I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1271: Successful integration of skills

"The Ghost Legion is a mysterious maritime force. Many people are looking for the Ghost Legion and they are not available." The Dragon King said lightly, "But I want to know."

The words of the Dragon King left the great white shark speechless for a while.

You want to know, there is no need to do this.

However, since the Dragon King made the decision, the great white shark would not disobey the meaning of the Dragon King. The Dragon King can achieve his current position. It can be seen that the Dragon King is not a simple character.

The Dragon King is not a simple person.

"Dragon King, do you have any plans?" the great white shark couldn't help asking.

The Dragon King shook his head faintly, and said, "No."


The great white shark and the octopus were speechless for a while, and they didn’t know what to say for a while. At this time, the dragon king faintly glanced at the great white shark and the octopus, and his expression calmly said: "Tomorrow we have A combat mission."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the great white shark and the octopus were shocked.

"What's the task?"

"We are going to an island on the high seas and looking for something there." Dragon King said lightly: "This time, I will take five people with me."

The words of the Dragon King stunned the great white shark, and immediately said: "Dragon King, what is it that you actually want you to do it yourself?"

Generally speaking, Dragon King seldom takes shots. He didn't expect that Dragon King would actually take shots in person this time. This was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

After all, the identity of the Dragon King is extremely high, as long as he is not required to make a move, the Dragon King will not make a move.

"I don't know." Dragon King said faintly: "But I will know soon."

"Okay, you can go and prepare."

Having said that, Dragon King had a pause, then thought for a while and said, "Let the two people from Langya follow along."


When the great white shark heard the words, he was taken aback and hurriedly said: "Dragon King, is it too hasty to let the two of them follow? After all, they are all special forces from land. They may not be good at fighting on the water. Take them with you. Isn't that great?"

The Dragon King faintly opened his mouth and said: "They are all soldiers, soldiers, and they should be tempered. If they can't stand even this temper, they won't come to be special soldiers."


The great white shark heard the dragon king say so, and the great white shark didn't talk nonsense at all, and immediately responded.

"Okay, go and prepare."



Let's talk about the rest of my life at this time.

Yu Sheng has left the deck and returned to his house. At this time, Chen Shanming was lying on the bed, reading a book, while Yu Sheng saw this situation, he was also lying on the bed, but... he was not reading, but The whole mind is immersed in this system.

After the rest of his life had just entered the system, a burst of sound resounded in his mind.


"The host's skills have been successfully integrated. Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, fusing into the blood of the 10,000-year chaotic beast."

After Yu Sheng heard the news, it made Yu Sheng a little shocked and surprised.

"The blood of Wannian Chaos Divine Beast? I'm afraid it can only be drawn in high-end malls, right? Unexpectedly, it was really unexpected that I had merged eight hundred years of blood into one Wannian Chaos Divine Beast blood. "

For a while, this gave Yu Sheng an unspeakable joy.

Between these centuries and millennia, there is a huge gap. With the improvement of his combat effectiveness, this made him discover that the role of a century’s skills is getting smaller and smaller. Of course, if you encounter some special conditions, you can also play a role. Great effect, but this is obviously not enough.

These thousand-year skills also happened to be just enough for him. For the rest of his life, he didn't know whether there were 100,000 years, or even millions of years, of the blood or genes of the beasts after these 10,000-year skills.

However, the blood of these 10,000-year chaotic beasts was enough for him now.

The expression of the rest of his life was full of joy.

"By the way, the system, what is the difference between the blood of the 10,000-year chaotic beast?" Yu Sheng asked immediately.

"Didi, you need the host to experience it by yourself." A voice came from the system, said.

As the voice uttered, Yu Sheng couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

"Your sister..."

Every time I experience and research on my own, if I really know, I have to ask you...

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and Yu Sheng never expected that he would merge the blood of a 10,000-year chaotic beast, which made Yu Sheng unspeakably relaxed and joyful.

With the blood of this 10,000-year chaotic beast, he has one more life-saving trump card, but he doesn't know how he can develop the first form of the blood of the 10,000-year chaotic beast.

I don't know whether the blood of this 10,000-year chaotic beast has the same three forms.

"System, open the panel..."

"Name: Yu Sheng"

"Age: 22 years old"

"Military Rank: Major"

"Attributes: bones 20, comprehension 20, physique 20, strength 20, speed 20 (ordinary 1

"Military merit: 630 points."

"Skills: world actor-level acting skills, blood of a century-old dragon elephant animal, blood of a century-old golden winged dragon, blood of a century-old western white tiger, blood of a century-old snarling dog, blood of a century-old cannibal willow gene, a gene of a century-old drug addict, blood of a century-old unicorn animal, a century-old six Eared macaque blood, century-old Kunpeng animal blood, century-old Bodhi heart, Millennium Tyrannosaurus blood ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Millennium plum blossom gene, Millennium chameleon blood, Millennium candle dragon animal blood, Millennium cactus gene, Millennium poor strange animal gene, Wan The blood of chaotic beasts. Earth induction shooting, radar warning, earth simulation field, arc shooting, counterfeiting, perception card, ps artifact, hacker skills, advanced data calculation, demining manual, shooting skills, training room, chess master, piano Master, Gun Fighting, Intermediate Medical Skills, Explosives Demolition Manual."

After Zhang Yu saw these things in front of him, this made Yu Sheng's brows frowned. His current military merit was still 630 points, which made Yu Sheng slightly speechless. What can be done with 630 military merit, just draw twice. Gone.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, and immediately focused on this attribute convenience. What made Yu Sheng's brows furrowed was that in terms of this attribute, there were only 20 attribute values.

This is exactly the same as the previous attributes, almost unchanged...what the **** is going on? After all, I have also integrated a Wannian skill... why this attribute value... hasn't been increased?

For a time, for the rest of his life, he was slightly surprised.

In his opinion, this has obtained the Ten Thousand Years skill, at least the attribute value can be mentioned, but now it is good, there is no change...This makes Yu Sheng's complexion a little unnatural.

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