I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1112: Annihilated (9)

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At this moment.

The captains of the three teams all looked at Yu Sheng in front of them with livid expressions. Their eyes were filled with intense anger. What they did not expect in their dreams was that the few people they had sent did not cause any damage to Yu Sheng. On the contrary, all of his own people were killed by Yu Sheng.

Such a scene also made the faces of the captains of the three teams extremely ugly. In any case, they are all of the world's top teams. However, although the people they sent are not in the same team, but, no matter what Said that their people are also the world's top super masters.

Because of this, in their opinion, if their people kill the rest of their lives, that is more than enough. It is not a big problem at all, but the problem lies here.

Originally, they had already worked hard to kill Bai Yang and others. They could be described as killing a thousand enemies and harming themselves by 800. For them, it also caused a huge loss.

But I never expected that at the end of this time, there was still one left. Moreover, they sent four masters to this person, but they did not win. The most frightening thing is that these four of them were taken by the rest of their lives. For them, this can be described as a naked face slap.

They worked so hard to kill these people with Spikes, but in the end there was such an awkwardness, which is not very attractive to them.

At this time, Captain Seal said coldly: "You two surround you from the side, kill this kid."


As soon as this statement was made, Captain Sakura and Captain 707's expressions were darkened, and immediately, there was a slight sneer in their eyes, which was a mockery.

It was obviously taunting Captain Seal.

At this time, the captain of the 707 Special Forces took out the headset, and then stepped on the ground fiercely. At this time, the seal felt a buzzing sound in his ears, which made the seal captain's expression change and hurriedly The headset was taken off, and the SEAL captain was full of anger at this moment.

He didn't expect that the other party would destroy the headset.

"Asshole..." The Seal Captain screamed with a green face.

As for Captain Sakura, he also smashed the headset with one foot. Captain Sakura’s eyes showed a little sneer and sarcasm: "Hehe, it's all this time, and I still want to use us. Now we are all alone, who can get it? Champions, each has its own ability."

"Don't think that others don't know the thoughts of your seals."

Captain Sakura murmured to himself.

In fact, whether it is Captain 707 or Captain Sakura, they all know what Captain Seal wants to do. Undoubtedly, the captain wants to continue to pit them. Before, when attacking the canyon, Captain Seal pitted them. Caused heavy losses for their people.

Unexpectedly, the SEAL captain did the same thing and wanted them to continue to work for the SEAL captain. How could this be possible? The relationship between them and the SEAL was just a cooperative relationship. How could it be possible to work for them in a small cooperative relationship? , They will naturally not continue to be so stupid at this time.

Moreover, they want to kill the Seal Captain all the time. The Seal Captain is very powerful. If they kill the Seal Captain, it can be said to have eliminated a big threat for them. As for the rest of their lives, although they are a little surprised, they can Living under the hands of the people they dispatched was indeed beyond their expectations, but it was nothing more.

They never regarded Yu Sheng as their opponent, because they felt that Yu Sheng did not even have the qualifications to become their opponent. To say this, the only thing to say is the Seal Captain.

At this moment, Captain 707 and Captain Sakura looked at each other, and then they nodded each other, as if they had reached some cooperation.

It was at this time that Captain Sakura adjusted the muzzle and pointed it at Captain Seal. Even the captain of 707 also adjusted the muzzle and pointed it at Captain Seal. Obviously... the two people at this moment. , I want to kill Captain Seal. As long as you kill Captain Seal, it will be of great benefit to them. At that time, the rest of their lives can clean up at any time.


At this moment, the two pulled the trigger one after another.

By the time Captain Sakura and Captain 707 aimed at Captain Seal, Captain Seal had already noticed. The pupils of Captain Seal suddenly shrank, and then... Captain Seal squatted down, and the next moment, he was next to Captain Seal. On the stone, there are two muffled sounds resounding.

Obviously, this is the sound of an empty bomb colliding with a rock.

When the SEAL captain noticed this scene, the SEAL captain was also furious. The SEAL captain looked at Captain 707 and the captain of the Sakura Special Forces with an angry face. He cursed, "Asshole..."

"You two bastards, are you crazy? Don't you know who the enemy is?"

Captain Seal couldn’t help but yell at them, but Captain Sakura and Captain 707 didn’t see Captain Seal’s furious appearance, but both of them noticed it. At this moment, Captain Seal must be scolding them, and they are. Don't care about it.

At this moment, what they have to do is to kill the Seal Captain, and just scold them. Who makes this Seal Captain the trickiest guy.

So they did not hesitate at all, and once again shot at Captain Seal.

At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The position of Captain Seal is quite bad for him, because he is in the middle of being killed by Captain 707 and Captain Sakura. In this case, it is easy to be killed by both.

As for Yu Sheng, he was outside. At this moment, the group of people seemed to have changed positions. Yu Sheng seemed to have become the person who attacked the canyon.

At this time, the rest of his life was not in a hurry, especially after he saw that Captain Sakura and Captain 707 were about to kill Captain Seal, this made Yu Sheng a bright spot.

"It seems that the cooperation between them has ended."

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng looked happy, because it was a good thing for him. If the three captains rushed to him together and wanted to kill him, maybe his life would be in danger, after all. No matter how strong his strength is, it is impossible to resist the combination of the three top masters.

Of course, if he switched to a combat method, he would also have a certain success rate to kill the opponent, but the success rate was not very high.

But now, the three teams have infighted. This is an opportunity for Yu Sheng. If he works properly, it may not be impossible for him to win the championship.

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