I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1283: The magical underwater world

At that time, even he thought that he was going to finish the game. Unexpectedly, the operation of the matter turned out to be an operation. If one less person came, he would probably be thrown to death alive.

Yu Sheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, but fortunately the Dragon King reacted quickly. If it weren't for the Dragon King's quick response, he would be dead.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath. He glanced at the front, and the front turned into a single stone, but this stone was obviously much larger than the previous stone, at least it could accommodate two people.

Yu Sheng glanced at the stone and then at the Dragon King.

At this time, Yu Sheng said condensedly: "I probably know what's going on."

"If my guess is correct, the current situation should be related to the conservation of magnetic field, that is to say, the conservation of universal gravitation, but I don't know exactly what it involves, but there is one thing."

"When we encounter these two stones, we need to go up together so that we can balance our forces."

"If you stand up alone, problems are prone to occur."

"Dragon King, now we are going to jump on top of that rock together. This rock is big enough to hold two people."

Yu Sheng's words caused the Dragon King to nod slightly, and the Dragon King also apparently found some things. The Dragon King opened his mouth and said, "Okay."

Then Long Wang Ning said: "I will count 123 and jump together."


As the Dragon King's voice fell, immediately, the Dragon King spoke.



At this moment, Yu Sheng stared at the Dragon King, his eyes motionless, as if for fear of missing something, Yu Sheng's expression was tense.



As the Dragon King's voice fell, the next moment, the two people got up almost at the same time, and the next moment, the two of them landed almost at the same time.

And the two stones behind them were not moving. Obviously, there was no problem.

At this time, the rest of his life was also a little relieved. Obviously, he was also right.

"You two come here quickly, as I just said, the problem is not big." Yu Sheng said quickly.

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The great white shark and the octopus quickly jumped to the top of the stone. The thrilling scene just did not happen again, and the group of people quickly walked forward.

After walking for a short while, the group finally saw the ground.

When everyone saw the ground, everyone looked overjoyed.

"Here we are."

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with joy and hurriedly said.


The moment everyone saw the land, they all showed a deep joy.

Soon, the feet of a group of people fell on the ground.

Yu Sheng glanced at the front and said, "Let's go in."

After that, everyone quickly moved forward, and within a short while, the group of people came to another place.

"No way?"

When everyone looked forward, for a moment, the group of people looked dumbfounded again, and the eyes of the group of people showed a little bit of strangeness.

"Isn't it? There's no way to get here? How is this possible?" Octopus changed his face slightly when he saw the scene in front of him.

Obviously, they didn't expect that the matter would end here...

Obviously this is a very nonsense thing...

"do not move."

At this moment, Yu Sheng suddenly spoke.

The words of Yu Sheng made everyone present look startled. Even the Dragon King was stunned on the spot. He didn't move. The Dragon King looked at Yu Sheng in surprise and said: "Could this kid find something? ?"

This time, even the Dragon King felt a lot more relaxed, as if his personal pressure was reduced a lot with the rest of his life.

As if he didn't need to worry about anything.

Because for the rest of his life, he was more cautious than he thought.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Sheng lay down on the ground cautiously. Yu Sheng wiped the ground. When Yu Sheng noticed this, Yu Sheng's expression changed drastically.

"Don't move, don't move."

Yu Sheng hurriedly scolded.

Yu Sheng's words made the Dragon King and the others look slightly condensed, and they all looked at Yu Sheng together.

"It's mica."

Yu Sheng's words changed Longwang's face slightly: "It's not good..."

For an instant, Rao was not moved by the Dragon King.

However, the great white shark and the octopus were full of doubts, and asked inexplicably: "What is mica?"

"Mica is a very thin cloud layer." Yu Sheng said solemnly.

"Very thin?"

In an instant, both the great white shark and the octopus were aware of the point of this sentence, which caused the faces of the great white shark and the octopus to change slightly, and the mood became tense at this moment.

"How thin is it?" the great white shark said quickly.

"Thin to the slightest changes in weight and pressure may cause him to break."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, it made the great white shark and the octopus all look drastically changed. In this moment, they all knew why they shouldn't move for the rest of their lives~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So, there is a hole below? Very likely to be deep? "The octopus couldn't help but swallowed its saliva.


As Yusheng's voice fell, the slight clicking sound continued to resound. Obviously, the weight of the four of them was not small, so this caused the mica to crack.

When Yu Sheng heard this small voice, Yu Sheng's complexion changed abruptly. Yu Sheng hurriedly said: "Be careful, the mica is cracking, all be careful."

The words of the rest of his life made the great white sharks and others a little nervous. For a while, some sweat beads appeared on the foreheads of the great white sharks. Obviously, the great white sharks and the octopus have suffered huge amounts of sweat. pressure.

To say that it is relatively peaceful, I am afraid that there is only the Dragon King.

The Dragon King's expression was indifferent, as if nothing had happened!

After they saw the look of the Dragon King, this made them a lot easier. In many cases, it is very necessary for the leader to remain absolutely calm.

If even the people above are panicked, one can imagine what the people below will be like.


Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng saw that the mica had cracked under his feet. Yu Sheng saw this scene before his eyes, and his face changed greatly.

"Not good... this mica..."

The pupils of the rest of his life also shrank suddenly.


But just when Yu Sheng had just said this, a voice resounded, and with this voice resounding, Yu Sheng's expression also changed drastically.


Immediately afterwards, the four people present, as if an apple fell on the ground, all of a sudden fell from here, because without the support of gravity, even they were powerless.


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