai Yang said calmly.

"But the captain... now the three teams are looking for our whereabouts. It won't be long before we can find us... Should we continue to wait here?" Some people couldn't help but ask.

Obviously, their situation is not very good now.

"Wait." Bai Yang said lightly.


Hearing Bai Yang's decision, everyone nodded and waited patiently without saying anything.

At this time, the rest of his life and Thor and others.

They all entered the mountain. At this moment, they felt that the mountain was extremely quiet and there seemed to be no one. However... Yu Sheng and others, their expressions became more and more solemn, because they all knew, The next time is the most difficult time!

Because the violent storms they faced next were the most severe.

The reason why there is no one in the mountain now is because those with weaker strength have been eliminated, and those who are left behind are those with stronger strength.

And they are about to face a storm, but it's still brewing.

As everyone progressed, Yu Sheng suddenly stopped at this time. Yu Sheng's expression was sharp and he looked forward, his eyes mixed with murderous intent.


Following Yu Sheng's order, everyone present became concealed. Everyone checked the surrounding conditions, which made the people present a little dignified.

"What's the matter?" He Chenguang asked in a low voice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ someone. "Yu Sheng Ning said.


He Chenguang and the others all had solemn expressions when they heard this, and said in a condensed voice, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said, "Be careful, don't expose."

After Yu Sheng gave an order, everyone held their breath and carefully observed the surroundings.

But at this moment, a team came slowly. As this team came, He Chenguang and the others all looked at each other, and they revealed a little surprise and solemnity.

"This is……"

Everyone was a little surprised.

"This is...our man?"

After they came here, this surprised them slightly.

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