I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1144: Artificial heart

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When Dr. James heard Bai Wuchang say this, his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something very happy. For these years, Dr. James has been working on research here, so he rarely has contact with outsiders. What's more, even if there is an opportunity to contact, he is not very willing to contact outsiders.

The happiest thing in his life was after he developed a new type of thing.

For example, mechanical heart is one of his subjects.

The mechanical heart is a kind of heart that he has been working on all the time. It is an artificial heart. The unique thing is that this kind of heart can be regenerated.

For example, when you lose a finger, you can grow back. This is a heart developed by using geckos and some creatures in the ocean.

In order to study this kind of heart, he paid a great price, and also paid a lot of hard work, finally let him complete this first step.

Now that someone is going to visit the mechanical heart he has developed, it naturally makes him very happy. Dr. James happily said: "You come here, I will introduce you."

As the voice of Dr. James fell, Dr. James immediately walked in one direction. At this time, the white impermanence and the black impermanence followed one after another. The rest of his life flickered, and he took a deep look. Dr. James's back, pondering slightly, followed.

As the rest of his life followed, Dr. James walked through one gate after another. These gates have undergone strict secrecy. Moreover, these gates are made of steel plates. The thickness of these gates can even survive. Can afford the bombardment of missiles.

not only that.

These gates all use fingerprints, eyes, faces, and voices to act as the keys to unlock the gate. That is to say, once the eyes lose their color, the gate cannot be opened.

It can be seen that the things here are extremely precious to everyone here.

For the rest of his life, he followed Dr. James cautiously. He looked around carefully. In these surroundings, he felt a kind of danger. Obviously, there were other things in these surroundings, which could threaten his life. , Although I don't know what it is, it makes Yu Sheng a little jealous.

With the opening of the five gates, Yu Sheng was slightly speechless. I thought it would be almost the same with two gates, but unexpectedly, the five gates were opened. The confidentiality of the Yin Division’s laboratory is really true. Is strong enough.

For the rest of my life, I even noticed that it would take some time to unlock even some top masters. However, when all the doors are opened, it is estimated that the other party’s support has already arrived. Data theft is basically a idiot, unless it is stolen from within.

As Yu Sheng entered the last door, a pungent smell spread, which made Yu Sheng frowned, and Yu Sheng looked around.

For a time, this made Yu Sheng's expression slightly changed.

Because he noticed that there were a lot of mysterious liquids in these surroundings. These liquids were stored in storage tanks. The outside of this storage tank was glass, and the contents inside could be clearly seen.

What made Yu Sheng a little astonished was that there were still many underwater creatures here. From the perspective of these creatures alone, there were many that he didn't even know.

For a while, the rest of his life was a little surprised.

These creatures are obviously creatures in the deep sea. It seems that this so-called mechanical heart is a gene extracted from these creatures.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and in the depths of Yu Sheng's eyes, there was a flash of killing intent, and Yu Sheng suddenly looked into the container in front of him.

I saw a figure in this glass container for the rest of my life.


Yes, it's human!

For the rest of my life, I never expected that this group of guys would actually use people to do experiments. This approach is simply appalling. After all, this was not the time of war. I didn’t expect that some people would dare to use people to do experiments this year. Violence.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He didn't look at these people more. He didn't know whether these people were alive or dead at the moment. Moreover, trying to rescue these people was basically a idiot dream. For now, it is better to continue with his own plan. Important, if your plan can be completed, then more people will be saved.

"White, Yu, it's really time for you to come." After Dr. James entered the laboratory, he screamed happily, and Dr. James said happily.

"In the past few days, my research has made breakthroughs again. I will take you to see my newly developed heart."

As Dr. James’s voice fell, Dr. James quickly came to a container. At this time, Dr. James happily said: "Have you seen this? This is my greatest masterpiece. It is simply God-given art." It’s perfect."

Dr. James pointed to the heart in the container and introduced happily.

Yu Sheng looked at the container deeply. After Yu Sheng saw the heart in the container, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered.

Yu Sheng saw that the heart was red, but Yu Sheng could feel that this heart was definitely not meat, but made of special materials.

not only that.

There are many gaps in this heart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Obviously these gaps are used for hematopoiesis and involve blood vessels. These gaps look more like metal, and I don’t know what metal is used. Built.

In the middle of the writing interface, there is a glowing blue thing. I don’t know what this thing is for. This shape looks like the shape of a watch. It’s just above it. With a little light, it looks very beautiful.

The heart was placed in the container. What surprised Yu Sheng the most was that the heart was beating, which Yu Sheng never expected.

An artificial heart can be beaten, how can it not be surprising, even if it is the rest of his life, the first time I see this kind of thing, I can't help but be a little surprised.

I have to say that this science is really not so great. Even the heart can be made. If someone has a heart problem these years, then... just replace one directly. If one day, people can replace it at will. Anything on the body, then, hasn't a person become an immortal body?

When Yu Sheng thought about this, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

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