I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1119: Refresh the mall

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Captain Sakura was surprised. He was a little unbelievable. He never expected that for the rest of his life, he could still snipe off his bullets during the jump. This maneuvering operation made him dazzled. You know, even him. It is impossible to snipe off the opponent's bullets during the jump.

Is this guy still a person?

For a time, Captain Sakura had a creepy feeling. He felt that the rest of his life brought him a great threat, even greater than the threat posed by Captain 707.

It was the first time he saw such a perverted sniper.

The actions of Yu Sheng were naturally seen by Fan Tianlei and the others, especially seeing the scene where Yu Sheng shot off Captain Sakura's bullet during the jump. The people who were there were even more dazzled.

"Awesome." The old fox took a deep breath and said shockedly: "This pistol technique is really superb."

The sudden behavior of Yu Sheng also shocked everyone present. At this moment, all the people present looked at Yu Sheng in shock, and they were obviously shocked by Yu Sheng’s hand. No one expected it. For the rest of his life, there will be such a perverted hand.

Even people from other countries were dumbfounded.

For the rest of his life at this moment, he fell on the ground in an instant, and then he hid his body, Yu Sheng's expression was fierce, his eyes glanced at Captain Sakura who was not far away.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath.

Now the three of them have become a three-legged situation. It is not easy to break this situation. Whoever does it first will suffer first, so... at this moment, they are also a little anxious.

If Captain Seal hadn't been killed by him, this situation might not be the same again.

At this moment, the Seal Captain has also returned to the base, and their group is also in this hall. Anyone who is eliminated will be picked up. At this moment, the rest of their lives have already had a fight with Captain Sakura and the others. This time Enough to take them back...

At this time, Captain Seal's face was also a bit unsightly, and he didn't expect that the fighting power of the rest of his life would be so strong, which indeed exceeded his expectations.

Thinking of this, Captain Seal's complexion was extremely ugly. At that time, he should have dealt with Yu Sheng and Bai Yang and the others. In the end, he and others made wedding dresses for others.

This anger made the Seal Captain's face pale. If he did it again, he would definitely kill the rest of his life without hesitation. It was the interference of the rest of his life that caused their entire army to be wiped out.

The rest of their lives at this time are hidden behind a stone. At this moment, the three of them are not very far away, only about a hundred meters. Because there are many rocks here, this also gives everyone a hard time to play.

At this time, the rest of my life took a deep breath, and secretly thought: "I am afraid it will be difficult to kill these two guys... The fighting power of these two guys is not weaker than mine, and once I emerge, they will Kill me without hesitation, this is the real trouble..."

"How can you kill them like this?"

For the rest of his life, his brain was running fast. At this moment, his situation was indeed not very good. Under this situation, it might be difficult for them to tell the winner.

Of course, if Yu Sheng continues to wait like this, it will be Captain Sakura and Captain 707 that will be anxious in the end, because they all know that they don't have a lot of points at this time. There is more to say, only for the rest of your life. For the rest of his life, he killed Captain Seal, and this point was naturally his.

Unless he can kill the rest of his life and get his points back.

If you continue to wait, the winner will inevitably be for the rest of their lives, so this makes them all anxious, because they all know that time is running out.

There are still about three hours or so. During these three hours, they must decide the winner, because after another three hours or so, it is almost the stipulated time. Once the stipulated time is reached, who will win Whoever has more points can win.

"System, refresh the mall."

At this moment, Yu Sheng didn't hesitate. He entered the system. As Yu Sheng deepened into the system, the mall appeared in front of Yu Sheng. Right now, if you can say that you can kill the other party, I'm afraid this mall system is the only one.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice: "System, refresh the intermediate mall, ten times."

As Yusheng's voice fell, the voice of the system also resounded.

"The Didi host is refreshing the mall, consuming a thousand military merits, do you want to continue?"

"Continue." Yu Sheng said decisively.

"Didi, the host is refreshing the mall."

As the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng saw that the mall in the system was rapidly refreshing, and a series of items gradually appeared in front of Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng stared at the refreshed things.


At this time, Yu Sheng frowned.

When the mall was refreshed for the last time, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up because he found something in it.


Yes, it's a spear fighting technique.

The spear fighting technique is powerful, and I have experienced it for the rest of my life. The spear fighting technique is a powerful combination of physical, spear and swordsmanship. It is so powerful and extremely vivid. The conditions for practicing spear fighting technique are extremely harsh. The most important thing is that this spear fighting technique also requires powerful computing power. Without powerful computing power, it would be difficult to achieve...

This is also one of the reasons why it is so difficult to practice gunfighting skills, and...many people don’t like to practice gunfighting skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This thing is bluntly one-off. The end is death.

Of course, if you can learn it, it is also quite tough.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene, Yu Sheng also looked happy.

"Unexpectedly, it was refreshed to the spear fighting technique." Yu Sheng never expected that things would turn out to be like this, but for him, it was nothing more than an unexpected surprise.

"System, how much does the spear fighting technique cost..." Yu Sheng asked happily.

"Three thousand military merits."


After Yu Sheng heard the news, his face turned pale, and Yu Sheng exclaimed, "How much is it for my drafting uncle? Three thousand military merits?"

Undoubtedly, this is the most expensive commodity in history that Yu Sheng has seen. The commodities he has drawn before are only a few hundred. He never expected that the spear fighting technique would cost three thousand... A bit too much, right? Even if you are in the pit, you can't pit the host like this...

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