I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1171: Rich rewards

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In a short while, the two people arrived at the agreed place. After a while, a helicopter started to wait directly here. After Yu Sheng and Wu Zeqing arrived here, they went back to China.

On this person’s helicopter, he didn’t speak for the rest of his life, because on this helicopter, it was really not suitable for talking. The noise of this helicopter was really too loud.

So both of them closed their eyes, and they seemed to be closing their eyes to rest.


For the rest of his life at this time, this was not the case.

Because, in Yu Sheng's mind, there was also a voice, and along with this sound, it made Yu Sheng also shocked.

"Didi, congratulations to the host for completing the task. The host reward is being settled."

As the system's voice fell, this shocked Yu Sheng's body. Immediately, Yu Sheng's eyes flickered, and he became a little excited and excited.

Now it's finally time to harvest. In order to destroy the laboratory, he almost planted here this time. If it wasn't for his wife's arrival in time, maybe he would have been planted here this time.

The rest of his life immediately said: "System, what kind of reward."

"Didi, the host reward is settled successfully."

"Didi, the host completes the task, rewards the host with 3000 points of military merit, fusion skills once, the level of medical skills is raised by one, and the 100-year skills are unconditionally improved once."

After Yu Sheng heard these rewards, it made the rest of his life stunned. This time he was a nine-dead life. Didn't expect to give such a small reward at the end? This is too perfunctory, right?

For the rest of his life, he was slightly dissatisfied, but the rewards given were relatively rich. After all, he gave 3000 points of military merit at once, which is a lot.

With the addition of these three thousand points of military merit, he is equivalent to possessing eight thousand nine hundred and thirty points of military merit. Such a terrible amount, this time he is not a loss.

The most important thing is this fusion skill.

"System, this fusion skill, can it also merge the two skills?"

"No." The system slowly said: "This time the fusion skill, the host can merge multiple abilities, but it is limited to a century-old skill."

When the voice of the system fell, Yu Sheng's eyes brightened. Yu Sheng's complexion became a little excited, and Yu Sheng said with excitement: "So good?"

For the rest of my life, I can only fuse two fusion skills. After fusion, it will become a thousand-year-old skill. I didn’t expect that this time I can fuse multiple skills. This is going to be developed. After my fusion, my skills will still remain. It can be used, this is the most showy.

And you can use the latest skills.

For the rest of my life, I became a little bit looking forward to it.

"By the way, it seems that I can unconditionally upgrade my 100-year skill. This fusion skill must be in a three-level form..."

At this time Yu Sheng couldn't help but think of this. You know, I still have a lot of skills that have not been completed for a hundred years. That is to say, I have not been able to integrate these skills?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's brows furrowed, Yu Sheng pondered for a moment, he can unconditionally improve a hundred-year skill, so what is the right thing for him to improve?

So far, his century-old drug-addicting grass genes, the blood of the century-old unicorn beast, the blood of the century-old Hunpeng beast, and the heart of the century-old bodhi are all secondary forms. These forms are still not enough, and they need to be improved.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng’s eyes lit up, and his eyes fell on the Hundred Years Bodhi Heart, because the Hundred Years Bodhi Heart is very useful to him, especially when he is comprehending these skills, the Hundred Year Bodhi Heart can be Said to be the same existence...

As for the poisonous weed gene and other things, it seems a lot of tastelessness.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng became a little excited.

Yu Sheng said: "The system immediately raises the Hundred Years Bodhi mind to the third-level form."

"Didi, the host is raising the mind of a hundred years of Bodhi. May I ask if the host is ascending."


"Didi, the host is raising the mind of a hundred years of Bodhi, and the mind of a hundred years of Bodhi is being promoted."

"Didi, congratulations to the host for insight into the third form of the bodhi mind of a century, the mind of enlightenment."

"The heart of enlightenment?"

After the rest of his life heard the news, he was even more confused. The first form of this bodhichitta is one mind and three uses, and the second form is multi-tasking. He thought that this third form is one-minded and multi-purpose. Unexpectedly, it turned into the heart of enlightenment. What kind of stuff is this heart of enlightenment?

Yu Sheng couldn't help saying: "System, what kind of ghost is this heart of enlightenment? Isn't this stuff trying to make me enlighten and become a god?"


The heart of enlightenment, why does it sound so sci-fi?


The system slowly opened the mouth and said: "What specific ability does it have, the host needs to explore on its own."


After Yu Sheng heard the words, there was a moment of silence. At this time, Yu Sheng thought about it, and said slowly: "System, use the heart of enlightenment..."

As Yu Sheng's voice fell, for a while, Yu Sheng felt that his spiritual platform was full of holes. At this moment, he felt as if he was in a state of chaos. The feeling was very wonderful.

"The blood of a century-old unicorn monster..."

When Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng's heart moved. Suddenly, Yu Sheng was shocked to discover that his perception of the blood of the unicorn beast had become even more profound.

At this time, Yu Sheng also had indescribable excitement. Yu Sheng carefully understood the blood of the unicorn beast. As time went on, Yu Sheng felt more and more profound about the blood of the unicorn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know how long it took. Yu Sheng was shocked, an unspeakable and inexplicable feeling poured into his heart, which made Yu Sheng unspeakable.

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, I feel the third form of the blood of a century-old unicorn beast, and come back to life."


When Yu Sheng thought about this place, this shocked Yu Sheng. In the depths of Yu Sheng's eyes, a touch of surprise passed by, and Yu Sheng's expression became a little excited. Didn't expect that he would understand this third form like this? This is too fast, right?

The third form of the unicorn beast, it’s a dead end. This represents luck, and it means that you have reached a critical moment. This unicorn beast can bring you great luck. This thing is invisible and intangible, but it is true. Existence, even today, Wu Zeqing went to save herself, maybe it was caused by the blood of the unicorn beast.

For a while, Yu Sheng was also indescribably excited about the blood of the Qilin Divine Beast.

"It's great..."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, his eyes became a little excited.

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