Of course, many people are saying that this is actually a member of the Ghost Legion, who has done genetic programming and changed themselves. As for what the situation is, no one knows.

The two took a cautious look, and they carefully observed the surrounding situation. After all, these people are not simple. They are all characters with superior combat effectiveness. This vigilance is naturally extremely high. It is possible if one is not careful. It was discovered by them.

In the middle of the night, it was also the best time for the two to leave. At this time, it was darker to leave, and it was not as easy to find them as expected.

The two waited patiently. The two of them seemed to be sleeping, but in fact, they did not fall asleep, because they all knew that they had to leave here tonight. They got on the thief ship and wanted to leave. It was not so easy. , The longer you stay here, the more difficult it is.

In the middle of the night, the two opened the door cautiously. The two of them took a look and found that there was no one. They both breathed a sigh of relief. However, both of them were extremely careful, and both of them were extremely careful. I was also observing every move around me.

Check to see if there are things like cameras. If there are things like this, they must also be avoided to avoid being discovered by the people here.

The two carefully left the cabin and came to this deck. When the two of them came to the deck, there was a little joy on their faces.


As everyone knows!

Yu Sheng and the every move of the Dragon King were all seen by one person.

This person is none other than Jones.

At this moment, there is a screen in front of Jones. There are two light spots on the screen. These two light spots are also moving, which makes Jones see clearly.

Jones' expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem to be annoyed by it.

At this time, someone said abruptly: "Jones, I'll go get these two guys back."

"Haha." At this time, a person next to him chuckled and said: "These two guys, on the deck, they want to run, but they can't run, unless they plan to jump into the sea, it's just..."

Speaking of this, the man shook his head, and said calmly: "This place is called the terrifying Black Sea. There are endless dangers in it. Jumping into the sea here can be said to be undoubtedly dead."

"Of course...I just jumped into the sea in other places. It's a life of nine deaths. Whether you can live or not depends on luck. Do you think they dare to jump?"

This person is full of self-confidence. He doesn't think Yu Sheng and the Dragon King dared to jump into the sea. If jumping into the sea here, no one knows how great the danger is, but if he jumps in, he will almost certainly die.

As long as they want to live for the rest of their lives, in their opinion, they will never jump into the sea. This is not a wise choice.


But at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look, they have left our ship."

As soon as this statement came out, this made another person's face sinking. This person hurriedly looked at the screen. When this person looked at the screen, his face became more and more ugly. He stared sullenly in front of him. Of this scene.

"Did you really jump into the sea?"

"This is the Black Sea, these two guys are really impatient."

"Yeah... diving into the sea under this kind of sky is almost certainly mortal."

The people present were all talking about it, and everyone was a little bit sorry.

"Shut up." Jones also had a sullen face and stared at the screen with a grim complexion. Jones sternly said: "Go and catch them back. If you can find the Heart of the Ocean, you can bring it back and kill it. them."


Everyone was shocked by Jones's words, and they hurriedly responded.

Afterwards, everyone left the ship one after another.

Jones stared at the screen in front of him with a cold expression and a bit of killing intent. At the beginning, he did not use strong means to **** the rest of his life and the heart of the sea from the dragon king, because he knew that these people all have their own arrogance. Looting is very likely to ruin the Heart of the Sea.

Therefore, Jones is prepared to use a soft way, anyway, it is in his base camp, and it is still on the sea, and they want to escape for the rest of their lives, which is even more idiotic.

Therefore, Jones will not worry about the heart of the ocean. In his opinion, the heart of the ocean will be his sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, these two guys actually dared to jump into the sea, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

But he is not in a hurry, these two guys will be caught by him sooner or later.


Let's talk about the rest of their lives and the Dragon King at this time. After the two jumped into the sea, their faces changed slightly, because they both felt a coolness, which was the coolness of the sea.

The minds of the two are very clear at this moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For the rest of your life, what do you plan to do? "

At this time, the Dragon King suddenly looked towards Yu Sheng and asked in a low voice.

Yu Sheng said that there was a way to escape. So far, the Dragon King didn't know what Yu Sheng's so-called escape method was and how to escape. Therefore, this made the Dragon King extremely puzzled.

Yu Sheng said intently: "Dragon King, at first I planned to dive into the bottom of the sea. No matter how powerful these people are, they are definitely not as deep as I dived. You can use diving to avoid these guys, but..."

"Now, we may be able to change our minds."

"What do you mean?" The Dragon King was taken aback, suddenly looked at Yu Sheng, and didn't understand what Yu Sheng said for a while.

"The sea here is a bit weird. If my guess is correct, this is the Black Sea, and there are many reefs in it. This is fatal to ships."

"Of course, this Black Sea is different from the Black Sea on the land. The reason why this place is called the Black Sea is because it is more dangerous, and it can also be said to be the Sea of ​​Death."

"Now we are walking towards that side, first try, whether their monitoring system can find us, if we can still find us, we will swim down, even if their monitoring system is powerful, it won’t It may be detected in the sea."

For the rest of his life immediately.


The two are not talking nonsense, they just swim in one direction quickly, and the speed of the two is naturally extremely fast. What surprised Yu Sheng most is the Dragon King. I have to say that the Dragon King is really not the usual tough.

As the two of them swam in one direction, at the same time, from this deck, some people came down, some jumped directly into the sea, and a few people took their boats towards the rest of their lives. He followed the direction where he was.

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