When the two of them came here, Yu Sheng glanced at Chen Shanming and immediately said: "Squad leader, wait a while for our feet to land, so as to maximize cushioning us. Before diving, take a deep breath and hold back. Take your breath so as not to be choked when diving."

"When diving, you should keep your body tight. Don't relax or relax, because it is easy to find that the body is tilted and eventually falls directly flat. Once this happens, it is easy to be shot to death by the water, so remember. "

Yu Sheng quickly talked about some diving skills, Chen Shanming nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"I'll go down first."

Speaking of this, the rest of my life suddenly jumped to the railing on this edge at this time, and then, under these many gazes, Yu Sheng did not hesitate to jump down.

The sudden situation, all the people present were staying here, just the great white shark, whose complexion also changed slightly, and the great white shark hurriedly ran towards the edge.

The height of forty meters is indeed a very high altitude, and it is a challenge for those present, but according to the idea of ​​the great white shark, no one should be able to jump from here, because it requires great courage. So the great white shark also wants to scare the people present.

In fact, great white sharks want them to dive between 23 meters and 28 meters high, and professional athletes can dive 28 meters. Then, as a soldier who dives 30 meters, the problem is not big, not to mention, they have also been Having lived in water for a long time, I have a certain familiarity with water.

However, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming are somewhat different, because the two of them are from the Army. If you say that they understand water, Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming are definitely not as good as the others. The great white shark is just trying to take the opportunity to beat Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming. But I never thought about playing Yu Sheng and Chen Shanming.

Unexpectedly, this kid didn't even say hello, and even jumped straight down without giving him a chance to speak. This shocked the great white shark.

The great white shark hurriedly looked into the sea. At this time, the rest of his life had fallen on the sea level, with a puff, the rest of his life fell into the sea, and the cold water followed, but... the rest of his life was like Not affected in general.

As soon as I got into the sea, I felt like a fish in water for the rest of my life...

"The blood of a century-old Kunpeng sacred beast has jumped over the dragon gate."

For a while, the rest of my life was swimming happily in the sea, as if a fish had encountered the sea, and the sense of joy was beyond words.


When everyone saw that Yu Sheng really jumped down, all the people present shouted in exclamation, they all looked down, and when they saw that there was nothing in Yu Sheng, they were still swimming happily. When swimming, all the people present were sluggish on the spot.

The people present looked straight at the scene in front of them, and they were all dumbfounded.

"He...he actually jumped down?"

"What a joke." Someone took a deep breath and said in shock: "If you jump at this height, even the soldier king may be directly killed. After all, the soldier king is not immortal."

"Yeah... I didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn that he would jump down when he said he jumped. Is this guy still a person?"

"too frightening."

The people present couldn't help but talked a lot, but the great white shark didn't say anything about this, and didn't stop everyone from talking.

However, after the great white shark saw the rest of his life falling into the water, it made the great white shark look bewildered. Unexpectedly, the rest of his life would have nothing to do. It seemed that the rest of his life was still a little cheerful, as if it were The great white sharks are a bit dumbfounded when they encounter something happy.

"This guy, how could it be okay?" It was the great white shark, who was a little confused, and the great white shark did not expect that for the rest of his life, there was nothing wrong with it.

If you switch to other people and jump down, you can say the past if nothing happens. After all, many people who come here are navy, and their water is also very good. As a navy, if you are not familiar with water, that said. Going out, it is estimated that others will be schooled...

However, Yu Sheng is a dignified army and has such a good water level. This is a bit unbelievable. How did this guy do it? How could he have such a good water level? Shouldn't it?

The great white shark stayed for a while.

At this time, Chen Shanming was relieved to see this scene. As long as there is nothing wrong with the rest of his life, he is really afraid that something will happen suddenly in the rest of his life. If something happens in the rest of his life, it will be troublesome. It is estimated that Fan Tianlei can scold him to death.

"Instructor, this place is pretty good. Would you like to come down and swim for a while?"

At this moment, the voice of the rest of my life came from the ocean.

This sound resounded, and for a while, all the people present were stunned. All the people present blinked and looked at the rest of the life below blankly. Everyone was a little dumbfounded~www.wuxiaspot .com~What is this kid talking about? "

"Let the instructor go down and swim together? What is this kidding, what do you want to dare? At this time, dare to provoke the instructor?"

"This kid is really strong enough."

At this time, many people don't know how to describe the rest of their lives. They are the first time they have seen such a tough person.

You and the instructor were arguing, who was the last person who was unlucky?

This must be oneself.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

At this time, after the great white shark heard this sentence, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched fiercely. I don't know why, a bad premonition rose in his heart. He felt that he had more hands. Such a soldier may not be a good thing...

He deeply and vaguely felt that the days to come, I am afraid it will not be easy.

"I said instructor, are you scared? You have let us jump 40 meters, if you don't jump, it's a bit unreasonable..."

"After all, you are an instructor. As an instructor, you can always lead by example? If you don't lead by example, all of us here will be a little unconvinced..."

Yu Sheng's voice came over again. Chen Shanming couldn't help but twitched fiercely. Chen Shanming also glanced at Yu Sheng below with a bit of speechlessness.

He also didn't expect Yu Sheng to be so stubborn, he would start to provoke the great white shark directly from the bottom...Isn't this a fool...Is the great white shark something you can provoke?

But when thinking about how he challenged them for the rest of his life, Chen Shanming felt a little expectant in his heart for a while.

At this time, the great white shark also turned dark. He gave Yu Sheng a straight look. He was almost mad at Yu Sheng...

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