I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1185: Misunderstood?

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"Reporting chief, I want to compete with him, I am not convinced."

Li Erniu couldn't help it anymore and said again.

Following Li Erniu's words, even Chen Shanming and Miao Lang and others looked at Li Erniu speechlessly. For a while, they didn't know what to say. .

This Li Erniu is really a mad cow. You don't look at it either. Look at what you are doing? If it is to challenge a cook under other circumstances, the challenge will be challenged. It is not that they look down on the cook, but that it is a small challenge in this situation. Isn't it confronting Fan Tianlei?

You have to look at the situation anyway? At the moment, Chief Gao is still watching here, if one can't handle it well, how can he see people in Fan Tianlei later on.


Gao Tianguo looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, watching this scene with interest, as if he was watching a big show.

After He Zhijun on the side heard these words, He Zhijun's face also turned dark, thinking in his heart, how exactly did you Fan Tianlei do it? How do you let your soldiers talk nonsense? Is there any discipline left? Don't you know what's going on now? I dare not hurry up to shut up your soldiers.

Although He Zhijun thought so in his heart, He Zhijun did not express it. After all, it is not the time for him to speak.

Fan Tianlei had a dark face, and his face looked a little unnatural. He glanced at Li Erniu unnaturally. Fan Tianlei couldn't help but scolded: "Competition? What is the comparison? What can be compared to yes?"

"Are you still not convinced?"

"Why? You want to run a hundred kilometers? If you want to run a hundred kilometers, I will give you this opportunity to run a hundred kilometers well."

Fan Tianlei couldn't help it anymore. He spouted wildly and shouted: "You all have become more skilled? After training for so long, I asked you to come to the reminder class to compete? You are also a special soldier anyway. , You have to compete with others, do you know where all of their skills are?"

"You have a kind of culinary skills competition with others, three hundred and sixty lines, you are the best champion, you use your advantages to compare with others' weaknesses, what kind of heroes? Are you ashamed? You are not ashamed, I will do it for you. You are embarrassed, look at what you are like now?"

"Is it itchy, right?"


"I really thought I could be lawless by showing my face in the international special forces competition? I can ignore the discipline? Do you know what you are doing."

When talking about this, Fan Tianlei roared even more. It was obvious that Fan Tianlei was indeed angry at this moment, and he was also irritated to death by Li Erniu.

you say.

Why did Li Erniu, a cow so obedient in the past, be stubborn today? What is this and what is it?

It must have been damaged by Yu Sheng and He Chenguang.

However, Li Erniu listened to Fan Tianlei's words. For a while, Li Erniu was a little anxious. He just spoke quickly and did not understand what he wanted to say at all. To Fan Tianlei, he thought he was going to use force. Challenged Chef Wang, but he didn't think so at all.

He wants to challenge Wang Chu in other ways.

Thinking of this, Li Erniu hurriedly said loudly: "Report..."

"Report? What to report?" Fan Tianlei was even more furious when he heard the words: "Just like you are lawless, you still call a report. I think it's almost the same when I call a report."

Li Erniu heard what Fan Tianlei said. For a while, he was a little dumbfounded. He didn't mean that at all. He wanted to challenge Wang Chu in cooking. Also, Chief of Staff, you have to listen to me more or less. Are you done? You don't let people talk, how do you explain this next?

For a time, Rao was Li Erniu, and he was a little panicked.

On the contrary, it was Wang Chu, staring at this scene jokingly, his eyes mixed with a little sarcasm, expressing deep disdain for it.

At this time, Fan Tianlei was screaming at everyone. For the rest of his life and He Chenguang and others, they all looked at Li Erniu dumbly. They didn’t know what to say for a while, you said. This mad cow, when is it bad to be mad, but at this time he is mad.

Is this all hair and hair?

Isn't this a mess? Isn't this a mess?


Li Erniu couldn't help it anymore. Taking advantage of this small interval where Fan Tianlei did not speak, he shouted. Li Erniu spoke very fast and said: "Report to the Chief of Staff, I want to talk to He tried cooking, and I didn't want to try other things with him."

Li Erniu was also in a hurry right now, so he didn't wait until Fan Tianlei agreed with him to speak, so he said in a hurry, this is no good, Li Erniu also knows that if this matter is not explained clearly, next, They must be unlucky, and he doesn't know how to be unlucky, but it must be unlucky.

Li Erniu uttered these words quickly, and he was also relieved, at least he was finished.

"You still dare to speak, who made you speak, you still have to challenge..."

When Fan Tianlei heard Li Erniu say a word quickly, Fan Tianlei's lungs were almost exploded. After talking about his feelings for a long time, these guys didn't care about it at all. This was so angry that Fan Tianlei almost shot Li and beat Li. Two new one meal, who told you to speak at this time.

However, when Fan Tianlei said here, Fan Tianlei suddenly got a little wrong. Fan Tianlei hurriedly looked at Li Erniu, and Fan Tianlei gave Li Erniu a surprised look.

What did he hear?

He seems to be saying that he wants to compare his cooking skills with Chef Wang?

At this time, not only Fan Tianlei was stunned, but even Wang Chu and the rest of the people were also stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At first they thought that Li Erniu was going to compete with Wang Chu in force. They I never dreamed that what Li Erniu was going to compare with Chef Wang was cooking. For a while, all the people present were a little dumbfounded.

This is a test of cooking, what kind of operation is this?

At this time, even Fan Tianlei glanced at Li Erniu puzzledly. Fan Tianlei couldn't help but ask: "Li Erniu, what are you talking about? Are you going to try cooking with him?"

"Report, yes, the chief of staff, I want to compete with him in cooking..."

Li Erniu said with a serious face: "This kitchen is our wolf's kitchen, not his personal kitchen, so I want to challenge his cooking skills and let him know whose kitchen this kitchen is."

In Li Erniu's words, Fan Tianlei and the others were all dumbfounded.

After doing it for a long time, after doing it for a long time, Li Erniu is here waiting for them. All this is for the wolf's teeth? Rao is Fan Tianlei, his face twitched fiercely in this instant.

Even he doesn't know how to talk, how can this be said?

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