I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1207: fighting

However, there was no sound over there, and No.2's complexion became a little serious, and he immediately spoke again: "No.4, No.4, how is it with you?"

However, none of the two people replied. For a while, the second spotted the seriousness of the matter.

If one person doesn't reply, then the other person can't and coincidentally can't reply, right? So, something must have happened...

Thinking of this, No.2's face gradually became a little difficult to look, and No.2 spoke with a solemn expression: "Something has happened. No.3 has lost contact with No.4. It is very likely that they have been killed."


Hearing this, No.1's expression changed slightly, and he immediately said, "Go, go and take a look."

They were at a critical moment, and they didn't expect something went wrong at this time, which made the faces of both of them a little unsightly. However, the eagle-eyed man noticed this scene and smiled coldly, with a little on his face. Cold, the eagle-eyed man had noticed it a long time ago, and they have come for the rest of their lives.

At this time, No.1 and No.2 looked towards the outside cautiously, but when they came to this door, they suddenly noticed that someone was shooting at them two like lightning.


A silhouette was fleeting, and at such a speed of shooting, even the pupils of the two of them suddenly shrank, and there was a slight look of astonishment on their faces.

"not good……"

The two hurried back to defense, but it was a little late after all. The next moment, a huge force hit the bodies of the two of them. The bodies of the two of them were hit hard, and then they were severely hit. The ground fell on this table, and with a bang, the table fell apart.

The guns in their hands also came out and fell aside.

At this moment, the figures of Yu Sheng and Leng Feng appeared. The eagle-eyed man also saw the figures of Yu Sheng and Leng Feng. When he also saw the two figures, the eagle-eyed man's complexion gradually changed. It had to be a little dignified, because he noticed some different auras in Yu Sheng.

And Number One and Number Two quickly got up, they hurriedly looked towards Yu Sheng, and soon they saw Yu Sheng...

After they saw the two of Yu Sheng, their faces were even more angry: "Baga..."

Yu Sheng and Leng Feng appeared here. Obviously, it means that No. 3 and No. 4 have already had an accident. You must know that No. 3 and No. 4 are super masters at the level of kings of soldiers. How could they have an accident? Even if something goes wrong, it can't be so silent, right?

Therefore, both No. 1 and No. 2 are a little annoyed, and their files are almost finished, just a little bit worse. Unexpectedly, things will turn out to be like this.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the guy in front of him, the guy in front of him, is not so simple in strength, and even they are slightly afraid of such strength.


Yu Sheng gave a cold snort, and said faintly: "It's up to you to catch it, or I will do it."


When Yu Sheng's voice fell, No. 1 and No. 2 were furious, and once again moved towards Yu Sheng and Leng Feng like lightning. The speed of the two shots was extremely sharp and domineering.

At this time Leng Feng fought with Number Two, but...when Leng Feng was fighting Number Two, Leng Feng's expression also changed drastically at this moment.

At the beginning, he sneaked on the number two, so he didn't feel any pressure, but...when he really faced the number two, Leng Feng felt a huge pressure.

He was also the King of Soldiers, and he was not an ordinary King of Soldiers. At least he was close to the High-ranking King of Soldiers. However, facing this number two, he had a feeling of being suppressed, and it was still that kind of strong suppression.


The next moment, Leng Feng felt a punch in his chest, which caused Leng Feng to stagger and almost fell to the ground. At this time, Leng Feng felt that he was not facing an ordinary person at all.

"Be careful, this person is in the realm of a half-infantry emperor, wait until I solve this guy to help you."

Yu Sheng sensed the pressure of the cold front, and immediately spoke.

"The Soldier Emperor?"

When Leng Feng heard this name, his expression changed slightly. He was promoted to the King of Soldiers, and he knew more or less about some things. The King of Soldiers was a realm behind the King of Soldiers, which was very terrifying.

Unexpectedly, the guy in front of him turned out to be in the realm of a half-infantry emperor.

For the rest of his life at this time, he was also fighting with Number One, but for the rest of his life he was able to do so. You know, he can kill even black and white impermanence, let alone a mere number one.


At this moment, Number One slammed towards Yu Sheng with a punch. Yu Sheng noticed this scene, and a cruel smile appeared on Yu Sheng's face.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Shenlong, the third form, the Shenlong Jin."

Then Yu Sheng gave a low roar in his heart. The next moment, Yu Sheng's momentum rose steadily, and a terrible breath rippled with it. Then, Yu Sheng also blasted out this punch with a punch~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power is condensed without letting go. From the outside, outsiders can't see the doorway at all. Only by personally feeling it can they feel the terrifying power of this kind of power.

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However, No.1 seemed to be aware of something. For a moment, a little surprise and suspicion appeared on No.1's face...The power of No.1 was a little weaker.


Under the gaze of Number One, the fists of the two people finally met fiercely, and a terrible force burst out at this moment.


Immediately after, No.1 felt a crisp sound coming from his bones, followed by a sharp pain, spreading through his body, which made No.1's face suddenly changed at this moment...

"not good……"


The next moment, Yu Sheng slammed a fist on No.1's chest again, and No.1's body was smashed into the air. At this time, No.1's face was as pale as paper, and the whole person was holding his arms and screaming. Again and again...

After Yu Sheng solved the number one, he jumped to this Leng Feng's side. The next moment, Yu Sheng grabbed the number two's shoulder like lightning, and the number two also noticed, his face suddenly changed, and he wanted to avoid Yu Sheng. This blow, however, has also experienced many battles for the rest of his life. It is so easy to avoid his attack.

For the rest of his life, he changed his tactics and hammered one hand directly to No. 2’s neck. If this was hit, No. 2 would be crippled instantly...

However, No. 2 is a master of the half infantry emperor after all, and it is not so easy to be hit, so No. 2 returned to defense like a lightning, but at this time, Yu Sheng raised his foot and kicked No. 2's lower body fiercely.

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