Suddenly, the little ghost came to Yu Sheng. When the little ghost came to Yu Sheng, he paid attention to the little ghost's movements for the rest of his life, but...

What made Yu Sheng a little caught off guard was that the moment the little ghost came in front of Yu Sheng, the speed of the little ghost suddenly increased. This speed made Yu Sheng almost unresponsive.

"not good……"

Yu Sheng's figure moved and hurriedly avoided. In the next instant, a dagger glowing with cold light slammed into the place where he had just left the rest of his life.

However, because Yu Sheng dodges faster, this blow did not stab Yu Sheng. This also made Yu Sheng a little relieved. He did not expect this little ghost to be so powerful. At the critical moment, It could burst out so fast, if he hadn't reacted quickly in advance, he would have been killed by this guy a long time ago.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and stared at the little ghost in front of him with scorching eyes.

The little ghosts saw Yu Sheng avoiding their own attacks. Even the little ghosts could not help but be surprised. You know, they are the ghost army living on the sea. In the sea, they have stronger survivability and fighting ability than others. ability.

The attack on his own just now was extremely quick. If he had been killed by some ordinary soldiers, he didn't expect this kid to react so quickly that he avoided his own attack?

This is really interesting.

The little ghost took a faint look at Yu Sheng. Deep in his eyes, there was a little killing intent. In his opinion, Yu Sheng was already a dead person. Their main purpose was for the heart of the ocean. Now Yu Sheng resists, then he also It can only be a killer.

The next moment, the little ghost rushed towards Yu Sheng again.

For the rest of my life at this moment, I am more careful. The little ghost in front of me is probably a master of the soldier saint level. This soldier saint is not a joke. I am just the soldier emperor now. The gap between them is not as easy as you imagined to be a soldier.

Yu Sheng stared coldly at the little ghost in front of him. At this time, he came to Yu Sheng's face. The moment the little ghost came to Yu Sheng, the little ghost stretched out his foot and kicked Yu Sheng.


Everyone knows that in this water, the resistance is extremely great. Although little ghosts often live in the sea and often in the water, it is also true that there is resistance, especially when you kick your legs in battle. Resistance can relieve a lot of your strength. When kicking on a person, it naturally does not hurt when kicking on the ground.

But even so.

For the rest of his life, he still felt a strong wind blowing on him.

Terrible force, if it is kicked on a person, maybe even the bones can be kicked off.

This guy really deserves to be a soldier, even in the ocean, he can burst out such terrible power, but Yu Sheng looked down on this little ghost.

Therefore, this feeling must not be random connection.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng did not take this foot. In fact, if he really insisted on taking the rest of his life, he would not be afraid. His current strength is also very terrifying.

But for some unnecessary troubles, the rest of my life did not make random connections, after all, there are still many masters here.

The rest of his life is like a carp rolling, one roll is to avoid the kick from the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Sheng's feet were suddenly entangled with the little ghost.

This foot is very similar to the deadly scissor foot in a movie, except that this foot is wrapped around the person's body, not the neck.


Yu Sheng yelled Yu Sheng in his heart, and immediately after that, Yu Sheng yelled.

At this time, the little ghost was also aware of this scene. In his anger, he cut a half circle with a knife and stab Yu Sheng fiercely. The light of the knife mixed with the water and light, and it turned out to be a cold light.

This cold light is daunting.


Yu Sheng yelled, and suddenly exerted force on both feet, like a crocodile. This little ghost could not bear such a force, and his body was instantly strangled by Yu Sheng.

For a while, the little ghost was a little dizzy, but...for the rest of his life at this time, he did not let this opportunity go, but came to the little ghost again, and then, the dagger in his hand stabbed fiercely. A little ghost.

All this came so fast, and it was almost astonishing when it reached the little ghost.


With the crisp sound resounding, the next moment, Yu Sheng hurriedly swam back. At this time, the little ghost looked towards Yu Sheng with a bit of shock, full of incredible expressions.


Although they live in the water, but... their own combat effectiveness is still not as good as on this land, but they can't log in. To say that the combat effectiveness in the water is only better than some navies, but It hasn't reached a certain level.

However, I don't know why.

The little ghost suddenly felt The rest of his life in front of him seemed to be extremely familiar with water. What made him even more surprised was that the rest of his life, the degree of flexibility in the water, was no better than some people on land. ,only……

How can this be?

Rao is that they will all be affected by the water in the water, not to mention being a mere warrior. Could it be that this kid has lived in the water since he was a child? However, as long as you are in the water, there is resistance, which will restrict your personal mobility, and the rest of your life in front of you is like a mud loach, slippery and not slippery. For him, it will be difficult to win for a time. .

This made the little ghost a little confused.

In many cases, fighting in the water is beneficial to them, because they are more familiar with water than the opponent, but the current situation makes him a little confused.

It seemed that fighting in the water restricted one's own fighting. For a while, this made the little ghost's expression extremely solemn, and he was also the first time he saw such a strange person.

The little ghost also stared at the rest of his life in angrily. He didn't expect that a fellow at the rank of the emperor would make himself a little embarrassed, which made the little ghost a little angry.

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Their ghost army is not an ordinary army. When did they encounter such a scene.

The little ghost was so angry that he shouted angrily, and plunged into the sea all of a sudden, and then he swung a knife towards Yu Sheng.

This knife is fast and accurate, and it is extremely powerful. What is even more bizarre is that this knife seems to have blocked all the retreats for Yu Sheng. If Yu Sheng wants to avoid it, it will not work...

Such a weird knife made the rest of my life surprised.

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