I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1175: What you see

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"Mechanical heart."

At this time, Yu Sheng spit out a few words gently, these words made Fan Tianlei, Chen Shanming and others all look slightly condensed.

"Mechanical heart?"

When Fan Tianlei heard these four words, Fan Tianlei's pupils suddenly shrank, and Fan Tianlei's expression became more solemn than ever.

"Chief of Staff, have you heard of it?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.


Fan Tianlei nodded solemnly, with an unprecedented heaviness on his face, Fan Tianlei said: "Mechanical heart is a kind of biochemical weapon, this thing can replace the human heart."

"The heart is the source of human power. It is like a machine. It occupies a very important proportion. If you are the heart, liver, spleen and lung, if you cut off a little, you can live more or less, but the heart alone can’t work, even if you lose a little bit, Can't live."

"I have seen some documents about the mechanical heart. According to me, the research on the mechanical heart comes from a certain organization, and even certain countries are studying this thing. This thing can replace the human heart and bring new life to people. If it is researched, it will bring good treatment to heart disease patients, and it can also enable them to live better, but in fact...it is to study soldiers. "

"If what I expected is good, once this kind of heart is implanted, then this person's combat effectiveness will become very strong, right?"

Fan Tianlei's words caused Yu Sheng to be taken aback, and then Yu Sheng nodded and said: "That's right, it is true. Once this kind of heart is implanted, this person's combat effectiveness will soar and become very powerful."

"Moreover, they still have a strong resilience, but as far as I know, their heart is still in the first stage and has not yet entered the second stage. However, their Dr. James has been killed by me. I even ruined the laboratory with me."

Yu Sheng's words made Fan Tianlei nod slightly. At this time, He Chenguang asked, "How did you destroy the laboratory?"

When Yu Sheng heard this, he smiled and said casually: "They made a self-destructing program on the computer in the laboratory. If I expected it to be good, they were afraid of being discovered by others, so they made such a place. The self-destruct device, as long as the self-destruct device is activated, it will destroy all the data here, even some other things here."

"At that time, I entered their laboratory and activated the self-destruct device, which destroyed their entire laboratory."

Fan Tianlei nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "Although you destroyed their laboratory, as far as I know, they have more than one laboratory. They should have other laboratories. This laboratory is just the simplest. That’s it."

"Although you destroyed their data on this side, they must have stored data on that side."

Fan Tianlei’s words made Yu Sheng’s face sink. If this is the case, he destroyed the laboratory here and did not cause any substantial harm to the Yin Division. For a while, this made Yu Sheng’s complexion a little unnatural. , It seems that I did this in vain.

"But you destroyed their laboratory and brought them a lot of trouble. At the very least, you will lose a lot of property." Fan Tianlei comforted.

"By the way, how did you escape from the laboratory? Didn't you say that black and white impermanence is also there? Logically speaking, they shouldn't let you leave the laboratory so easily, right?" Fan Tianlei asked suddenly.

Yu Sheng spoke slowly: "The Chief of Staff, you said rightly, the two of them did indeed appear."


When Yu Sheng said this, a cold light flashed across Yu Sheng's eyes, and he whispered softly: "When I was in their laboratory, I had a fight with the biochemical man of their mechanical heart, so I happened to be promoted at that moment. Compared with the two of them, my current strength is not inferior at all."


As soon as this statement came out, this made Fan Tianlei, Chen Shanming and others all show a little shock. They looked at Yu Sheng in shock, and said inconceivably: "You mean to say... you are already at the level of the emperor. The master?"


What the rest of his life showed was too shocking for them, a master of the Bing Sovereign level? They are not without fangs, but at least they don’t have red blood cells...

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng turned out to be a super master at the level of the emperor, which shocked them, especially He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, the eyes of the two of them stared at Yu Sheng fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Yu Sheng went one step ahead of them again and was promoted to become a master of the Bing Sovereign level. For a time, it made them seem to have found their goal again.

"Not yet."

Yu Sheng shook his head and said: "My current strength is only able to beat black and white impermanence, black and white impermanence is not my opponent."

"If I really encounter a master of the Bing Sovereign level, I will not be his opponent. A master of the Bing Sovereign level is really too strong. They are extremely terrifying, and I will not even be able to fight back."

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Shanming heard the words, feeling that what Yu Sheng said was a little bit wrong, and immediately asked: "Aren't you meeting a master of the Bing Sovereign level?"


When Yu Sheng’s voice fell, all of Fan Tianlei and Chen Shanming’s expressions changed drastically. At this moment, they all felt the risk of Yu Sheng encountering a master of the Bing Sovereign level. All of a sudden, their expressions changed. Unprecedented dignity, with indescribable shock.

"Have you really met an expert at the Binghuang level?" Fan Tianlei's body became tense. As for Chen Shanming and Miao Lang and others, their breathing was a little bit tight.

"Yes." Yu Sheng nodded, responding.

"Then how did you come back alive~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fan Tianlei asked immediately.


If you encounter a super master of the Binghuang level, Yu Sheng should not be the opponent of the Binghuang level. After all, the Binghuang level master has completely exceeded their imagination. This is not what they can deal with, unless it is more powerful. It’s good for them. Huaxia is not without them. It’s just that if you want to use such a master, you must obtain the consent from above. Generally speaking, a master of this level will not be arbitrarily dispatched, only when it is dangerous or critical. Such a master will be dispatched.

Such masters, each one is a treasure of China, very precious.

Since the opponent has even dispatched super masters at the Bing Sovereign level, it is reasonable to say that Yu Sheng should not be their opponent, but... how did Yu Sheng escape back?

For a while, Fan Tianlei also looked at Yu Sheng with a little doubt.

Yu Sheng hesitated for a while, and then slowly said, "My wife brought me back."


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