Yu Sheng looked at the situation in front of him, and he was unspeakably solemn, and said: "Dragon King, didn't you say that we only got the news? But why are there so many people here?"

When the Dragon King heard the news, his expression was a little dignified, and the Dragon King said solemnly: "I'm afraid it's not just us who got the news. Others also got the news. If I expected it to be good, it might be someone deliberately. Let the news out, and then lead us to it."

"Catch turtles in the urn?" When Yu Sheng thought of this place, he blurted out.

"not necessarily."

The Dragon King shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "This news from the Heart of the Sea should be true. To catch turtles in the urn, most people don't have such a strong strength, and they may not be able to catch them if they want to."

"People who come here must at least have the strength of the King of Soldiers. In addition to the King of Soldiers, there are Emperors of Soldiers and Saints of Soldiers. These are all masters in the hands."

"If I expected it..."

"The purpose of the people behind leading us here is probably also for the heart of the ocean."

"Along the way, there are a lot of traps. As the saying goes, there is a lot of people and power. The three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang. The manipulator behind this is likely to want us to join forces to break the leftovers here. In the end, they will reap the benefits of the fisherman."

The words of the Dragon King made Yu Sheng nod his head slightly, because Yu Sheng also vaguely guessed something, if it is really the case, it is indeed a trouble.

Because so far, they still don't know who the black hand behind the scenes is, and the true purpose of these people is the Heart of the Ocean or they.

The expression of the rest of his life revealed a little dignity.

"Then what should we do next?" Yu Sheng asked.

"Wait." The Dragon King's eyes flickered, and said: "There are always people who want to break the mechanism here. Let's wait patiently here and see them before talking."

"However, you have to be careful."

The Dragon King continued to speak in a low voice: "The people here are not simple. Many of them are masters and come from various forces. The people behind some people are likely to be local tyrants, or they may be from other countries, or they may be. An organization."

Yu Sheng took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Even the rest of his life never expected that there are so many dangers hidden in this world, and in many cases they are just out of reach.

But it’s right to think about it. Huaxia can say that it is the safest place in the world. If it doesn’t look like other places, something might appear.

For the rest of his life, he was watching the front carefully. At this time, there were many people in front, frowning, as if they were thinking about how to get through the organs here.

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See you for the rest of your life!

There is nothing on the ground in front of this place. Yu Sheng guessed that in all likelihood, it is very likely that there is a black hole under the ground. As for how deep this black hole is, no one knows.

Yu Sheng once again set his sights on another place. Yu Sheng saw that it was full of crossbows. Many of these crossbows were continuous crossbows. At first glance, they looked like ancient objects.

And... not far in front of them, there was a gate, and above the gate, there was a ball or something, which seemed to be used to open the gate.

In addition to these, in this other place, the rest of my life still feels some dangers. What kind of danger these dangers are, the rest of my life will not know.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng couldn't help muttering: "It feels like exploring an ancient tomb. Didn't it mean that the corpses in the ancient tomb are fake."

"Does it really exist?"

The Dragon King heard Yu Sheng's murmur, and the Dragon King casually said: "You're right, those corpses, or something, do exist."

Yu Sheng was surprised by what the Dragon King said. Yu Sheng suddenly looked at the Dragon King. Obviously, Yu Sheng did not expect that the Dragon King would say such a sentence. This surprised Yu Sheng.

"Really exist?"

"Yeah." The Dragon King nodded slightly and said, "Don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. Their wisdom is far greater than we thought, and they are very good at creating. The reason why we feel that the ancients are not Oh, that's just because we are standing on the shoulders of giants, to put it bluntly..."

"It's us standing on the shoulders of ancient people."

"If we really want to create it, it will be very, very difficult."

"New things are not so easy to appear."

The words of the Dragon King made Yu Sheng nod his head slightly. Yu Sheng also took a deep breath. After that, Yu Sheng said, "Should we move forward and take a look?"

The Dragon King nodded slightly and said, "Be careful, there are everyone around here, and be careful that they attack us."


The rest of his life also nodded solemnly.

Everyone has guns on their bodies. It is indeed very troublesome to attack at such a close range~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, it seems that everyone has reached an agreement between them, and no one fired. It seems that they are all thinking about entering the door in front of them.

Yu Sheng approached the distance and came not far from the floor tiles. Yu Sheng looked forward with a solemn expression. Yu Sheng could perceive it. As long as someone enters here, these crossbows will shoot people to death.

More than that, there should be other organs in the surrounding area. As long as they are touched, it will definitely be very tricky, but how can they leave here and enter the back of this gate?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng frowned, and he carefully observed everything around him.

When Yu Sheng saw the ball at the gate, Yu Sheng observed it carefully. Maybe others could not see what was on the ball, but Yu Sheng could see clearly.

For the rest of my life, I saw... on this sphere, there are many patterns. These patterns look like five-star patterns, with fire, water...and gold on it.

This made Yu Sheng slightly surprised. You must know that these five elements are more popular in China, and the Taoists of China have not studied this stuff much.

Does this thing still have anything to do with the inheritance of Chinese Taoism?

The more I think about it, the more it feels wrong for the rest of my life.

For the rest of my life, I continued to observe the surroundings. The surroundings were also covered with patterns. These patterns were lifelike. Although some of the patterns were old and even fell off, they did not affect the observation.

As Yu Sheng observed these patterns, these patterns seemed to be deeply imprinted in Yu Sheng's mind, which made Yu Sheng frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

I don't know why, he always feels these patterns, as if they have some meaning.

But what is the specific meaning, he couldn't tell.

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