I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1321: Cleanup task

Yu Sheng and Haitang started to clean the people in the cabin, and in just one hour, some people in the cabin were almost cleaned.

At the same time, Haitang who looked at it was also dumbfounded...Unknown Jueling.

The rest of her life gave her too much shock. She didn't expect it in her dreams. It only took an hour to clean up several floors for the rest of her life, plus the layers cleaned by the Dragon King. Soon, a few of them. All these cabins have been cleaned up.

At such a fast speed, Haitang couldn't help taking a breath.

Haitang took a deep look at Yu Sheng, and the shock that Yu Sheng brought him was too great.

Especially when fighting these people, Haitang was shocked to find that few people could do a trick in Yu Sheng's hands.

With such terrible fighting power, Haitang has always wondered whether Yu Sheng is an individual after all.

"Then there is only the last layer." After the rest of his life and gathered with the Dragon King at this time, the two of them spoke solemnly.

"Not bad." Dragon King nodded slightly, and said in a condensed voice: "However, at this level of the auction, there are several masters. These masters are terrifying in strength. I'm afraid you have to be careful."

Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said, "Yeah."

"However, if we directly enter this floor, I am afraid that it is impossible. According to my calculations, the number of people on this floor is at least 20 or more. After all, there are the most people here." Haitang said in a deep voice. : "If we hit directly like this, we might be wiped out."

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Haitang's words made Yu Sheng nod his head slightly, and Yu Sheng slowly said, "That's good, so we can only get in the thoughts before talking."

"Get in? How do you get in?" Haitang was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a puzzled manner: "How could the enemy let us get in? If we want to get in now, maybe even a fly can't fly in, right?"

"Ha ha……"

Yu Sheng heard this, smiled slightly, and said, "That's not necessarily."

"You guys wait for me."

After that, Yu Sheng turned around and walked towards a place. After two people couldn't see him, Yu Sheng had a heartbeat: "PS magic."

As Yu Sheng's heart moved, Yu Sheng's face began to change quietly, almost in the blink of an eye, he changed his face.

Yu Sheng looked at his face with satisfaction, and then, stepping forward, walked towards Haitang and Dragon King. Before leaving, Yu Sheng was still on one of them, stripped of his clothes.

Yu Sheng came to the front of Dragon King and Haitang, which shocked both Dragon King and Haitang.

"not good……"

The two thought that they had encountered an enemy, and the two shot immediately.

"Don't do it."

But at this moment, Yu Sheng's voice resounded, and the Dragon King and Begonia were shocked, and they all looked towards Yu Sheng.

"No, your voice..."

"I am Yu Sheng." Yu Sheng said.

"The rest of my life?"

After hearing the name Yu Sheng, Dragon King's eyes widened and said: "But this face of yours..."

"It's made up." Yu Sheng said slowly.


When the Dragon King heard these words, the Dragon King couldn't help taking a breath. The Dragon King gave Yu Sheng a shocked look. He didn't expect that Yu Sheng's makeup skills would be so awesome?

How can this be?

"But your... this face..." Haitang couldn't help but said, "Isn't it the face of McDonald's."


Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said: "If you want to get inside, only I can go in by disguising myself like this. I will grab you two and walk in. Then you two will act by chance."

Yu Sheng's words made Dragon King and Haitang suddenly realize. In an instant, both of them understood. Obviously... Yu Sheng planned to bring them both inside.


This approach for the rest of my life is very feasible.


The Dragon King immediately opened his mouth and said: "If this is the case, we can also avoid being stunned by the grass."


The people present nodded one after another, saying: "By then we will get in and act by chance."

"That's it."

Haitang took a deep look at Yu Sheng, not knowing why, she always felt that Yu Sheng was particularly mysterious, let alone her, even Fan Tianlei felt that Yu Sheng was extremely mysterious, even Fan Tianlei was shocked.

Not to mention Begonia.

"let's go."

Yu Sheng led Haitang and the Dragon King to the auction. At this time, Yu Sheng **** the Dragon King and Haitang. The purpose of this was to reassure the McDonald’s people, and...

He **** the Dragon King, not really tied up, but as long as the two of them are willing, the two of them can break free at any time.

This is also intentional by Yu Sheng.

If the two of them were really tied up, it wouldn't be good if something happened.

Yu Sheng grabbed two people and walked in towards the auction. As the three people just entered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there were several guns aimed at Yu Sheng, Dragon King and others.

With so many guns aiming at them, even Haitang was slightly worried.

Haitang glanced at the muzzles in front of her. These cold muzzles gave her a very cold feeling.

As long as these people shoot, they will be beaten into a sieve in an instant.

"My own person." Someone said at this moment.

As these words were uttered, these talents took off their guns. At this time, someone looked at Yu Sheng and said, "Why did you get two people back?"

"I caught these two people. Now they are still patrolling and chasing other people. I will first catch these two people here and take care of them." Yu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly.


The man nodded slightly, pointed his gun at the Dragon King and Haitang, and scolded: "You two, go over there."

The Dragon King and Haitang walked over there, their expressions looked a little flustered, but this was all deliberately expressed by them themselves, if some flaws were seen by the enemy, it would be bad.

"Where is the leader?" Yu Sheng said at this moment.

"Over there, gambling money." The man pointed over there and said.


Yu Sheng heard this, slightly surprised.

"There is a great kid over there. Our leader has lost ten games in a row, but he didn't win a single one."


Yu Sheng couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.


"I'll take a look." Yu Sheng said.

"Yeah." This person didn't refuse. Yu Sheng walked towards McDonald's side. At this time, there was indeed a man who was betting against McDonald's...

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