I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1306: Be hunted down

Since this guy can kill the little ghost, then the strength of this guy is not as simple as imagined, thinking of this, the big ghost, his face is a little gloomy.

Obviously, only the two of them came, which was a bit sloppy. I had known that, so I should bring a few more people over and kill these two guys together.

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The big ghost stared at the Dragon King and Yu Sheng coldly, and said solemnly: "You two, it is impossible to escape from the pursuit of the ghost army. This is the Black Sea. In the Black Sea, you will not survive. If you hand it over Heart of the ocean, I can send you ashore."

Hearing this, Yu Sheng chuckled, and said faintly: "Send us ashore? I'm afraid we can't get off the thief ship."

"Dragon King, we don't need to talk nonsense with them, just kill him." Yu Sheng said immediately.


The Dragon King no longer hesitated, and immediately blasted towards the Great Ghost. The rest of his life at this time would naturally not fall. The rest of his life also swam towards the Great Ghost, and the two of them should have been fighting with the Great Ghost.

as predicted.

Because of the rest of his life, this caused the Great Ghost to retreat steadily. It was not the opponent of two people. For a while, the Great Ghost was under great pressure.


But at this moment, there was a wound on the body of the Great Ghost. This wound was caused by the rest of his life. Blood flowed from the surface of the Great Ghost’s skin. Because the seawater was salty, this caused his wounds. Some pain.

In the sea, if there is a wound, it is very dangerous. First, it may cause inflammation, because there are many toxic substances in the sea. Second, it may attract sharks. If sharks are attracted, they will be affected. Sharks eat them. Although they have superior combat effectiveness, they have to be cautious in the face of sharks.


The Great Ghost looked at his wound, which made the Great Ghost very angry.

I caught up with these two guys, but couldn't take them down.


at the same time.

In the ghost ship, Jones sat on the main seat with a grim expression. At this time, someone couldn't help but said: "Jones, you said, ghosts and ghosts, can you kill those two guys."

Jones looked calm and didn't speak.

"Definitely." Someone said, "No matter how much you say, ghosts and ghosts are all masters of the soldier saint level. If they are powerful, the old one is slightly more powerful. It seems that there is a realm of soldier saints, and the ghosts of the big and small are working together. They will not be opponents."

As soon as he said this, the person said solemnly: "But I don't know why, I always feel that they may not be opponents of the other party."

"You are too worried." The man said with a faint smile upon hearing this.

"The little ghost is dead."

But at this moment, Jones's voice resounded, and as Jones's voice resounded, everyone present was slightly taken aback, and those present were taken aback.

"What's the matter?" Someone reacted and asked hurriedly.

"Little ghost is dead." Jones said faintly: "It should be killed by the other party."

"How is it possible..." the person said, "Little ghost is a master of the soldier saint level, how could he die?"

Jones was also a little surprised. Obviously Mie had expected that the little ghost died unexpectedly. The little ghost is a master of the soldier saint level, and the opponent has only one soldier saint, not to mention this is still in the sea, the fighting power of the little ghost, It is even more different.

Unexpectedly, he died.

Jones knew that those two guys must have done it.

Jones said coldly: "You guys, support, be sure to get the Heart of the Sea, this is our source of motivation."


Jones' voice fell, and the people around him immediately responded.

Subsequently, these people left here one after another.

When these people left, Jones' eyes flashed with a strange light, and he murmured: "The heart of the ocean contains a powerful force. If it can be studied, it will be driven by energy, and I don't know what effect it will bring. "


And for the rest of his life at this time, he and the Dragon King gradually pressed the Great Ghost to fight, leaving a series of wounds on the Great Ghost's body. These wounds also made the Great Ghost a little weak.

For the rest of my life, it was a little surprised that this big ghost was indeed a bit difficult to entangle, compared to the little one, it was much harder to entangle.

"Kill him."

At this time, Yu Sheng's figure moved, like an arrow from the string, and he came to the big ghost almost in the blink of an eye. At this time, Yu Sheng slammed a punch without hesitation.

The Great Ghost noticed something, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly used his arms to resist, but at this moment, the dragon king's punch also blasted over.


The dragon king's punch hit the big ghost's body, which changed the big ghost's face, and then the big ghost's body trembled fiercely.

The big ghost's face was a little hard to look.

But at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the dagger in Yu Sheng's hand flashed with a dazzling cold light, and then, it struck the big ghost's neck fiercely. This sudden situation was also caused by the big ghost. Startled, the Great Ghost was very shocked.


At this moment, the face of the Great Ghost changed drastically. He wanted to avoid it, but found that his whole body had no strength. He wiped his neck with his hand, only to find that there was a lot of thick blood because of the sea water. After washing, in the blink of an eye, what caught his eyes was a red.

"This is... blood... my blood..."

Gradually, the big ghost's eyes lost the color, and his body also lost the support of strength, and slowly sank under the sea.

The Great Ghost didn't expect that one day he would die here.

"Let's go quickly." Yu Sheng saw this and hurriedly said.


The Dragon King didn't talk nonsense, and the two of them swam in one direction quickly, but the rest of their lives at this time suddenly realized that the Dragon King's speed was too slow.

Yu Sheng quickly came to the front of the Dragon King. When Yu Sheng came to the Dragon King's side, Yu Sheng grabbed the Dragon King and said, "Dragon King, I will take you away."

The voice fell, and before the Dragon King could react, for the rest of his life at this time, he swam forward quickly.

This time, the rest of his life swims with all his strength, and his swimming speed is extremely fast...


When the Dragon King at this moment noticed this scene, he was also a little dazed.

"So fast..."

Yu Sheng looked at Yu Sheng in front of him with a shocked look. He was also shocked by Yu Sheng's speed. If he were replaced by himself, he would definitely not swim so fast. Moreover, is this swimming speed? Such a speed, even if it is a swimming champion, I am afraid it is nothing more than that, right?

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