I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1196: arrival

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The breath on his body has changed a lot.

Obviously, the current cold front is stronger than the previous cold front, and Yu Sheng couldn't help but look at it twice.

"Now all are on the plane." Long Xiaoyun said.


Following an order, everyone boarded the armed helicopter. At this time, all of them were sitting on the helicopter, and they did not speak.

On the contrary, Leng Feng has been watching Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng also noticed Leng Feng's gaze, but Yu Sheng didn't say anything, just smiled at Leng Feng.

Leng Feng also smiled.

Soon, the group of people arrived at a place, and as the group of people arrived at this place, Yu Sheng and He Chenguang and the group were slightly taken aback.

The place where everyone came was an office building. Although they didn't know what this office building was for, they were vaguely vague for the rest of their lives. The people here should be the people they want to protect.

Sure enough, after a while, a team came out from here. Some of these people were wearing reading glasses, and some were wearing eyes. In addition, there were some students in this crowd. These young and beautiful college students seem to be more energetic.

After Yu Sheng watched it, he couldn't help but sigh slightly. According to reason, he should still be on campus at his age, but now he has become a special soldier king.

Yu Sheng shook his head secretly.

"Alert everyone." At this time, Long Xiaoyun's voice came into their ears, and they all had a messaging system, so they could hear Long Xiaoyun's commands clearly.

When Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others heard the words, a pair of sharp eyes all looked around, and if something dangerous happened, the group of them could react in time.

This is led by a few old professors. In addition to the old professors, there are also some teachers and students. There are about 20 in front and back.

It is indeed not easy to protect such a team. After all, there are too many people, and it is also very difficult to protect.

"Xiaohan, I heard that this time we have made a huge discovery, and it is something left over on the battlefield. Is this true?" A girl looked at Wang Xiaohan and asked with a little excitement.

Wang Xiaohan wears a down jacket, a hat, and a pair of small leather boots, but looks extremely beautiful, especially Wang Xiaohan's eyes are very beautiful.

Wang Xiaohan is a student of Professor Li. This time, Professor Li also took this group of students to investigate, and also to train these students.

The girl who spoke was Liu Yue.

Liu Yue is also Wang Xiaohan's best friend.

Wang Xiaohan smiled and said casually: "I don't know what the specific situation is. We will know when we check it out."

"If we can make a major discovery this time, so that we can also write on our subject. At that time, this will also be of great benefit to our graduate job search." Liu Yue said with a heartbeat.

When Wang Xiaohan heard this, he smiled slightly.

But also, now they work with these professors, and when they find a job here in the future, it will be easier to find a job with this experience.

They are all types of biological research. Logically speaking, it should be easy to find a job for this research, because many biological companies need such scientific and technological talents.


This is not the case.

A freshly graduated college student has no experience and many people are unwilling to ask for it, and there is no big company willing to train these newcomers. For them, the cost of training newcomers is also very high. If in the future, After the newcomers have completed their studies, they leave the company, which is also a huge loss for the company.

Therefore, now many companies should not be willing to train these new people, they are more willing to spend some price to hire those high-level talents.

Therefore, these newly graduated college students can only accumulate work experience in some small places, but work experience is not a matter of three to five years, but a long-term matter, not to mention that if this is to complete a scientific research project, then But it takes a lot of time.

When they grow up, their grades are already very big.

Therefore, they are naturally very happy for such outings.

There are quite a few students at this moment, and they are all very excited.

"Xiaohan, I have a warm treasure here. This is for you. I heard from Professor Liu that the place we are going to will be very cold in a while." At this time, another man in a black down jacket came over. The man still held a warm treasure in his hand. When he looked at Wang Xiaohan, his eyes were full of emotions.

Obviously, this man is Wang Xiaohan's suitor.

When Wang Xiaohan heard this, the willow eyebrows clustered. Obviously she didn't catch a cold with this person named Zhang Haiyang, and Zhang Haiyang had been pursuing her in school, which made her very disgusted. She had refused it several times, but Zhang Haiyang is like a dog skin plaster, sticking to her all the time, which makes Wang Xiaohan also full of helplessness.

Wang Xiaohan spoke with a serious face: "Sorry, I'm not cold, and I don't need Nuanbao."

Wang Xiaohan's words made Zhang Haiyang smile, and Zhang Haiyang said, "That's it, Xiaohan, I'll put it for you first, and when we arrive, I will give it to you when you are cold."

"Xiaohan, wait a moment. After we enter the mountain, you will follow me. I heard that there are many dangers in the mountain. I will protect you when the time comes."

Zhang Haiyang’s words caught Liu Yue's eyes. Liu Yue rolled her eyes, and she could naturally see that Zhang Haiyang was pursuing Wang Xiaohan~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang Xiaohan was also the school flower in their school, she was very beautiful. It is normal to be able to attract Zhang Haiyang.

However, she also knew that Wang Xiaohan had never caught a cold with Zhang Haiyang, but she also had to say that the Wang Haiyang family and appearance looked quite good.

Such a man is also pursued by many people in school, and she is also a little curious, and she doesn't understand why Wang Xiaohan doesn't catch Zhang Haiyang at all.

"Okay, now everyone gets in the car in an orderly manner. Don't be chaotic." At this time, there was a voice resounding, and with this voice resounding, Zhang Haiyang immediately said: "Xiaohan, go, let's get on the court first. "

When Wang Xiaohan heard the words, his eyebrows clustered, and he glanced at Zhang Haiyang a little impatiently, and said casually: "I can get in the car by myself, you don't care about me."


Hearing this, Zhang Haiyang couldn't help being angry, but instead smiled.

This scene was watched by Yu Sheng and the others. For a while, it made Yu Sheng and the others slightly surprised. At this moment, Song Kaifei sighed.

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