I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1149: horrible

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The transformation man rushed towards Yu Sheng frantically, the attack of the transformation man carried super power, and that terrible power made Yu Sheng's complexion also changed.

"not good……"

Yu Sheng hurriedly avoided the punch of transforming people. At this time, transforming people seemed to have lost their minds, and once again rushed towards Yu Sheng.

For the rest of his life he avoided again.

However, this time the reformed man seemed to be much smarter, and the speed was even faster than that of the rest of his life. When the rest of his life was about to escape, the reformed man suddenly changed the original attack direction and transformed the abduction. Yiwan banged towards Yu Sheng's chest with a punch.

The terrible force rippled away, which made the rest of his life a little bit shocked.

"So strong."

This time, Yu Sheng did not have time to escape. Yu Sheng also made a punch, blasting towards reforming people. Yu Sheng's punch was fast and accurate, and it was also extremely overbearing.


The next moment, the fists of the two people met fiercely. The moment the fists of the two people met together, Yu Sheng felt a huge force coming from the fists, which made Yu Sheng snorted. , And then stepped back a few steps, Yu Sheng looked at the transformed man with a sharp expression.

The transforming man has endured a tremendous amount of strength, and it has also taken a few steps back.

Obviously, the strength of the two people is half a catastrophe, and no one can do anything about it.

Dr. James and Bai Wuchang saw this scene, and they were all taken aback.

"Bai, who the **** is this Yu? He is so powerful? He can even head-on head-to-head with No. 1 Transformed Person."

Dr. James was also taken aback by Yu Sheng's strength, Yu Sheng's strength is indeed too scary, it can be comparable to the strength of reforming people, how terrible the strength of reforming people, he has been tested before , Being a super master at the level of the King of Soldiers, it was a bit unbearable to get the punch of transforming people, let alone for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, for the rest of his life, he just took two steps back.

Bai Wuchang glanced at the rest of his life, who was fighting the transformation. Bai Wuchang also showed some surprises and surprises. Bai Wuchang didn't expect that the rest of his life would be so powerful.

When he caught the rest of his life before, he also used a lot of means. He also shot the rest of his life twice before, so he easily took the rest of his life away. Unexpectedly, the melee combat of the rest of his life would be so powerful. Something went beyond his expectations, but he didn't expect it.

Bai Wuchang said: "Let's take a look first."

For Yu Sheng, Bai Wuchang didn't know much about it. He just got the order from above. If he can subdue Yusheng, he will naturally subdue Yusheng. If he can't, he will kill Yusheng.

Because, no one in this world can get away with the person who has killed the yin, unless this person is valued by the yin and he joins the yin, otherwise, it will cause the yin to pursue and kill infinitely, until the person is killed. until.

At this moment, the reformer saw Yu Sheng head-to-head with him, even after he was even on a par, Yu Sheng's actions seemed to completely offend the reformed person, and then, another punch blasted towards Yu Sheng.

Upon seeing this, Yu Sheng gave a sneer. Through the head-to-head confrontation with reforming people with just one punch, Yu Sheng also had some understanding of the power of reforming people. Immediately, Yu Sheng slammed through the same punch.

And it blasted past in the most positive posture.

Obviously, Yu Sheng didn't have any plan to avoid his edge. On the contrary, he still had to face the transformation with the most positive attitude.

"Boom boom boom..."

The next moment, the muffled sound continued to reverberate, but neither the white impermanence nor Dr. James could hear the sound, but...the two of them can clearly see the situation of the battle between the two, although they listened There was no sound, but the scene of **** to the flesh made both of them unspeakably heavy and surprised.

Especially Dr. James couldn't help but take a breath, because it was the first time he saw a human being with such terrifying power and physical body, could it be said that this person was born with supernatural power?

After all, some people in this world are born powerful, and it is not impossible.

For a time, Yu Sheng was entangled with the reformer, and the reformer seemed to be offended by Yu Sheng's actions. The reformer continued to fight for Yu Sheng, especially in this shot room, which was very aggressive and domineering. Moreover, every move and every style is so pure, once being hit by a transformed person, it may break the muscles and fractures.

Even if one is not careful, it may be killed directly by a reformed person.

For the rest of his life, he smiled coldly and used the most positive posture to fight against the transformation of people. For the rest of his life, he did not show any mercy, and the tricks were fatal.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng grabbed the modified person's arm, Yu Sheng sneered, and then, with a sudden force and twist, the modified person's arm was instantly removed, which was obviously dislocated.

The reformer noticed it, roared, roared, and kicked towards Yu Sheng again. The power of reforming man seemed to increase a little bit in addition to his anger.

At this time, Yu Sheng's mouth picked up, he grabbed the transformed man's arm, raised his knee, and pushed it hard.


A crisp sound resounded, it was the sound of broken bones, and the rest of his life broke the arm of the transformed person directly.


A painful roar came from the reformer's mouth. Although he was a reformer, he could still feel the pain.

Especially the pain after Yu Sheng broke his arm, which made him feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Out of anger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Transformed Man once again came to fight for the rest of his life. At this moment, the Transformed Man does not seem to know a person, but is more like a beast, a beast that wants to eat people. .

When Yu Sheng saw some crazy reformers, his complexion became a little dignified, and Yu Sheng continued to fight with the reformers.

After seeing the scene before him, Dr. James couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Is this guy a madman? That's so powerful, he can actually fight the transformed people to such an extent."

Dr. James took a deep look at Yu Sheng. For a while, his eyes became a little excited and excited. If... If Yu Sheng's body can be modified, Yu Sheng will also be equipped with a mechanical heart.

So what will the result be like?

Will the rest of my life after installing the mechanical heart become more terrifying and even more terrifying?

Thinking of this, Dr. James even had the idea of ​​killing the rest of his life immediately and then installing the rest of his life with a mechanical heart. If the rest of his life can break through the existing situation, this is definitely a major breakthrough.

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