I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1134: wake up

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"So, you mean that the rest of your life was probably taken away by someone from the Yinsi?" Song Kaifei couldn't help asking.

"Nine in every ten." He Chenguang's expression was a bit solemn and said: "I feel that it is very likely to be taken away by the custody. After all, the rest of his life has sinned against the custody and killed them, according to the chief of staff. It is said that people in Yinsi are like difficult little ghosts, and their ghosts are not scattered."

"Once they offend their people, the Yin Division will never let the enemy go easily, so this time it is very likely that the Yin Division will come."

He Chenguang's words made the expressions of all the people present condensed.

"If someone from Yinsi takes away the rest of his life, it will be a big trouble." Song Kaifei said solemnly.

"Yes, it is said that the Yinsi base camp is erratic. No one knows the exact location of the Yinsi base camp. If we can't find the base camp, we can't find the rest of our lives, and... the Yinsi force is very terrifying, and there is a certain war hidden behind them. Even the Emperor of Soldiers can be dispatched. I am afraid that this force is not so shocking." Xu Tianlong said with some worry.

"Unless it can be suppressed by a large army."

"It's just that the army is overwhelming, which is unrealistic."

"However, it may be possible to apply for a peacekeeping force." Wang Yanbing said: "Peacekeeping troops specialize in managing international order. There are other international policemen who can handle cases. If they can apply for peacekeeping troops, look for the rest of their lives and carry out It's a good choice to besie and kill the Yinsi."

Hearing what Wang Yanbing said, Xu Tianlong said bitterly: "It would be easy to say if the peacekeeping force applied for this way. There are very complicated procedures in this application, and... once you apply for a peacekeeping force, no one can say whether it will be bad. Leaking news will be even more troublesome once it is noticed by the yin division."

"Then what should we do?" Li Erniu couldn't help but said, "Aren't we here just watching Yu Sheng been taken away?"

Li Erniu’s words caused He Chenguang and others to be silent. At this moment, they have no good solution, and now they can only rely on Fan Tianlei to solve this matter. After all, this matter is not the same. This is a trivial matter. After the country learns the news, it will definitely respond.

After all, they represent Huaxia's face. If something happens at this time, it is a face slap.

Everyone was discussing together, discussing how to find Yu Sheng and how to solve Yu Sheng.


Let's talk about the rest of my life at this moment!

After Yu Sheng was deprived of the black impermanence, he was in a coma for a period of time. During this time, Yu Sheng felt something, but he was confused and unable to distinguish.

At this moment, in a cell, there was a person lying on the ground. This person was covered with blood and looked a little miserable.

If you look closely, you will definitely find out, because this person is the rest of his life.

For the rest of his life, he had been in a coma for two days. In the past two days, he was confused and could feel the people around him, but he couldn't feel what the people around him were doing.


At this moment, Yu Sheng opened his eyes in a daze. He felt that his vision was somewhat obstructed, which made Yu Sheng's eyes a little blurred.

But soon, for the rest of his life, he adjusted to the surrounding environment.

Everything around was caught in Yu Sheng’s eyes. Yu Sheng also saw the surrounding scene clearly. Yu Sheng was shocked at this time. He hurriedly got up. He looked around. In these surroundings, it turned out to be a small prison, which made Yu Sheng’s face look. Somewhat solemnly, this prison is not as simple as imagined.

How could I be here?

Soon for the rest of his life, he remembered the scene where he was taken away. The other party had medicine in his bullet, which caused him to pass out directly, otherwise it would not be easy for the enemy to kill him.

It's just... the other party brought himself to this place, but it made Yu Sheng frowned, what is this place? What is the meaning of the other party bringing himself here? Also, is the other party a member of the Yin Division?

Yu Sheng had a clear feeling that the other party seemed to be a yinist, but for the rest of his life, he had not been sure, so Yu Sheng was extremely puzzled, guessing whether the other party was a yinist.

After all, during this period of time, he has killed a lot of yinsi people. According to the urinary nature of the yinsi, the other party will never let him go easily. Therefore, it is reasonable for the other party to kill him.

It's just... they didn't kill themselves, instead they got themselves here. You must know that Fan Tianlei and the others were on the top of the mountain at the time. If Fan Tianlei and the others saw that something was wrong with them, they would definitely go down the mountain to save themselves immediately. The enemy escaped so easily.

However, the enemy not only escaped, but even brought him back. In other words, the opponent is a master, a terrifying master, and at least he may not be their opponent now.

However, the last question is, what is the purpose of the other party bringing him back?

Is it to let yourself sacrifice to those who were killed by yourself? Then kill yourself? Thinking of this for the rest of his life, he shook his head secretly. Each of these insidious people is extremely indifferent. After all, they are all people who have survived on the battlefield, and their hearts are like steel. It is unlikely that they will avenge their companions, right? At most it is to maintain the dignity of the Yin Division~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huh? "

At this time, Yu Sheng frowned. He touched his wound. He couldn't help but glance at his wound. At this time, his son was still stuck in his wound, which made Yu Sheng take a deep breath. I took two shots, so two bullets were stuck in this body. I didn't even get any inflammation in the past two days, which made Yu Sheng also a little relieved.

If you get a gun and don't deal with it in time, it may become inflamed, and once it becomes inflamed, it will be extremely troublesome, or people will die.

If this were replaced in ancient times, once it became inflamed, it would almost certainly die, because there was nothing to treat at that time, which is why the death rate on the battlefield was so high.

"No, I have to try to get the bullet out. The bullet is stuck in it all the time. It's also a problem. It's very inconvenient to move." Yu Sheng frowned and thought secretly.

He vaguely felt that his wound was not inflamed, and it was very likely to have a lot to do with his bloodline. After all, his bloodline could be the bloodline of gods and beasts, not to mention there is a poisonous grass gene in it, which can resist poison. , This bacteria, to some extent, is also a kind of poison.

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