I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1314: Problematic ship

Haitang did not continue to talk to Yu Sheng, but stepped forward and walked in one direction. As Haitang walked in one direction, Yu Sheng thought a little bit at this time.

"What does he mean by this?" The Dragon King walked over again, took a deep look at Haitang, and said.

"I don't know." Yu Sheng said: "However, maybe this place is a bit dangerous."

When the dragon king heard the words, his brows frowned, and he pondered a little. The dragon king was not a simple person, he knew something more or less. Knowing this made the dragon king look slightly condensed.

"It seems that this ship is not as peaceful as we imagined. We want to dock, I'm afraid there is still some trouble." Dragon King said.

"Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover." Yu Sheng smiled and said.

"Dragon King, do you want to enjoy yourself here?" Yu Sheng smiled.

After hearing this, the Dragon King shook his head and said lightly: "Forget this, I'm past that age."

The words of the Dragon King made Yu Sheng slightly speechless.

But the rest of his life didn't say anything.

At this time, Yu Sheng looked at this place, it is worthy of a man's paradise, beauties, wine, and all kinds of gameplay. It can be said that there is everything here, which makes Yu Sheng a little surprised after seeing it.

It's really a way of playing for the rich.

If someone hears this sentence in his heart, he doesn't know what he thinks, it's like saying that you are not rich.

"Let's go over there and take a look." Yu Sheng smiled.


The Dragon King didn’t talk nonsense, and followed Yu Sheng to wore on and wandered around. As the two wandered on the boat, they came to this place unknowingly. This is a lounge. There are almost no people. Most of them do. I've been out to play, so it seems a bit quiet here.

After Yu Sheng and Dragon King arrived here, they glanced at random. At this time, a slight voice resounded, which made Yu Sheng's heart moved.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu's centuries-old six-eared macaque's blood boiled, and then the sound penetrated his ears more clearly. After Yu Sheng heard the sound, Yu Sheng's expression also condensed.

Yu Sheng listened carefully.

"How are you preparing?" one of them said.

"All are ready. Now, the captain here has been controlled by us. We have controlled the ship. The people here can be said to be what we have in our bag." Another person said.

"Well, it's good." The man smiled and nodded, and said flatly: "However, you can't take it lightly. There are many masters in this."

"Chief, don't worry, these are all under our control. What's more, we only ask for money, not for life. After we finish this ticket, we can stop doing it."

"Ah, very good."

The man nodded slightly. This man was wearing glasses and golden hair. He looked about forty or fifty years old, but in this man's eyes, there was a slightly sulky look.

They inquired that there will be a lot of rich people on this ship gathering here, so this makes them very excited, the more rich people, which means that they earn more.

In the past, they did this kind of home-robbing work.

Of course, when they do this kind of thing, they don’t dare to do it in Huaxia. Huaxia is famous for its safety. They can’t run away after doing this kind of thing, because they only dare to do it in these special places. thing.

This time, the ship is on the high seas, so they are even more unscrupulous. Almost no one can control them unless it is the country where the ship is registered.

"Don't rush to do it now, wait for tomorrow to do it." At this time, he said.

"Chief, why do you want to wait for tomorrow to do it again?" At this time, someone asked in a puzzled manner: "How good we do it now, the nights are long and dreamy, and if we do it tomorrow, we may not know what will happen."

The man smiled and said, "As long as we are still on the high seas, no one can do anything about us. We will do it tomorrow to let these rich people enjoy themselves."

Having said that, a smile appeared on this person's face.


With an order, everyone showed cruel smiles on their faces.

"let's go."

Upon seeing this, Yu Sheng and Dragon King retreated from here cautiously and quickly.

After Yu Sheng and the Dragon King left here, the two came to a place. At this time, the Dragon King frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"Something happened." Yu Sheng said solemnly: "Someone wants to rob this ship."

"Such a coincidence?"

When the Dragon King heard this sentence, it made the Dragon King feel shocked. Obviously, the Dragon King did not expect it to be so coincidental.

"Yeah." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.

"It seems that what the woman said is not wrong, there is a problem with this ship." Dragon King said solemnly.

Yu Sheng said: "They plan to do it tomorrow. Let these rich people play for a day today. This ship has gathered a lot of rich people. They just want money."

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The words of the rest of his life made the Dragon King's complexion a little dignified. He did not expect that he had just escaped from the claws of the Ghost Legion and then boarded the thief ship.

This caused the Dragon King to have a slight headache.

"It's a long distance from the land. I am afraid it is impossible to go back. Since they want to rob the house, they must have taken control of the ship. We want to take a small boat to leave, and it is impossible. It can't be too far... it's really a hassle."

At this time, Rao the Dragon King also had a slight headache. Obviously he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing.

When Yu Sheng heard this, he nodded slightly, and said, "It is indeed a bit troublesome. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing, but..."

"They only ask for money. We can find a place to hide. As long as they can't find us, they will be fine." Yu Sheng said.

When the dragon king heard the words, he nodded slightly, and said, “I’m afraid it’s also very difficult. The ship is so big. It’s easy for us two big living people to be spotted by them. I don’t know that they will stay on the ship for a few days. If the time is too long, we are the same Will die of thirst and starve to death."

"One step counts as one step." The Dragon King said.

"Yes." Yu Sheng nodded slightly, responding.

"I'm going to investigate and investigate." Dragon King thought for a while and said.

"Good." Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said.

Then the Dragon King left here.

Yu Sheng glanced around, and this made Yu Sheng's expression a little solemn. He didn't expect this ship to be so dangerous and it was really a big trouble.

Unless the idea is to solve all of these people, but these people may not be as simple as imagined, and it is very difficult to solve them...

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