I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 1342: join in

The first thousand and forty-two chapters of the text are added

Liu Hanxing believes that Yu Sheng will never hold this kind of goods, or that he will configure this kind of goods to play here... Since he has come here, he must have a purpose.

Money... this is only second.

Because it will be equipped with goods, there is absolutely no shortage of money.

Liu Hanxing is very puzzled. If you know that Kunsha has four major generals, why did the rest of his life find himself?

After Yu Sheng heard this, he looked at Liu Hanxing in front of him with a smile, and said faintly: "I want to know Kunsha."


After Liu Hanxing heard these words, his expression was slightly condensed. I don't know why, Liu Hanxing always felt that the rest of his life had a big plan. What on earth did this guy want to do?


Does this guy want to kill Kunsha? So what is the purpose of killing?

For a while, Liu Hanxing also became contemplative. Rao Liu Hanxing didn't know what Yu Sheng was thinking, but Liu Hanxing was on guard against Yu Sheng.


Liu Hanxing said.

"Ha ha."

Upon hearing this, Yu Sheng laughed blankly, and said faintly: "Because he controls 80% of the goods."


"Do you feel that if I stay with you, can you keep me?"

The words of the rest of his life made Liu Hanxing feel in a daze.


As Yu Sheng said here, even if the rest of his life stays with him, it is impossible to save the rest of his life.

Because he knew very well that if the goods allocated by Yu Sheng were sold, then... it would inevitably cause a fire, and the source of the goods came from him, and Kun Sha would definitely ask him at that time.

If you don’t say it, Kun Sha will definitely kill him. You know, Kun Sha’s hands, but there are 6,000 underlings, this is a very impressive number, not to mention...

Kunsha still has a lot of weapons in his hand. When these six thousand people are pressed up, they can crush people to death.

Not so.

It would be better to send the rest of his life to him directly. In this way, it can be regarded as a great achievement for him. At that time, this source of goods may be tilted towards him. After all, Kunsha has four major generals, all of them are Kunsha. Right-hand man, he is just one of them.

Moreover, whoever Kunsha wants to be a right-hand man is the right-hand man. The right is given by Kunsha, and Kunsha can naturally take it back.

If by that time I allocate more shares to my hands, then I can overpower others, not to mention that it is still such a high-purity product.

At this moment, one thought after another passed through Liu Hanxing's brain.

These are all fleeting.

I have to say that Liu Hanxing is not a simple character, so much can be analyzed in just a moment.


What worries Liu Hanxing most is Yu Sheng's loyalty issue. He does not know the origin of Yu Sheng so far. It is not as easy as he imagined to find out the origin of Yu Sheng.

As for the kind on TV, you can find out by just checking it up. They are all official. In real life, you want to know the origin of this person. Where is it so easy, can't you just look around? That's a mess.

A waste of time, a waste of energy.

"If this is the case, let him stay here for a while, carefully observe and observe."

Thinking of Liu Hanxing here, he made a decision in an instant.

Liu Hanxing laughed and said with a smile: "You are right. If you really know how to make such a product, then it is really not that easy to keep you."


"I want to see how you configured it now."

Yu Sheng laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words, and then faintly said: "This is okay, as long as you find me a studio and get all the things I want, I can start configuring."

"It's just that the equipment I want is probably a bit difficult to handle."

Liu Hanxing heard the words and said with a smile: "You can rest assured that since we are in this business, we naturally have special equipment, even if we don't have it, we can easily buy it in the hands of other people."

"As long as you say it."

After Yu Sheng heard Liu Hanxing's words, Yu Sheng nodded slightly and said lightly: "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome."

"I don't know if there is a pen and paper?"


As soon as Liu Hanxing waved his hand, someone quickly brought a pen and paper. Yu Sheng took the pen and paper and quickly started writing on the paper, without knowing what Yu Sheng had written.

After Yu Sheng finished writing, he put the things in this person's hands. This person didn't talk nonsense. He took the things and came to Liu Hanxing. Liu Hanxing took the paper and looked at the things written on it. When Liu Hanxing saw what was on the paper After the content, Liu Hanxing frowned.

It’s really not that easy to buy the abbreviated items for Yu Sheng. Liu Hanxing was also a little surprised. This kid actually needs such things?

But in general, they do use all of these things.

Liu Hanxing handed the paper to the people around him and motioned to the people around him to put it away. Liu Hanxing stood up and said with a smile: "Seeing this, then I wish us a happy cooperation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Sheng Wenyan, Wei Wei With a smile, he didn't say anything more.

At this time, Liu Hanxing said: "For these new friends who have joined us, find a room for them to rest."


As Liu Hanxing's voice fell, even one person quickly stood up and led the rest of their lives away from here.

After Yu Sheng and the Dragon King left, the sweaty Heizi breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Sheng and the Dragon King were standing here, and his pressure was really great. In case Yu Sheng and the Dragon King suddenly act. In the end, he also had to follow the bad luck, but fortunately nothing happened.

At this time, Liu Hanxing suddenly looked at Heizi and said in a condensed voice, "Heizi, do you know who they are?"

"Boss, I don't actually know." Heizi hurriedly said, "They came to me on the initiative. I don't know exactly what my identity is. It's because he will make better products, so I put He brought to see you."

Liu Hanxing frowned and started thinking.

At this time, An Ran was also in contemplation. No matter how An Ran hadn't expected that the rest of his life would appear in such a place, it was a bit surprised for An Ran.

where is this place? This is a den of thieves.

The reason why she came here was also because she received a mission, if she could, she could approach Kunsha, because...this is related to a ship incident.


On the other side of the Mekong River, in the waters of the so-called Lanxi Island, several merchant ships have had an accident here, and the people on it can be said to have never survived.

In order to investigate this matter, An Ran was sent here as an undercover agent.

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