I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1326: The man who opened the hang

"not enough?"

Yu Sheng noticed that his brows were frowned, and he didn't expect that his blow would not defeat McDonald. This was Yu Sheng, and he was slightly surprised.

Yu Sheng glanced at McDonald deeply, his eyes narrowed and he gave a sneer.


The rest of his life yelled, his figure moved, and he came to this McDonald's side almost in the blink of an eye. McDonald's expression was shocked when he noticed it.

"not good……"

McDonald had already sensed the killing intent on Yu Sheng, and he knew that Yu Sheng wanted to kill him.

"Second-level form, Tiger Leopard Leiyin."

As Yu Sheng's voice fell, the dagger in Yu Sheng's hand pierced McDonald's fiercely in the next instant. When Yu Sheng's right-hand dagger pierced McDonald, the dagger had a harsh sound. Toru, it seemed to be the sound of rubbing against the air.

In such a weird scene, it was McDonald who looked shocked.


The next moment, McDonald held the knife horizontally in front of him, and Yu Sheng's dagger collided fiercely with McDonald's knife, wiping out a pleasant golden ge.

The dagger collided with the knife, and McDonald's knife couldn't withstand such a force. The McDonald's knife cracked for the rest of his life, and at this moment, it broke.

The sudden situation, Rao McDonald's face was horrified.

"How can it be……"

His dagger was specially crafted. The materials used in it were all alloy materials. It was very precious. I never expected that his knife would be cut off just by a collision like this.

Such a weird scene made McDonald's breathless breath.


But at the same time that McDonald was shocked, suddenly there was a sound that resembled a tiger, not a tiger, or a leopard or leopard, resounding like a fist rubbing against the air.

This fist rubbed against the air, and even thunder sound...

Such a weird scene caused McDonald's face to suddenly change. When he noticed it, McDonald had already discovered that the punch had already hit his chest.


Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, McDonald's body suddenly stopped, and then, under McDonald's horrified eyes, McDonald's body actually flew.

McDonald's body flew into this high altitude. McDonald wanted to flip his body, and in a moment, McDonald's body fell fiercely on the ground.

"Kang Dang..."

With a dull sound resounding, McDonald's body fell to the ground fiercely, and McDonald's was smashed to pieces, and McDonald's could no longer help but spit out a mouthful of blood.


McDonald looked at Yu Sheng with some surprise. At this moment, McDonald was completely shocked by Yu Sheng.

McDonald's face was full of disbelief.

"How is it possible... Tiger Leopard Leiyin..."

McDonald stared at Yu Sheng in astonishment, and his eyes were thick with disbelief. McDonald stared at Yu Sheng in front of him, and couldn't help taking a breath.

McDonald affected the wound and couldn't help coughing again.

McDonald stared at the rest of his life.


Yu Sheng heard the words, looked at McDonald with a calm expression, and said flatly: "What are you?"


McDonald stared at Yu Sheng with a gloomy face. The punch just after the rest of life caused him to suffer severe injuries. He never expected that Yu Sheng would be so strong.

Even this punch had the effect of tiger and leopard thunder...

This tiger and leopard Leiyin is not just for fun, this punch has produced this effect, and it proves that the power of this punch is also extremely tyrannical.


McDonald yelled, and his body jumped up. At this moment, McDonald was also cruel. He knew that if he didn't kill the rest of his life, he wouldn't want to leave here today. This guy clearly looks Only the realm of Binghuang, but I didn't expect it.

After devouring the genetic potion, he is still not the opponent of this guy, this guy is really an out-and-out evildoer...

Following the violent shout of McDonald, McDonald rushed towards Yu Sheng. At this moment, McDonald let go of his hands and feet, and released all the strength of his body. Obviously, McDonald This is going to give it a go.

Yu Sheng glanced at the McDonald in front of him, and a faint arc formed between the corners of his mouth. Yu Sheng did not retreat because of this. On the contrary, Yu Sheng still faced the McDonald in front of him in the most positive posture.

"Good job..."

Yu Sheng sneered.

The next moment, in Yu Sheng's body, the blood also boiled, and Yu Sheng's skin was flushed.


Suddenly, Yu Sheng couldn't help but yell, and along with Yu Sheng’s yell, McDonald was also shocked, because Yu Sheng’s yell did not sound like a human yelling at all. , On the contrary, it is more like the sound of beast roar...

But why did Yu Sheng suddenly burst into such a voice?


Invisible, behind Yu Sheng’s ass, there is actually a tail slowly growing out...Of course~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This tail is invisible and colorless, invisible and intangible, as if it was born out of nothing. No one else can see this tail, and only for the rest of his life, he can detect it.

Even if other people touch it, they probably won't be able to touch something.

Because of this invisible and colorless tail, only Yu Sheng himself can feel it, even Yu Sheng himself can't touch it.

Such a weird scene, this is very surprising for the rest of my life.

For the rest of my life, I never expected that I would become like this.


Then the rest of his life roared again.

"The blood of ten thousand years chaotic beast, first form, chaotic tail..."

Along with Yu Sheng's low roar, in the next instant, a light flashed across Yu Sheng's eyes, and then Yu Sheng slammed towards McDonald with a punch.


The next moment, McDonald's fist hit Yu Sheng's body fiercely, but... Yu Sheng's body didn't even move. On the other hand, McDonald's face suddenly changed.

Because he was shocked to discover that when his punching force hit Yu Sheng, this force was actually fed back to him abruptly, which caused his arm to be unable to withstand such force and was directly shocked back.

His arms were all numb for a moment...


The next scene made McDonald's eyes widened.

Because under McDonald’s eyes, Yu Sheng’s fist hit his chest fiercely...

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McDonald's pupils also dilated at this moment.

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