I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1269: Pirate hunter

"No... I found it."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Yu Sheng and the great white sharks were all taken aback. They all looked at the iceberg in a puzzled manner, and for a while did not understand what the iceberg meant.

What does it mean to find it? Now that we have found it, what do you still ask us to do?

For a time, for the rest of my life, I was a little confused.

Bingberg said faintly: "You have seen the ship of the Ghost Legion."

After the words fell, Bingberg looked towards Yu Sheng.

After Bingberg said this sentence, Yu Sheng was visibly taken aback, and Yu Sheng immediately chuckled: "What a joke, I don't know what the Ghost Legion is, how could I have seen it."

Obviously, Bingberg didn't believe Yu Sheng's words, but faintly said: "You have seen... and they also left a mark on you, the mark can't go wrong, you have become the one they will kill."

"Sooner or later they will come to you."

As soon as this statement came out, this made the great white sharks and others look solemn. They all felt that the iceberg was talking about the gods, but they believed that this statement would definitely not be false, because the iceberg, there is no need to lie about it.

Yu Sheng took a deep look at the iceberg.

Just as Bingshan said, he had indeed seen him, and even before, he had killed a person from the Ghost Legion, but it was a pity that that guy was not directly related.

It's just a peripheral member.

For the rest of his life, he said calmly: "You are right, I have indeed seen the Ghost Legion."

At this time, Yu Sheng simply admitted it.

However, when Yu Sheng said these words, this also caused the great white shark's expression to change greatly. The great white shark never expected that Yu Sheng would have seen the ghost army ship...

But how could this be possible? It is reasonable to say that the rest of your life shouldn't have seen the Ghost Legion, but why did you meet the Ghost Legion for the rest of your life?

This shocked the great white sharks.

This ghost legion is a very peculiar legion. They never go ashore. In other words, they are a maritime legion. There is only one way to see such a legion... and that is to see it in the sea.

Could it be that Yu Sheng had seen the Ghost Legion before?

The great white shark kept guessing that the relationship between the rest of his life and the Ghost Legion is, after all, a taboo. As long as in this sea, it is estimated that no one would like to mention the Ghost Legion... The Ghost Legion is really annoying.

"I guess it's correct." Bingshan gave Yu Sheng a faint look, and said calmly: "People from the Ghost Legion will find you soon, and they will kill you."

Yu Sheng heard this and chuckled lightly: "What can you do if you kill me?"

Bingshan said faintly: "I can save you."

"just you?"

Yu Sheng laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, and said indifferently: "The Ghost Legion, I haven't heard of it. They are a top-notch army with extraordinary combat effectiveness. You alone can save me?"

"You fired the two shots just now? Why did you stop me from shooting this person?" Yu Sheng asked again.

Bingshan glanced at Yu Sheng faintly, and said calmly: "He is a member of the Ghost Legion. The things in his hand are what the Ghost Legion people want. You kill him, the Ghost Legion will not let you go. ."

As soon as this remark came out, this made the great white shark and the octopus suddenly realize that they obviously did not expect that these pirates were even related to the Ghost Legion.

Now, the trouble is a bit big.

The great white shark immediately said: "What do you want?"

Bingshan said calmly: "I want to follow you, because sooner or later you will meet the Ghost Legion."

This remark made the great white shark look solemn. The great white shark stared at the iceberg solemnly, with indescribable solemnity. The great white shark said faintly: "We want to return to our base. Our base will not allow it. It’s impossible for an outsider to go in if you want to go in."

Hearing this, Bingshan said faintly: "You don't need to worry about this, I just need to follow him."

Bingshan took a look at Yu Sheng, and it was obvious that the current iceberg was very certain, he would follow Yu Sheng, and as long as he followed Yu Sheng, sooner or later he would meet the Ghost Legion people.

Seeing this for the rest of his life, he said faintly: "Let's go."

Afterwards, the octopus was driving the ship, rushing in one direction quickly. This direction was the direction that several pirates were killed before. They just wanted to get rid of the iceberg, so they didn’t get the pirateman. Things inside.

Since Bingberg is not malicious, then there is no need for him to give up that thing.

After everyone had recovered the three corpses, everyone left here.

For the rest of his life, he looked at him and asked: "Squad leader, instructor, who is this iceberg?"

The words of the rest of his life made the great white shark slightly startled, and said: "Don't you know?"

"do not know."

Yu Sheng shook his head slightly, what a joke, how could he know Bingberg, besides, this is the first time he met, and he is unlikely to know him?

The great white shark glanced at Yu Sheng silently. For a while, the great white shark was a little convinced, and the great white shark didn't know what to say for a while.

You don't know Bingberg, so you dare to talk to Bingberg like this... You are really fearless if you don't know.

"Iceberg should be a pirate hunter." Chen Shanming said slowly from the side: "It is said that the iceberg once was also a member of the Ghost Army, but later I don’t know why, the iceberg got off the ship and also formed hostility with the Ghost Army. , Hunt and kill the people of the Ghost Legion everywhere."

"So, for all these years, the iceberg has been walking on this sea, looking for the whereabouts of the ghost army, and want to hunt down the ghost army people."

Chen Shanming's words made Yu Sheng frowned and said, "What the **** happened? Why did he once belonged to the Ghost Legion, and suddenly turned against the Ghost Legion people?"


The people who used to be the Ghost Legion ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ now have turned against the Ghost Legion people. This is a bit unreasonable. For a while, for the rest of my life, I was a little confused.

"As far as I know, as long as you get on the Ghost Legion ship and want to leave the Ghost Legion, unless you are a dead person, you can't get off the ship at all, right?"

Chen Shanming nodded slightly and said, "You are right. It is basically impossible for anyone who has boarded the Ghost Legion to want to get off the ship..."

"If you really want to talk about it, no one knows what happened between the iceberg and the ghost legion, and now what we are talking about is nothing more than speculation."

"Will this guy be in any danger following us?" Yu Sheng asked again.

"I don't know..." Chen Shanming shook his head and said, "But having him following is definitely not a good sign."

(End of this chapter)

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