I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1218: Mighty Andrew

"So strong resilience."

The rest of his life was shocked when he saw this scene.

He had seen Andrew's powerful recovery ability before. This was just a moment's effort. The trauma he caused to Andrew was recovered in the blink of an eye. How could this be possible.

This knife of my own pierced Andrew's right chest, and the wound was not shallow, even the bones were pierced, this guy is still like a okay person, just for a short while Kung Fu recovered, this kind of recovery ability, for the rest of his life, was slightly shocked.

For the rest of his life, he stared at Andrew more solemnly. The guy in front of him was indeed a monster, and what happened to him was a little unexpected.


Andrew was gradually irritated by the rest of his life. At this moment, Andrew became a little irritable, and even he himself was somewhat unable to control his emotions.

Now, Andrew just wants to kill the rest of his life.


Andrew rushed over. Andrew was so fast that he came to Yu Sheng in the blink of an eye. At this time, Andrew was like a beast, roaring towards Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng noticed that his complexion changed drastically and dodged hurriedly.

But Andrew still touched a corner of his clothes.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked down at the corner of his clothes. When Yu Sheng saw the part of his stomach, a blood stain appeared. Yu Sheng couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. That kind of pain? pain.

Andrew stared at Yu Sheng, his eyes bloodthirsty?   With that look, he wanted to swallow the rest of his life.


The rest of his life was also a little irritated by Andrew, and the rest of his life yelled, and his figure moved, and he came to Andrew's face?  Yusheng shot like lightning.

"Boom boom boom..."

The muffled sound kept resounding?  The sound of **** to the flesh, the cold front who heard it?  It was also a little frightened, he had been paying attention to the battle between Andrew and Yu Sheng?  Seeing the battle between the two, he Only then did I know what a super master at the Binghuang level is.

This super master of the Binghuang level has tried?  It is really terrible?  Bingwang and Binghuang are two concepts at all?  There is no comparability between the two.

Even?  Leng Feng feels that if a master of the Soldier King level wants to destroy a five-man king of soldiers?  It only takes a day?  It can be completely destroyed?  Even a master of Soldier King?  I don't even have the ability to resist.

The battle gradually reached a fever pitch.

For the rest of my life and between Andrew?   Fighting for at least ten minutes or so, for these ten minutes, both of them have maintained a high-intensity battle.

Generally speaking?  With the passage of time, this person’s physical strength will gradually decline, but in front of him?   Between the rest of his life and Andrew, their physical strength seems to be never used up?   These two people seem to be It is a humanoid machine.

Andrew is a biochemical person, and his body has undergone a mutation, which is understandable, but... the situation for the rest of his life is somewhat incomprehensible.

At least the rest of your life is an individual, right?

After ten minutes of intense fighting, the rest of my life was not blushing or breathing, as if [ ] had nothing to do.

In this scene, Leng Feng was also a little surprised.

With the fight, Andrew’s injuries gradually increased. Yu Sheng did not fight Andrew, and Yu Sheng had a sharp dagger in his hand. This dagger was made by Fan Tianlei before, and it was made with his stone. It is very sharp.

Therefore, when piercing Andrew's skin, it seemed very relaxed.

Although Andrew’s combat effectiveness is also super strong, the rest of his life is not bad, even Yu Sheng’s combat effectiveness is even stronger than Andrew’s. Delhi's eyes were also extremely red, and there was a low growl from his mouth.

Like a beast.

But these injuries, under Andrew's recovery, only took a while to return to their original appearance, and some serious injuries left a small scar.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene, Yu Sheng also had indescribable fear in his heart.

However, immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's eyes lit up.

"Something's wrong..."

At this time, Yu Sheng seemed to be aware of something, and Yu Sheng suddenly looked at Andrew.

"Hundred-year Golden Wing Roc's blood."

In the next moment, every hair on Andrew's body was clearly seen by the rest of his life. Andrew's hair was all white and looked extremely weird, as if it were albinism.


When Yu Sheng saw Andrew's skin, it made Yu Sheng's eyes bright.

Andrew's skin is obviously different.

Because Andrew's skin looks older, and the cells are not as active as before. After Yu Sheng saw this scene, it seemed that Yu Sheng had thought of something.

"This Andrew's skin is a little different. Could it be that..."

"There is a problem with his blood?"

"No, no..."

Yu Sheng secretly thought, "It shouldn't be a problem with the blood, but a problem with other aspects. If there is a problem with the blood, this guy should have been prepared long ago."


But when Yu Sheng thought about this, Yu Sheng’s eyes lit up. Yu Sheng noticed that Andrew seemed to be getting older and his cells were not as active as before. All of this seemed to be due to Andrew’s wounds. Caused by...

The appearance of this scene also made Yu Sheng suddenly realize.

"Does it mean that Andrew has to pay a certain price if he wants to repair his injuries?"

Thinking of this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the rest of my life, I feel that the more I think about it, the more it is possible. If Andrew can recover his injuries at will, this guy will be an immortal.


If there are any side effects of this gene... then it is reasonable, after all, this world generally does not allow uncontrolled things to appear.

Generally, a balanced principle must be followed.

Obviously, although Andrew has gained powerful power, these things have also brought damage to Andrew himself. If he is causing more and more damage to Andrew, it is very likely that Andrew will not be able to recover his body. Injury.

At that time, Andrew was either killed by genes or killed by himself.

After thinking about these things, Yu Sheng's expression became a little excited, Yu Sheng shouted violently, and rushed towards Andrew again...

At this moment, he already knew how to destroy Andrew...


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