I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1125: victory

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The real ultimate move is this sweep.

If he was swept by Captain 707's leg, he would be half disabled even if he didn't die.

Obviously, Captain 707 is also a killer.

His legs are often exercised. This burst of power is extremely terrifying, and it is twice as powerful as a fist.

It's terrible.

Yu Sheng seemed to have been aware of it a long time ago, Yu Sheng's complexion became gloomy, he raised his foot to block Captain 707's leg, and...

When Captain 707 swept Yu Sheng's leg, he felt as if his body was swept on an iron block, and the pain instantly changed his whole body.

"If you want to play tricks, you think too much."

At this time, Yu Sheng’s icy voice echoed in Captain 707’s ears, which made Captain 707’s look drastically changed. The next moment... Yu Sheng punched Captain 707 in the chest, Captain 707 backed away a few steps, however, tightly. Then, Yu Sheng jumped up and kicked his feet to Captain 707.


Captain 707 was caught off guard and his body was kicked out. He flew so many meters in the air before he could stabilize his figure. At this time Captain 707 looked a little ugly, because he never dreamed of his own This trick was actually seen by Yu Sheng, and more than that, Yu Sheng's legs were like iron blocks, and they were in such a silhouette.


The next moment, Captain 707's chest became stuffy, and he couldn't help it anymore. He spouted a mouthful of blood. Captain 707 looked at the rest of his life in fear. At this moment, he was really scared.

For the rest of their lives, it was too abnormal. It was the first time they saw such a perverted master. Who was this kid? Is it true that a newcomer is not a success?

But how can a newcomer have such a powerful skill?

Yu Sheng repelled Captain 707 and Captain Sakura. For the rest of his life, he looked down at the two people with a bit of coldness in his expression. Yu Sheng asked: "Now, have you conceded?"


Captain Sakura was full of anger and surrendered when he heard this. It was a great shame for him. He had never only died in battle, but he had never said that he had surrendered.

As soon as Captain Sakura used his force, he once again blasted Yu Sheng with a punch. Captain Sakura broke a leg, which caused Captain Sakura's center of gravity to become unstable.

Yu Sheng had been paying attention to Captain Sakura for a long time, and when he saw Captain Sakura punch him again, a faint sneer appeared between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth.

It's all like this, and I have to face him head-on. This is looking for death.

There was no nonsense for the rest of his life. When he moved his body, he avoided the blow of Captain Sakura. Because of his strong inertia, this caused Captain Sakura to lose his center of gravity and almost fell to the ground. But for the rest of his life at this time, he had a hard kick. The ground kicked on the other leg of Captain Sakura.


Another crisp sound followed. Obviously, Captain Sakura's other leg was kicked off again by Yu Sheng. At this time Captain Sakura screamed.


Captain Sakura’s body fell to the ground severely, and Captain Sakura was sweating profusely. At this moment, he moaned in pain. He felt as if his legs were gone. That kind of feeling made Sakura. The captain is a little scared.

"Cheating, cheating, I protest, I protest."

The person who had been following this scene suddenly couldn't help it anymore, stood up and roared: "They hurt this deliberately. This is not a special forces contest. They hurt deliberately."

This person, obviously, was also from Lao Ri, and also the leader of Lao Ri this time. When he saw Captain Sakura's legs being kicked off, it made him furious and could not bear it anymore. No longer, stood up and protested.

However, his protest did not cause much spray, because the organizer had already said before that real guns cannot be used on the way, and everything else is done on your own. No matter what you did, Whatever you want, and what's more... Since participating in the international special forces competition, this is life-threatening, and it is all very normal. After all, this is a special forces competition, and all they have experienced are extremely harsh environments.

Therefore, once a person dies, he shall not be held responsible.

Every year, the International Special Forces Contest is held, and some people have died. Any year is no exception. Let’s say that this year, many people have also died, at least about 200. This is a very terrifying death rate. Among them, about a hundred died in this snow-capped mountain.

The snow-capped mountains are full of unknown dangers, which also caused many people to die here, and the latter part died in the desert. These two places can be said to have the highest mortality rate.

Such a death rate can be considered very terrifying.

"The people on the old side are in a hurry." At this time, He Chenguang glanced at the protesters over there and smiled coldly.

"Let them be anxious for a while." Wang Yanbing snorted when he heard the words, and said faintly: "It's good to give these arrogant guys a lesson, lest these guys don't know the sky and the earth."


"But..." When talking about this, He Chenguang's eyes were filled with joy, and he said happily: "The rest of his life killed Captain Sakura, Captain Sakura has been completely disabled, there is no power to fight again, and as for 707 The captain has also suffered a lot of injuries. Is this considered as winning the game for the rest of his life?"

"What you said...it seems to be..."

Thinking of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone became a little excited, and the people present looked at the scene in front of them excitedly.

"We won, we won, we won." Song Kaifei said excitedly: "Unexpectedly, our red blood cell won the championship, which is great."

"The rest of my life is fine." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but cried out a little excitedly at this time.

Li Erniu, Chen Shanming, and others also did the same. Even Fan Tianlei stared straight at the scene in front of him. If you look closely at his face, you will find that Fan Tianlei is smiling right now.

Zhao Yunfeng, Bai Yang and others also took a deep look at Yu Sheng on the screen. It has to be said that Yu Sheng really won the championship of the international special forces competition this time. At this moment, the 707 captain is gone. The power of fighting again.

Yu Sheng looked at Captain 707 again, his eyes were filled with a little bit of coldness, Yu Sheng said indifferently: "Now, are you going to give up?"

Perceiving Yu Sheng's cold eyes, Captain 707 trembled all over. At this moment, Captain 707 gritted his teeth, and his heart was a bit tangled.

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